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Uniform v2.1.0
Copyright © 2009 Josh Pyles / Pixelmatrix Design LLC
Requires jQuery 1.3 or newer
Much thanks to Thomas Reynolds and Buck Wilson for their help and advice on
Disabling text selection is made possible by Mathias Bynens
<http://mathiasbynens.be/> and his noSelect plugin.
<https://github.com/mathiasbynens/jquery-noselect>, which is embedded.
Also, thanks to David Kaneda and Eugene Bond for their contributions to the
Tyler Akins has also rewritten chunks of the plugin, helped close many issues,
and ensured version 2 got out the door.
MIT License - http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
/*global jQuery, window, document, navigator*/
(function ($, undef) {
"use strict";
* Use .prop() if jQuery supports it, otherwise fall back to .attr()
* @param jQuery $el jQuery'd element on which we're calling attr/prop
* @param ... All other parameters are passed to jQuery's function
* @return The result from jQuery
function attrOrProp($el) {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
if ($el.prop) {
// jQuery 1.6+
return $el.prop.apply($el, args);
// jQuery 1.5 and below
return $el.attr.apply($el, args);
* For backwards compatibility with older jQuery libraries, only bind
* one thing at a time. Also, this function adds our namespace to
* events in one consistent location, shrinking the minified code.
* The properties on the events object are the names of the events
* that we are supposed to add to. It can be a space separated list.
* The namespace will be added automatically.
* @param jQuery $el
* @param Object options Uniform options for this element
* @param Object events Events to bind, properties are event names
function bindMany($el, options, events) {
var name, namespaced;
for (name in events) {
if (events.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
namespaced = name.replace(/ |$/g, options.eventNamespace);
$el.bind(namespaced, events[name]);
* Bind the hover, active, focus, and blur UI updates
* @param jQuery $el Original element
* @param jQuery $target Target for the events (our div/span)
* @param Object options Uniform options for the element $target
function bindUi($el, $target, options) {
bindMany($el, options, {
focus: function () {
blur: function () {
mouseenter: function () {
mouseleave: function () {
"mousedown touchbegin": function () {
if (!$el.is(":disabled")) {
"mouseup touchend": function () {
* Remove the hover, focus, active classes.
* @param jQuery $el Element with classes
* @param Object options Uniform options for the element
function classClearStandard($el, options) {
$el.removeClass(options.hoverClass + " " + options.focusClass + " " + options.activeClass);
* Add or remove a class, depending on if it's "enabled"
* @param jQuery $el Element that has the class added/removed
* @param String className Class or classes to add/remove
* @param Boolean enabled True to add the class, false to remove
function classUpdate($el, className, enabled) {
if (enabled) {
} else {
* Updating the "checked" property can be a little tricky. This
* changed in jQuery 1.6 and now we can pass booleans to .prop().
* Prior to that, one either adds an attribute ("checked=checked") or
* removes the attribute.
* @param jQuery $tag Our Uniform span/div
* @param jQuery $el Original form element
* @param Object options Uniform options for this element
function classUpdateChecked($tag, $el, options) {
var c = "checked",
isChecked = $el.is(":" + c);
if ($el.prop) {
// jQuery 1.6+
$el.prop(c, isChecked);
} else {
// jQuery 1.5 and below
if (isChecked) {
$el.attr(c, c);
} else {
classUpdate($tag, options.checkedClass, isChecked);
* Set or remove the "disabled" class for disabled elements, based on
* if the
* @param jQuery $tag Our Uniform span/div
* @param jQuery $el Original form element
* @param Object options Uniform options for this element
function classUpdateDisabled($tag, $el, options) {
classUpdate($tag, options.disabledClass, $el.is(":disabled"));
* Wrap an element inside of a container or put the container next
* to the element. See the code for examples of the different methods.
* Returns the container that was added to the HTML.
* @param jQuery $el Element to wrap
* @param jQuery $container Add this new container around/near $el
* @param String method One of "after", "before" or "wrap"
* @return $container after it has been cloned for adding to $el
function divSpanWrap($el, $container, method) {
switch (method) {
case "after":
// Result: <element /> <container />
return $el.next();
case "before":
// Result: <container /> <element />
return $el.prev();
case "wrap":
// Result: <container> <element /> </container>
return $el.parent();
return null;
* Create a div/span combo for uniforming an element
* @param jQuery $el Element to wrap
* @param Object options Options for the element, set by the user
* @param Object divSpanConfig Options for how we wrap the div/span
* @return Object Contains the div and span as properties
function divSpan($el, options, divSpanConfig) {
var $div, $span, id;
if (!divSpanConfig) {
divSpanConfig = {};
divSpanConfig = $.extend({
bind: {},
divClass: null,
divWrap: "wrap",
spanClass: null,
spanHtml: null,
spanWrap: "wrap"
}, divSpanConfig);
$div = $('<div />');
$span = $('<span />');
// Automatically hide this div/span if the element is hidden.
