import os import re import json import traceback import datetime import ipaddress import base64 import string from zxcvbn import zxcvbn from distutils.util import strtobool from yaml import Loader, load from flask import Blueprint, render_template, make_response, url_for, current_app, g, session, request, redirect, abort from flask_login import login_user, logout_user, login_required, current_user from .base import captcha, csrf, login_manager from ..lib import utils from ..decorators import dyndns_login_required from ..models.base import db from ..models.user import User, Anonymous from ..models.role import Role from ..models.account import Account from ..models.account_user import AccountUser from ..models.domain import Domain from ..models.domain_user import DomainUser from ..models.domain_setting import DomainSetting from ..models.record import Record from ..models.setting import Setting from ..models.history import History from import google_oauth from import github_oauth from import azure_oauth from import oidc_oauth from import SAML from import confirm_token from import send_account_verification google = None github = None azure = None oidc = None saml = None index_bp = Blueprint('index', __name__, template_folder='templates', url_prefix='/') @index_bp.before_app_first_request def register_modules(): global google global github global azure global oidc global saml google = google_oauth() github = github_oauth() azure = azure_oauth() oidc = oidc_oauth() saml = SAML() @index_bp.before_request def before_request(): # Check if user is anonymous g.user = current_user login_manager.anonymous_user = Anonymous # Check site is in maintenance mode maintenance = Setting().get('maintenance') if maintenance and current_user.is_authenticated and not in [ 'Administrator', 'Operator' ]: return render_template('maintenance.html') # Manage session timeout session.permanent = True current_app.permanent_session_lifetime = datetime.timedelta( minutes=int(Setting().get('session_timeout'))) session.modified = True @index_bp.route('/', methods=['GET']) @login_required def index(): return redirect(url_for('dashboard.dashboard')) @index_bp.route('/ping', methods=['GET']) def ping(): return make_response('ok') @index_bp.route('/google/login') def google_login(): if not Setting().get('google_oauth_enabled') or google is None: current_app.logger.error( 'Google OAuth is disabled or you have not yet reloaded the pda application after enabling.' ) abort(400) else: use_ssl = current_app.config.get('SERVER_EXTERNAL_SSL') params = {'_external': True} if isinstance(use_ssl, bool): params['_scheme'] = 'https' if use_ssl else 'http' redirect_uri = url_for('google_authorized', **params) return google.authorize_redirect(redirect_uri) @index_bp.route('/github/login') def github_login(): if not Setting().get('github_oauth_enabled') or github is None: current_app.logger.error( 'Github OAuth is disabled or you have not yet reloaded the pda application after enabling.' ) abort(400) else: use_ssl = current_app.config.get('SERVER_EXTERNAL_SSL') params = {'_external': True} if isinstance(use_ssl, bool): params['_scheme'] = 'https' if use_ssl else 'http' redirect_uri = url_for('github_authorized', **params) return github.authorize_redirect(redirect_uri) @index_bp.route('/azure/login') def azure_login(): if not Setting().get('azure_oauth_enabled') or azure is None: current_app.logger.error( 'Microsoft OAuth is disabled or you have not yet reloaded the pda application after enabling.' ) abort(400) else: use_ssl = current_app.config.get('SERVER_EXTERNAL_SSL') params = {'_external': True} if isinstance(use_ssl, bool): params['_scheme'] = 'https' if use_ssl else 'http' redirect_uri = url_for('azure_authorized', **params) return azure.authorize_redirect(redirect_uri) @index_bp.route('/oidc/login') def oidc_login(): if not Setting().get('oidc_oauth_enabled') or oidc is None: current_app.logger.error( 'OIDC OAuth is disabled or you have not yet reloaded the pda application after enabling.' ) abort(400) else: use_ssl = current_app.config.get('SERVER_EXTERNAL_SSL') params = {'_external': True} if isinstance(use_ssl, bool): params['_scheme'] = 'https' if use_ssl else 'http' redirect_uri = url_for('oidc_authorized', **params) return oidc.authorize_redirect(redirect_uri) @index_bp.route('/login', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def login(): SAML_ENABLED = current_app.config.get('SAML_ENABLED', False) if g.user is not None and current_user.is_authenticated: return redirect(url_for('dashboard.dashboard')) if 'google_token' in session: user_data = json.loads(google.get('userinfo').text) google_first_name = user_data['given_name'] google_last_name = user_data['family_name'] google_email = user_data['email'] user = User.query.filter_by(username=google_email).first() if user is None: user = User.query.filter_by(email=google_email).first() if not user: user = User(username=google_email, firstname=google_first_name, lastname=google_last_name, plain_text_password=None, email=google_email) result = user.create_local_user() if not result['status']: session.pop('google_token', None) return