{% extends "base.html" %} {% block title %}DNS Control Panel - Domain Management{% endblock %} {% block dashboard_stat %}

Manage domain {{ domain.name }}

{% endblock %} {% block content %}

Domain Access Control

Users on the right have access to manage the records in the {{ domain.name }} domain.

Click on users to move from between columns.

Users in red are Administrators and already have access to ALL domains.

DynDNS 2 Settings

 Allow on-demand creation of records via DynDNS updates?

Domain Deletion

This function is used to remove a domain from PowerDNS-Admin AND PowerDNS. All records and user privileges which associated to this domain will also be removed. This change cannot be reverted.

{% endblock %} {% block extrascripts %} {% endblock %} {% block modals %} {% endblock %}