// Do not hide if the element is hidden because a parent is hidden.
if (options.autoHide && $el.is(':hidden') && $el.css('display') === 'none') {
if (divSpanConfig.divClass) {
if (options.wrapperClass) {
if (divSpanConfig.spanClass) {
id = attrOrProp($el, 'id');
if (options.useID && id) {
attrOrProp($div, 'id', options.idPrefix + '-' + id);
if (divSpanConfig.spanHtml) {
$div = divSpanWrap($el, $div, divSpanConfig.divWrap);
$span = divSpanWrap($el, $span, divSpanConfig.spanWrap);
classUpdateDisabled($div, $el, options);
return {
div: $div,
span: $span
* Wrap an element with a span to apply a global wrapper class
* @param jQuery $el Element to wrap
* @param object options
* @return jQuery Wrapper element
function wrapWithWrapperClass($el, options) {
var $span;
if (!options.wrapperClass) {
return null;
$span = $('<span />').addClass(options.wrapperClass);
$span = divSpanWrap($el, $span, "wrap");
return $span;
* Test if high contrast mode is enabled.
* In high contrast mode, background images can not be set and
* they are always returned as 'none'.
* @return boolean True if in high contrast mode
function highContrast() {
var c, $div, el, rgb;
// High contrast mode deals with white and black
rgb = 'rgb(120,2,153)';
$div = $('<div style="width:0;height:0;color:' + rgb + '">');
el = $div.get(0);
// $div.css() will get the style definition, not
// the actually displaying style
if (window.getComputedStyle) {
c = window.getComputedStyle(el, '').color;
} else {
c = (el.currentStyle || el.style || {}).color;
return c.replace(/ /g, '') !== rgb;
* Change text into safe HTML
* @param String text
* @return String HTML version
function htmlify(text) {
if (!text) {
return "";
return $('<span />').text(text).html();
* If not MSIE, return false.
* If it is, return the version number.
* @return false|number
function isMsie() {
return navigator.cpuClass && !navigator.product;
* Return true if this version of IE allows styling
* @return boolean
function isMsieSevenOrNewer() {
if (typeof window.XMLHttpRequest !== 'undefined') {
return true;
return false;
* Test if the element is a multiselect
* @param jQuery $el Element
* @return boolean true/false
function isMultiselect($el) {
var elSize;
if ($el[0].multiple) {
return true;
elSize = attrOrProp($el, "size");
if (!elSize || elSize <= 1) {
return false;
return true;
* Meaningless utility function. Used mostly for improving minification.
* @return false
function returnFalse() {
return false;
* noSelect plugin, very slightly modified
* http://mths.be/noselect v1.0.3
* @param jQuery $elem Element that we don't want to select
* @param Object options Uniform options for the element
function noSelect($elem, options) {
var none = 'none';
bindMany($elem, options, {
'selectstart dragstart mousedown': returnFalse
MozUserSelect: none,
msUserSelect: none,
webkitUserSelect: none,
userSelect: none
* Updates the filename tag based on the value of the real input
* element.
* @param jQuery $el Actual form element
* @param jQuery $filenameTag Span/div to update
* @param Object options Uniform options for this element
function setFilename($el, $filenameTag, options) {
var filename = $el.val();
if (filename === "") {
filename = options.fileDefaultHtml;
} else {
filename = filename.split(/[\/\\]+/);
filename = filename[(filename.length - 1)];
* Function from jQuery to swap some CSS values, run a callback,
* then restore the CSS. Modified to pass JSLint and handle undefined
* values with 'use strict'.
* @param jQuery $el Element
* @param object newCss CSS values to swap out
* @param Function callback Function to run
function swap($elements, newCss, callback) {
var restore, item;
restore = [];
$elements.each(function () {
var name;
for (name in newCss) {
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(newCss, name)) {
el: this,
name: name,
old: this.style[name]
this.style[name] = newCss[name];
while (restore.length) {
item = restore.pop();
item.el.style[item.name] = item.old;
* The browser doesn't provide sizes of elements that are not visible.