redirect(url_for('index.login')) session['user_id'] = session['authentication_type'] = 'OAuth' return authenticate_user(user, 'Google OAuth') if 'github_token' in session: user_data = json.loads(github.get('user').text) github_username = user_data['login'] github_first_name = user_data['name'] github_last_name = '' github_email = user_data['email'] # If the user's full name from GitHub contains at least two words, use the first word as the first name and # the rest as the last name. github_name_parts = github_first_name.split(' ') if len(github_name_parts) > 1: github_first_name = github_name_parts[0] github_last_name = ' '.join(github_name_parts[1:]) user = User.query.filter_by(username=github_username).first() if user is None: user = User.query.filter_by(email=github_email).first() if not user: user = User(username=github_username, plain_text_password=None, firstname=github_first_name, lastname=github_last_name, email=github_email) result = user.create_local_user() if not result['status']: session.pop('github_token', None) return redirect(url_for('index.login')) session['user_id'] = session['authentication_type'] = 'OAuth' return authenticate_user(user, 'Github OAuth') if 'azure_token' in session: azure_info = azure.get('me?$select=displayName,givenName,id,mail,surname,userPrincipalName').text'Azure login returned: ' + azure_info) user_data = json.loads(azure_info) azure_info ='me/getMemberGroups', json={'securityEnabledOnly': False}).text'Azure groups returned: ' + azure_info) grouplookup = json.loads(azure_info) # Groups are in mygroups['value'] which is an array if "value" in grouplookup: mygroups = grouplookup["value"] else: mygroups = [] azure_username = user_data["userPrincipalName"] azure_first_name = user_data["givenName"] azure_last_name = user_data["surname"] if "mail" in user_data: azure_email = user_data["mail"] else: azure_email = "" if not azure_email: azure_email = user_data["userPrincipalName"] # Handle foreign principals such as guest users azure_email = re.sub(r"#.*$", "", azure_email) azure_username = re.sub(r"#.*$", "", azure_username) user = User.query.filter_by(username=azure_username).first() if not user: user = User(username=azure_username, plain_text_password=None, firstname=azure_first_name, lastname=azure_last_name, email=azure_email) result = user.create_local_user() if not result['status']: current_app.logger.warning('Unable to create ' + azure_username) session.pop('azure_token', None) # note: a redirect to login results in an endless loop, so render the login page instead return render_template('login.html', saml_enabled=SAML_ENABLED, error=('User ' + azure_username + ' cannot be created.')) session['user_id'] = session['authentication_type'] = 'OAuth' # Handle group memberships, if defined if Setting().get('azure_sg_enabled'): if Setting().get('azure_admin_group') in mygroups:'Setting role for user ' + azure_username + ' to Administrator due to group membership') user.set_role("Administrator") else: if Setting().get('azure_operator_group') in mygroups:'Setting role for user ' + azure_username + ' to Operator due to group membership') user.set_role("Operator") else: if Setting().get('azure_user_group') in mygroups:'Setting role for user ' + azure_username + ' to User due to group membership') user.set_role("User") else: current_app.logger.warning('User ' + azure_username + ' has no relevant group memberships') session.pop('azure_token', None) return render_template('login.html', saml_enabled=SAML_ENABLED, error=('User ' + azure_username + ' is not in any authorised groups.')) # Handle account/group creation, if enabled if Setting().get('azure_group_accounts_enabled') and mygroups:'Azure group account sync enabled') name_value = Setting().get('azure_group_accounts_name') description_value = Setting().get('azure_group_accounts_description') select_values = name_value if description_value != '': select_values += ',' + description_value mygroups = get_azure_groups( 'me/memberOf/$count=false&$securityEnabled=true&$select={}'.format(select_values)) description_pattern = Setting().get('azure_group_accounts_description_re') pattern = Setting().get('azure_group_accounts_name_re') # Loop through users security groups for azure_group in mygroups: if name_value in azure_group: group_name = azure_group[name_value] group_description = '' if description_value in azure_group: group_description = azure_group[description_value] # Do regex search if enabled for group description if description_pattern != '':'Matching group description {} against regex {}'.format( group_description, description_pattern)) matches = re.match( description_pattern, group_description) if matches: 'Group {} matched regexp'.format(group_description)) group_description = else: # Regexp didn't match, continue to next iteration continue # Do regex search if enabled for group name if pattern != '': 'Matching group name {} against regex {}'.format(group_name, pattern)) matches = re.match(pattern, group_name) if matches: 'Group {} matched regexp'.format(group_name)) group_name = else: # Regexp didn't match, continue to next iteration continue account = Account() sanitized_group_name = Account.sanitize_name(group_name) account_id = account.get_id_by_name(account_name=sanitized_group_name) if account_id: account = Account.query.get(account_id) # check if user has permissions account_users = account.get_user()'Group: {} Users: {}'.format( group_name, account_users)) if in account_users:'User id {} is already in account {}'.format(, group_name)) else: account.add_user(user) history = History(msg='Update account {0}'.format(, created_by='System') history.add()'User {} added to Account {}'.format( user.username, else: account = Account( name=sanitized_group_name, description=group_description, contact='', mail='' ) account.create_account() history = History(msg='Create account {0}'.format(, created_by='System') history.add() account.add_user(user) history = History(msg='Update account {0}'.format(, created_by='System') history.add() current_app.logger.warning('group info: {} '.format(account_id)) return authenticate_user(user, 'Azure OAuth') if 'oidc_token' in session: user_data = json.loads(oidc.get('userinfo').text) oidc_username = user_data[Setting().get('oidc_oauth_username')] oidc_first_name = user_data[Setting().get('oidc_oauth_firstname')] oidc_last_name = user_data[Setting().get('oidc_oauth_last_name')] oidc_email = user_data[Setting().get('oidc_oauth_email')] user = User.query.filter_by(username=oidc_username).first() if not user: user = User(username=oidc_username, plain_text_password=None, firstname=oidc_first_name, lastname=oidc_last_name, email=oidc_email) result = user.create_local_user() else: user.firstname = oidc_first_name user.lastname = oidc_last_name = oidc_email user.plain_text_password = None result = user.update_local_user() if not result['status']: session.pop('oidc_token', None) return redirect(url_for('index.login')) # This checks if the account_name_property and account_description property were included in settings. if Setting().get('oidc_oauth_account_name_property') and Setting().get( 'oidc_oauth_account_description_property'): # Gets the name_property and description_property. name_prop = Setting().get('oidc_oauth_account_name_property') desc_prop = Setting().get('oidc_oauth_account_description_property') account_to_add = [] # If the name_property and desc_property exist in me (A variable that contains all the userinfo from the # IdP). if name_prop in user_data and desc_prop in user_data: accounts_name_prop = [user_data[name_prop]] if type(user_data[name_prop]) is not list else user_data[name_prop] accounts_desc_prop = [user_data[desc_prop]] if type(user_data[desc_prop]) is not list else user_data[desc_prop] # Run on all groups the user is in by the index num. for i in range(len(accounts_name_prop)): description = '' if i < len(accounts_desc_prop): description = accounts_desc_prop[i] account = handle_account(accounts_name_prop[i], description) account_to_add.append(account) user_accounts = user.get_accounts() # Add accounts for account in account_to_add: if account not in user_accounts: account.add_user(user) # Remove accounts if the setting is enabled if Setting().get('delete_sso_accounts'): for account in user_accounts: if account not in account_to_add: account.remove_user(user) session['user_id'] = session['authentication_type'] = 'OAuth' return authenticate_user(user, 'OIDC OAuth') if request.method == 'GET': return render_template('login.html', saml_enabled=SAML_ENABLED) elif request.method == 'POST': # process Local-DB authentication username = request.form['username'] password = request.form['password'] otp_token = request.form.get('otptoken') auth_method = request.form.get('auth_method', 'LOCAL') session[ 'authentication_type'] = 'LDAP' if auth_method != 'LOCAL' else 'LOCAL' remember_me = True if 'remember' in request.form else False if auth_method == 'LOCAL' and not Setting().get('local_db_enabled'): return render_template( 'login.html', saml_enabled=SAML_ENABLED, error='Local authentication is disabled') user = User(username=username, password=password, plain_text_password=password) try: if Setting().get('verify_user_email') and and not user.confirmed: return render_template( 'login.html', saml_enabled=SAML_ENABLED, error='Please confirm your email address first') auth = user.is_validate(method=auth_method, src_ip=request.remote_addr) if auth == False: signin_history(user.username, auth_method, False) return render_template('login.html', saml_enabled=SAML_ENABLED, error='Invalid credentials') except Exception as e: current_app.logger.error( "Cannot authenticate user. Error: {}".format(e)) current_app.logger.debug(traceback.format_exc()) return render_template('login.html', saml_enabled=SAML_ENABLED, error=e) # check if user enabled OPT authentication if user.otp_secret: if otp_token and otp_token.isdigit(): good_token = user.verify_totp(otp_token) if not good_token: signin_history(user.username, auth_method, False) return render_template('login.html', saml_enabled=SAML_ENABLED, error='Invalid credentials') else: return render_template('login.html', saml_enabled=SAML_ENABLED, error='Token required') if Setting().get('autoprovisioning') and auth_method != 'LOCAL': urn_value = Setting().get('urn_value') Entitlements = user.read_entitlements(Setting().get('autoprovisioning_attribute')) if