This discribes how to debug the buildprocess docker-compose.yml ``` version: "3" services: app: image: powerdns/custom container_name: powerdns restart: always build: context: git dockerfile: docker/Dockerfile network_mode: "host" logging: driver: json-file options: max-size: 50m environment: - BIND_ADDRESS= - SECRET_KEY='VerySecret' - SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI=mysql://pdnsadminuser:password@ - GUNICORN_TIMEOUT=60 - GUNICORN_WORKERS=2 - GUNICORN_LOGLEVEL=DEBUG - OFFLINE_MODE=False - CSRF_COOKIE_SECURE=False ``` Create a git folder in the location of the `docker-compose.yml` and clone the repo into it ``` mkdir git cd git git clone . ``` In case you are behind an SSL Filter like me, you can add the following to each stage of the `git/docker/Dockerfile` This installs the command `update-ca-certificates` from the alpine repo and adds an ssl cert to the trust chain, make sure you are getting the right version in case the base image version changes ``` RUN mkdir /tmp-pkg && cd /tmp-pkg && wget && apk add --allow-untrusted --no-network --no-cache /tmp-pkg/ca-certificates-20220614-r4.apk || true RUN rm -rf /tmp/pkg COPY MyCustomCerts.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/MyCustomCerts.crt RUN update-ca-certificates COPY pip.conf /etc/pip.conf ``` `MyCustomCerts.crt` and `pip.conf` have to be placed inside the `git` folder. The content of `pip.conf` is: ``` [global] cert = /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/MyCustomCerts.crt ``` For easier debugging you can change the `CMD` of the `Dockerfile` to `CMD ["tail","-f", "/dev/null"]` though I expect you to be fluent in Docker in case you wish to debug