* This will clone an element and add it to the DOM for calculations.
* @param jQuery $el
* @param String method
function sizingInvisible($el, callback) {
var targets;
// We wish to target ourselves and any parents as long as
// they are not visible
targets = $el.parents();
targets = targets.not(':visible');
swap(targets, {
visibility: "hidden",
display: "block",
position: "absolute"
}, callback);
* Standard way to unwrap the div/span combination from an element
* @param jQuery $el Element that we wish to preserve
* @param Object options Uniform options for the element
* @return Function This generated function will perform the given work
function unwrapUnwrapUnbindFunction($el, options) {
return function () {
var allowStyling = true, // False if IE6 or other unsupported browsers
highContrastTest = false, // Was the high contrast test ran?
uniformHandlers = [ // Objects that take care of "unification"
// Buttons
match: function ($el) {
return $el.is("a, button, :submit, :reset, input[type='button']");
apply: function ($el, options) {
var $div, defaultSpanHtml, ds, getHtml, doingClickEvent;
defaultSpanHtml = options.submitDefaultHtml;
if ($el.is(":reset")) {
defaultSpanHtml = options.resetDefaultHtml;
if ($el.is("a, button")) {
// Use the HTML inside the tag
getHtml = function () {
return $el.html() || defaultSpanHtml;
} else {
// Use the value property of the element
getHtml = function () {
return htmlify(attrOrProp($el, "value")) || defaultSpanHtml;
ds = divSpan($el, options, {
divClass: options.buttonClass,
spanHtml: getHtml(),
$div = ds.div;
bindUi($el, $div, options);
doingClickEvent = false;
bindMany($div, options, {
"click touchend": function () {
var ev, res, target, href;
if (doingClickEvent) {
if ($el.is(':disabled')) {
doingClickEvent = true;
if ($el[0].dispatchEvent) {
ev = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
ev.initEvent("click", true, true);
res = $el[0].dispatchEvent(ev);
if ($el.is('a') && res) {
target = attrOrProp($el, 'target');
href = attrOrProp($el, 'href');
if (!target || target === '_self') {
document.location.href = href;
} else {
window.open(href, target);
} else {
doingClickEvent = false;
noSelect($div, options);
return {
remove: function () {
// Move $el out
// Remove div and span
// Unbind events
return $el;
update: function () {
classClearStandard($div, options);
classUpdateDisabled($div, $el, options);
// Checkboxes
match: function ($el) {
return $el.is(":checkbox");
apply: function ($el, options) {
var ds, $div, $span;
ds = divSpan($el, options, {
divClass: options.checkboxClass
$div = ds.div;
$span = ds.span;
// Add focus classes, toggling, active, etc.
bindUi($el, $div, options);
bindMany($el, options, {
"click touchend": function () {
classUpdateChecked($span, $el, options);
classUpdateChecked($span, $el, options);
return {
remove: unwrapUnwrapUnbindFunction($el, options),
update: function () {
classClearStandard($div, options);
classUpdateChecked($span, $el, options);
classUpdateDisabled($div, $el, options);
// File selection / uploads
match: function ($el) {
return $el.is(":file");
apply: function ($el, options) {
var ds, $div, $filename, $button;
// The "span" is the button
ds = divSpan($el, options, {
divClass: options.fileClass,
spanClass: options.fileButtonClass,
spanHtml: options.fileButtonHtml,
spanWrap: "after"
$div = ds.div;
$button = ds.span;
$filename = $("<span />").html(options.fileDefaultHtml);
$filename = divSpanWrap($el, $filename, "after");
// Set the size
if (!attrOrProp($el, "size")) {
attrOrProp($el, "size", $div.width() / 10);
// Actions
function filenameUpdate() {
setFilename($el, $filename, options);
bindUi($el, $div, options);
// Account for input saved across refreshes
// IE7 doesn't fire onChange until blur or second fire.
if (isMsie()) {
// IE considers browser chrome blocking I/O, so it
// suspends tiemouts until after the file has
// been selected.