len(Entitlements) == 0 and Setting().get('purge'): user.set_role("User") user.revoke_privilege(True) elif len(Entitlements) != 0: if checkForPDAEntries(Entitlements, urn_value): user.updateUser(Entitlements) else: current_app.logger.warning( 'Not a single powerdns-admin record was found, possibly a typo in the prefix') if Setting().get('purge'): user.set_role("User") user.revoke_privilege(True) current_app.logger.warning('Procceding to revoke every privilige from ' + user.username + '.') return authenticate_user(user, auth_method, remember_me) def checkForPDAEntries(Entitlements, urn_value): """ Run through every record located in the ldap attribute given and determine if there are any valid powerdns-admin records """ urnArguments = [x.lower() for x in urn_value.split(':')] for Entitlement in Entitlements: entArguments = Entitlement.split(':powerdns-admin') entArguments = [x.lower() for x in entArguments[0].split(':')] if (entArguments == urnArguments): return True return False def clear_session(): session.pop('user_id', None) session.pop('github_token', None) session.pop('google_token', None) session.pop('azure_token', None) session.pop('oidc_token', None) session.pop('authentication_type', None) session.pop('remote_user', None) logout_user() def signin_history(username, authenticator, success): # Get user ip address if request.headers.getlist("X-Forwarded-For"): request_ip = request.headers.getlist("X-Forwarded-For")[0] request_ip = request_ip.split(',')[0] else: request_ip = request.remote_addr # Write log if success: str_success = 'succeeded' "User {} authenticated successfully via {} from {}".format( username, authenticator, request_ip)) else: str_success = 'failed' current_app.logger.warning( "User {} failed to authenticate via {} from {}".format( username, authenticator, request_ip)) # Write history History(msg='User {} authentication {}'.format(username, str_success), detail=json.dumps({ 'username': username, 'authenticator': authenticator, 'ip_address': request_ip, 'success': 1 if success else 0 }), created_by='System').add() # Get a list of Azure security groups the user is a member of def get_azure_groups(uri): azure_info = azure.get(uri).text'Azure groups returned: ' + azure_info) grouplookup = json.loads(azure_info) if "value" in grouplookup: mygroups = grouplookup["value"] # If "@odata.nextLink" exists in the results, we need to get more groups if "@odata.nextLink" in grouplookup: # The additional groups are added to the existing array mygroups.extend(get_azure_groups(grouplookup["@odata.nextLink"])) else: mygroups = [] return mygroups # Handle user login, write history and, if set, handle showing the register_otp QR code. # if Setting for OTP on first login is enabled, and OTP field is also enabled, # but user isn't using it yet, enable OTP, get QR code and display it, logging the user out. def authenticate_user(user, authenticator, remember=False): login_user(user, remember=remember) signin_history(user.username, authenticator, True) if Setting().get('otp_force') and Setting().get('otp_field_enabled') and not user.otp_secret \ and session['authentication_type'] not in ['OAuth']: user.update_profile(enable_otp=True) user_id = prepare_welcome_user(user_id) return redirect(url_for('index.welcome')) return redirect(url_for('index.login')) # Prepare user to enter /welcome screen, otherwise they won't have permission to do so def prepare_welcome_user(user_id): logout_user() session['welcome_user_id'] = user_id @index_bp.route('/logout') def logout(): if current_app.config.get( 'SAML_ENABLED' ) and 'samlSessionIndex' in session and current_app.config.get('SAML_LOGOUT'): req = saml.prepare_flask_request(request) auth = saml.init_saml_auth(req) if current_app.config.get('SAML_LOGOUT_URL'): return redirect( auth.logout( name_id_format= "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress", return_to=current_app.config.get('SAML_LOGOUT_URL'), session_index=session['samlSessionIndex'], name_id=session['samlNameId'])) return redirect( auth.logout( name_id_format= "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress", session_index=session['samlSessionIndex'], name_id=session['samlNameId'])) redirect_uri = url_for('index.login') oidc_logout = Setting().get('oidc_oauth_logout_url') if 'oidc_token' in session and oidc_logout: redirect_uri = "{}?redirect_uri={}".format( oidc_logout, url_for('index.login', _external=True)) # Clean cookies and flask session clear_session() # If remote user authentication is enabled and a logout URL is configured for it, # redirect users to that instead remote_user_logout_url = current_app.config.get('REMOTE_USER_LOGOUT_URL') if current_app.config.get('REMOTE_USER_ENABLED') and remote_user_logout_url: current_app.logger.debug( 'Redirecting remote user "{0}" to logout URL {1}' .format(current_user.username, remote_user_logout_url)) # Warning: if REMOTE_USER environment variable is still set and not cleared by # some external module, not defining a custom logout URL will trigger a loop # that will just log the user back in right after logging out res = make_response(redirect(remote_user_logout_url.strip())) # Remove any custom cookies the remote authentication mechanism may use # (e.g.: MOD_AUTH_CAS and MOD_AUTH_CAS_S) remote_cookies = current_app.config.get('REMOTE_USER_COOKIES') for r_cookie_name in utils.ensure_list(remote_cookies): res.delete_cookie(r_cookie_name) return res return redirect(redirect_uri) def password_policy_check(user, password): def check_policy(chars, user_password, setting): setting_as_int = int(Setting().get(setting)) test_string = user_password for c in chars: test_string = test_string.replace(c, '') return (setting_as_int, len(user_password) - len(test_string)) def matches_policy(item, policy_fails): return "*" if item in policy_fails else "" policy = [] policy_fails = {} # If either policy is enabled check basics first ... this is obvious! if Setting().get('pwd_enforce_characters') or Setting().get('pwd_enforce_complexity'): # Cannot contain username if user.username in password: policy_fails["username"] = True policy.append(f"{matches_policy('username', policy_fails)}cannot contain username") # Cannot contain password if user.firstname in password: policy_fails["firstname"] = True policy.append(f"{matches_policy('firstname', policy_fails)}cannot contain firstname") # Cannot contain lastname if user.lastname in password: policy_fails["lastname"] = True policy.append(f"{matches_policy('lastname', policy_fails)}cannot contain lastname") # Cannot contain email if in password: policy_fails["email"] = True policy.append(f"{matches_policy('email', policy_fails)}cannot contain email") # Check if we're enforcing character requirements if Setting().get('pwd_enforce_characters'): # Length pwd_min_len_setting = int(Setting().get('pwd_min_len')) pwd_len = len(password) if pwd_len < pwd_min_len_setting: policy_fails["length"] = True policy.append(f"{matches_policy('length', policy_fails)}length={pwd_len}/{pwd_min_len_setting}") # Digits (pwd_min_digits_setting, pwd_digits) = check_policy(string.digits, password, 'pwd_min_digits') if pwd_digits < pwd_min_digits_setting: policy_fails["digits"] = True policy.append(f"{matches_policy('digits', policy_fails)}digits={pwd_digits}/{pwd_min_digits_setting}") # Lowercase (pwd_min_lowercase_setting, pwd_lowercase) = check_policy(string.digits, password, 'pwd_min_lowercase') if pwd_lowercase < pwd_min_lowercase_setting: policy_fails["lowercase"] = True policy.append( f"{matches_policy('lowercase', policy_fails)}lowercase={pwd_lowercase}/{pwd_min_lowercase_setting}") # Uppercase (pwd_min_uppercase_setting, pwd_uppercase) = check_policy(string.digits, password, 'pwd_min_uppercase') if pwd_uppercase < pwd_min_uppercase_setting: policy_fails["uppercase"] = True policy.append( f"{matches_policy('uppercase', policy_fails)}uppercase={pwd_uppercase}/{pwd_min_uppercase_setting}") # Special (pwd_min_special_setting, pwd_special) = check_policy(string.digits, password, 'pwd_min_special') if pwd_special < pwd_min_special_setting: policy_fails["special"] = True policy.append(f"{matches_policy('special', policy_fails)}special={pwd_special}/{pwd_min_special_setting}") if Setting().get('pwd_enforce_complexity'): # Complexity checking zxcvbn_inputs = [] for input in (user.firstname, user.lastname, user.username, if len(input): zxcvbn_inputs.append(input) result = zxcvbn(password, user_inputs=zxcvbn_inputs) pwd_min_complexity_setting = int(Setting().get('pwd_min_complexity')) pwd_complexity = result['guesses_log10'] if pwd_complexity < pwd_min_complexity_setting: policy_fails["complexity"] = True policy.append( f"{matches_policy('complexity', policy_fails)}complexity={pwd_complexity:.0f}/{pwd_min_complexity_setting}") policy_str = {"password": f"Fails policy: {', '.join(policy)}. Items prefixed with '*' failed."} # NK: the first item in the tuple indicates a PASS, so, we check for any True's and negate that return (not any(policy_fails.values()), policy_str) @index_bp.route('/register', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def register(): CAPTCHA_ENABLE = current_app.config.get('CAPTCHA_ENABLE') if Setting().get('signup_enabled'): if current_user.is_authenticated: return redirect(url_for('index.index')) if request.method == 'GET': return render_template('register.html', captcha_enable=CAPTCHA_ENABLE) elif request.method == 'POST': username = request.form.get('username', '').strip() password = request.form.get('password', '') firstname = request.form.get('firstname', '').strip() lastname = request.form.get('lastname', '').strip() email = request.form.get('email', '').strip() rpassword = request.form.get('rpassword', '') is_valid_email = re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+$') error_messages = {} if not firstname: error_messages['firstname'] = 'First Name is required' if not lastname: error_messages['lastname'] = 'Last Name is required' if not username: error_messages['username'] = 'Username is required' if not password: error_messages['password'] = 'Password is required' if not rpassword: error_messages['rpassword'] = 'Password confirmation is required' if not email: error_messages['email'] = 'Email is required' if not is_valid_email.match(email): error_messages['email'] = 'Invalid email address' if password != rpassword: error_messages['password'] = 'Password confirmation does not match' error_messages['rpassword'] = 'Password confirmation does not match' if not captcha.validate(): return render_template( 'register.html', error='Invalid CAPTCHA answer', error_messages=error_messages, captcha_enable=CAPTCHA_ENABLE) if error_messages: return render_template('register.html', error_messages=error_messages, captcha_enable=CAPTCHA_ENABLE) user = User(username=username, plain_text_password=password, firstname=firstname, lastname=lastname, email=email ) (password_policy_pass, password_policy) = password_policy_check(user, password) if not password_policy_pass: return render_template('register.html', error_messages=password_policy, captcha_enable=CAPTCHA_ENABLE) try: result = user.create_local_user() if result and result['status']: if Setting().get('verify_user_email'): send_account_verification(email) if Setting().get('otp_force') and Setting().get('otp_field_enabled'): user.update_profile(enable_otp=True) prepare_welcome_user( return redirect(url_for('index.welcome')) else: return redirect(url_for('index.login')) else: return render_template('register.html', error=result['msg'], captcha_enable=CAPTCHA_ENABLE) except Exception as e: return render_template('register.html', error=e, captcha_enable=CAPTCHA_ENABLE) else: return render_template('errors/404.html'), 404 # Show welcome page on first login if otp_force is enabled @index_bp.route('/welcome', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def welcome(): if 'welcome_user_id' not in session: return redirect(url_for('index.index')) user = User(id=session['welcome_user_id']) encoded_img_data = base64.b64encode(user.get_qrcode_value()) if request.method == 'GET': return render_template('register_otp.html', qrcode_image=encoded_img_data.decode(), user=user) elif request.method == 'POST': otp_token = request.form.get('otptoken', '') if otp_token and otp_token.isdigit(): good_token = user.verify_totp(otp_token) if not good_token: return render_template('register_otp.html', qrcode_image=encoded_img_data.decode(), user=user, error="Invalid token") else: return render_template('register_otp.html', qrcode_image=encoded_img_data.decode(), user=user, error="Token required") session.pop('welcome_user_id') return redirect(url_for('index.index')) @index_bp.route('/confirm/', methods=['GET']) def confirm_email(token): email = confirm_token(token) if not email: # Cannot confirm email return render_template('email_confirmation.html', status=0) user = User.query.filter_by(email=email).first_or_404() if user.confirmed: # Already confirmed "User email {} already confirmed".format(email)) return render_template('email_confirmation.html', status=2) else: # Confirm email is valid user.update_confirmed(confirmed=1) "User email {} confirmed successfully".format(email)) return render_template('email_confirmation.html', status=1) @index_bp.route('/resend-confirmation-email', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def resend_confirmation_email(): if current_user.is_authenticated: return redirect(url_for('index.index')) if request.method == 'GET': return render_template('resend_confirmation_email.html') elif request.method == 'POST': email = request.form.get('email') user = User.query.filter( == email).first() if not user: # Email not found status = 0 elif user.confirmed: # Email already confirmed status = 1 else: # Send new confirmed email send_account_verification( status = 2 return render_template('resend_confirmation_email.html', status=status) @index_bp.route('/nic/checkip.html', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @csrf.exempt def dyndns_checkip(): # This route covers the default ddclient 'web' setting for the checkip service return render_template('dyndns.html', response=request.environ.get( 'HTTP_X_REAL_IP', request.remote_addr)) @index_bp.route('/nic/update', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @csrf.exempt @dyndns_login_required def dyndns_update(): # dyndns protocol response codes in use are: # good: update successful # nochg: IP address already set to update address # nohost: hostname does not exist for this user account # 911: server error # have to use 200 HTTP return codes because ddclient does not read the return string if the code is other than 200 # reference: # reference: hostname = request.args.get('hostname') myip = request.args.get('myip') if not hostname: history = History(msg="DynDNS update: missing hostname parameter", created_by=current_user.username) history.add() return render_template('dyndns.html', response='nohost'), 200 try: if in ['Administrator', 'Operator']: domains = Domain.query.all() else: # Get query for domain to which the user has access permission. # This includes direct domain permission AND permission through # account membership domains = db.session.query(Domain) \ .outerjoin(DomainUser, == DomainUser.domain_id) \ .outerjoin(Account, Domain.account_id == \ .outerjoin(AccountUser, == AccountUser.account_id) \ .filter( db.or_( DomainUser.user_id ==, AccountUser.user_id == )).all() except Exception as e: current_app.logger.error('DynDNS Error: {0}'.format(e)) current_app.logger.debug(traceback.format_exc()) return render_template('dyndns.html', response='911'), 200 domain = None domain_segments = hostname.split('.') for _index in range(len(domain_segments)): full_domain = '.'.join(domain_segments) potential_domain = Domain.query.filter( == full_domain).first() if potential_domain in domains: domain = potential_domain break domain_segments.pop(0) if not domain: history = History( msg= "DynDNS update: attempted update of {0} but it does not exist for this user" .format(hostname), created_by=current_user.username) history.add() return render_template('dyndns.html', response='nohost'), 200 myip_addr = [] if myip: for address in myip.split(','): myip_addr += utils.validate_ipaddress(address) remote_addr = utils.validate_ipaddress( request.headers.get('X-Forwarded-For', request.remote_addr).split(', ')[0]) response = 'nochg' for ip in myip_addr or remote_addr: if isinstance(ip, ipaddress.IPv4Address): rtype = 'A' else: rtype = 'AAAA' r = Record(name=hostname, type=rtype) # Check if the user requested record exists within this domain if r.exists( and r.is_allowed_edit(): if == str(ip): # Record content did not change, return 'nochg' history = History( msg= "DynDNS update: attempted update of {0} but record already up-to-date" .format(hostname), created_by=current_user.username, history.add() else: oldip = result = r.update(, str(ip)) if result['status'] == 'ok': history = History( msg='DynDNS update: updated {} successfully'.format(hostname), detail=json.dumps({ 'domain':, 'record': hostname, 'type': rtype, 'old_value': oldip, 'new_value': str(ip) }), created_by=current_user.username, history.add() response = 'good' else: response = '911' break elif r.is_allowed_edit(): ondemand_creation = DomainSetting.query.filter( DomainSetting.domain == domain).filter( DomainSetting.setting == 'create_via_dyndns').first() if (ondemand_creation is not None) and (strtobool( ondemand_creation.value) == True): # Build the rrset rrset_data = [{ "changetype": "REPLACE", "name": hostname + '.', "ttl": 3600, "type": rtype, "records": [{ "content": str(ip), "disabled": False }], "comments": [] }] # Format the rrset rrset = {"rrsets": rrset_data} result = Record().add(, rrset) if result['status'] == 'ok': history = History( msg= 'DynDNS update: created record {0} in zone {1} successfully' .format(hostname,, str(ip)), detail=json.dumps({ 'domain':, 'record': hostname, 'value': str(ip) }), created_by=current_user.username, history.add() response = 'good' else: history = History( msg= 'DynDNS update: attempted update of {0} but it does not exist for this user' .format(hostname), created_by=current_user.username) history.add() return render_template('dyndns.html', response=response), 200 ### START SAML AUTHENTICATION ### @index_bp.route('/saml/login') def saml_login(): if not current_app.config.get('SAML_ENABLED', False): abort(400) from onelogin.saml2.utils import OneLogin_Saml2_Utils req = saml.prepare_flask_request(request) auth = saml.init_saml_auth(req) redirect_url = OneLogin_Saml2_Utils.get_self_url(req) + url_for( 'index.saml_authorized') return redirect(auth.login(return_to=redirect_url)) @index_bp.route('/saml/metadata') def saml_metadata(): if not current_app.config.get('SAML_ENABLED', False): current_app.logger.error("SAML authentication is disabled.") abort(400) from onelogin.saml2.utils import OneLogin_Saml2_Utils req = saml.prepare_flask_request(request) auth = saml.init_saml_auth(req) settings = auth.get_settings() metadata = settings.get_sp_metadata() errors = settings.validate_metadata(metadata) if len(errors) == 0: resp = make_response(metadata, 200) resp.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/xml' else: resp = make_response(errors.join(', '), 500) return resp @index_bp.route('/saml/authorized', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @csrf.exempt def saml_authorized(): errors = [] if not current_app.config.get('SAML_ENABLED', False): current_app.logger.error("SAML authentication is disabled.") abort(400) from onelogin.saml2.utils import OneLogin_Saml2_Utils req = saml.prepare_flask_request(request) auth = saml.init_saml_auth(req) auth.process_response() current_app.logger.debug(auth.get_attributes()) errors = auth.get_errors() if len(errors) == 0: session['samlUserdata'] = auth.get_attributes() session['samlNameId'] = auth.get_nameid() session['samlSessionIndex'] = auth.get_session_index() self_url = OneLogin_Saml2_Utils.get_self_url(req) self_url = self_url + req['script_name'] if 'RelayState' in request.form and self_url != request.form[ 'RelayState']: return redirect(auth.redirect_to(request.form['RelayState'])) if current_app.config.get('SAML_ATTRIBUTE_USERNAME', False): username = session['samlUserdata'][ current_app.config['SAML_ATTRIBUTE_USERNAME']][0].lower() else: username = session['samlNameId'].lower() user = User.query.filter_by(username=username).first() if not user: # create user user = User(username=username, plain_text_password=None, email=session['samlNameId']) user.create_local_user() session['user_id'] = email_attribute_name = current_app.config.get('SAML_ATTRIBUTE_EMAIL', 'email') givenname_attribute_name = current_app.config.get( 'SAML_ATTRIBUTE_GIVENNAME', 'givenname') surname_attribute_name = current_app.config.get( 'SAML_ATTRIBUTE_SURNAME', 'surname') name_attribute_name = current_app.config.get('SAML_ATTRIBUTE_NAME', None) account_attribute_name = current_app.config.get( 'SAML_ATTRIBUTE_ACCOUNT', None) admin_attribute_name = current_app.config.get('SAML_ATTRIBUTE_ADMIN', None) group_attribute_name = current_app.config.get('SAML_ATTRIBUTE_GROUP', None) admin_group_name = current_app.config.get('SAML_GROUP_ADMIN_NAME', None) operator_group_name = current_app.config.get('SAML_GROUP_OPERATOR_NAME', None) group_to_account_mapping = create_group_to_account_mapping() if email_attribute_name in session['samlUserdata']: = session['samlUserdata'][email_attribute_name][ 0].lower() if givenname_attribute_name in session['samlUserdata']: user.firstname = session['samlUserdata'][givenname_attribute_name][ 0] if surname_attribute_name in session['samlUserdata']: user.lastname = session['samlUserdata'][surname_attribute_name][0] if name_attribute_name in session['samlUserdata']: name = session['samlUserdata'][name_attribute_name][0].split(' ') user.firstname = name[0] user.lastname = ' '.join(name[1:]) if group_attribute_name: user_groups = session['samlUserdata'].get(group_attribute_name, []) else: user_groups = [] if admin_attribute_name or group_attribute_name: user_accounts = set(user.get_accounts()) saml_accounts = [] for group_mapping in group_to_account_mapping: mapping = group_mapping.split('=') group = mapping[0] account_name = mapping[1] if group in user_groups: account = handle_account(account_name) saml_accounts.append(account) for account_name in session['samlUserdata'].get( account_attribute_name, []): account = handle_account(account_name) saml_accounts.append(account) saml_accounts = set(saml_accounts) for account in saml_accounts - user_accounts: account.add_user(user) history = History(msg='Adding {0} to account {1}'.format( user.username,, created_by='SAML Assertion') history.add() for account in user_accounts - saml_accounts: account.remove_user(user) history = History(msg='Removing {0} from account {1}'.format( user.username,, created_by='SAML Assertion') history.add() if admin_attribute_name and 'true' in session['samlUserdata'].get( admin_attribute_name, []): uplift_to_admin(user) elif admin_group_name in user_groups: uplift_to_admin(user) elif operator_group_name in user_groups: uplift_to_operator(user) elif admin_attribute_name or group_attribute_name: if != 'User': user.role_id = Role.query.filter_by(name='User').first().id history = History(msg='Demoting {0} to user'.format( user.username), created_by='SAML Assertion') history.add() user.plain_text_password = None user.update_profile() session['authentication_type'] = 'SAML' return authenticate_user(user, 'SAML') else: return render_template('errors/SAML.html', errors=errors) def create_group_to_account_mapping(): group_to_account_mapping_string = current_app.config.get( 'SAML_GROUP_TO_ACCOUNT_MAPPING', None) if group_to_account_mapping_string and len( group_to_account_mapping_string.strip()) > 0: group_to_account_mapping = group_to_account_mapping_string.split(',') else: group_to_account_mapping = [] return group_to_account_mapping def handle_account(account_name, account_description=""): clean_name = Account.sanitize_name(account_name) account = Account.query.filter_by(name=clean_name).first() if not account: account = Account(name=clean_name, description=account_description, contact='', mail='') account.create_account() history = History(msg='Account {0} created'.format(, created_by='OIDC/SAML Assertion') history.add() else: account.description = account_description account.update_account() return account def uplift_to_admin(user): if != 'Administrator': user.role_id = Role.query.filter_by(name='Administrator').first().id history = History(msg='Promoting {0} to administrator'.format( user.username), created_by='SAML Assertion') history.add() def uplift_to_operator(user): if != 'Operator': user.role_id = Role.query.filter_by(name='Operator').first().id history = History(msg='Promoting {0} to operator'.format( user.username), created_by='SAML Assertion') history.add() @index_bp.route('/saml/sls') def saml_logout(): req = saml.prepare_flask_request(request) auth = saml.init_saml_auth(req) url = auth.process_slo() errors = auth.get_errors() if len(errors) == 0: clear_session() if url is not None: return redirect(url) elif current_app.config.get('SAML_LOGOUT_URL') is not None: return redirect(current_app.config.get('SAML_LOGOUT_URL')) else: return redirect(url_for('login')) else: return render_template('errors/SAML.html', errors=errors) ### END SAML AUTHENTICATION ### @index_bp.route('/swagger', methods=['GET']) def swagger_spec(): try: spec_path = os.path.join(current_app.root_path, "swagger-spec.yaml") spec = open(spec_path, 'r') loaded_spec = load(, Loader) except Exception as e: current_app.logger.error( 'Cannot view swagger spec. Error: {0}'.format(e)) current_app.logger.debug(traceback.format_exc()) abort(500) resp = make_response(json.dumps(loaded_spec), 200) resp.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' return resp