bindMany($el, options, {
click: function () {
setTimeout(filenameUpdate, 0);
} else {
// All other browsers behave properly
bindMany($el, options, {
change: filenameUpdate
noSelect($filename, options);
noSelect($button, options);
return {
remove: function () {
// Remove filename and button
// Unwrap parent div, remove events
return $el.unwrap().unbind(options.eventNamespace);
update: function () {
classClearStandard($div, options);
setFilename($el, $filename, options);
classUpdateDisabled($div, $el, options);
// Input fields (text)
match: function ($el) {
if ($el.is("input")) {
var t = (" " + attrOrProp($el, "type") + " ").toLowerCase(),
allowed = " color date datetime datetime-local email month number password search tel text time url week ";
return allowed.indexOf(t) >= 0;
return false;
apply: function ($el, options) {
var elType, $wrapper;
elType = attrOrProp($el, "type");
$wrapper = wrapWithWrapperClass($el, options);
bindUi($el, $el, options);
if (options.inputAddTypeAsClass) {
return {
remove: function () {
if (options.inputAddTypeAsClass) {
if ($wrapper) {
update: returnFalse
// Radio buttons
match: function ($el) {
return $el.is(":radio");
apply: function ($el, options) {
var ds, $div, $span;
ds = divSpan($el, options, {
divClass: options.radioClass
$div = ds.div;
$span = ds.span;
// Add classes for focus, handle active, checked
bindUi($el, $div, options);
bindMany($el, options, {
"click touchend": function () {
// Find all radios with the same name, then update
// them with $.uniform.update() so the right
// per-element options are used
$.uniform.update($(':radio[name="' + attrOrProp($el, "name") + '"]'));
classUpdateChecked($span, $el, options);
return {
remove: unwrapUnwrapUnbindFunction($el, options),
update: function () {
classClearStandard($div, options);
classUpdateChecked($span, $el, options);
classUpdateDisabled($div, $el, options);
// Select lists, but do not style multiselects here
match: function ($el) {
if ($el.is("select") && !isMultiselect($el)) {
return true;
return false;
apply: function ($el, options) {
var ds, $div, $span, origElemWidth;
if (options.selectAutoWidth) {
sizingInvisible($el, function () {
origElemWidth = $el.width();
ds = divSpan($el, options, {
divClass: options.selectClass,
spanHtml: ($el.find(":selected:first") || $el.find("option:first")).html(),
spanWrap: "before"
$div = ds.div;
$span = ds.span;
if (options.selectAutoWidth) {
// Use the width of the select and adjust the
// span and div accordingly
sizingInvisible($el, function () {
// Force "display: block" - related to bug #287
swap($([ $span[0], $div[0] ]), {
display: "block"
}, function () {
var spanPad;
spanPad = $span.outerWidth() - $span.width();
$div.width(origElemWidth + spanPad);
} else {
// Force the select to fill the size of the div
// Take care of events
bindUi($el, $div, options);
bindMany($el, options, {
change: function () {
"click touchend": function () {
// IE7 and IE8 may not update the value right
// until after click event - issue #238
var selHtml = $el.find(":selected").html();
if ($span.html() !== selHtml) {
// Change was detected
// Fire the change event on the select tag
keyup: function () {
noSelect($span, options);
return {
remove: function () {
// Remove sibling span
// Unwrap parent div
return $el;
update: function () {
if (options.selectAutoWidth) {
// Easier to remove and reapply formatting
} else {
classClearStandard($div, options);
// Reset current selected text
classUpdateDisabled($div, $el, options);
// Select lists - multiselect lists only
match: function ($el) {
if ($el.is("select") && isMultiselect($el)) {
return true;
return false;
apply: function ($el, options) {
var $wrapper;
$wrapper = wrapWithWrapperClass($el, options);
bindUi($el, $el, options);
return {
remove: function () {
if ($wrapper) {
update: returnFalse
// Textareas
match: function ($el) {
return $el.is("textarea");
apply: function ($el, options) {
var $wrapper;
$wrapper = wrapWithWrapperClass($el, options);
bindUi($el, $el, options);
return {
remove: function () {
if ($wrapper) {
update: returnFalse
// IE6 can't be styled - can't set opacity on select
if (isMsie() && !isMsieSevenOrNewer()) {
allowStyling = false;
$.uniform = {
// Default options that can be overridden globally or when uniformed
// globally: $.uniform.defaults.fileButtonHtml = "Pick A File";
// on uniform: $('input').uniform({fileButtonHtml: "Pick a File"});
defaults: {
activeClass: "active",
autoHide: true,
buttonClass: "button",
checkboxClass: "checker",
checkedClass: "checked",
disabledClass: "disabled",
eventNamespace: ".uniform",
fileButtonClass: "action",
fileButtonHtml: "Choose File",
fileClass: "uploader",
fileDefaultHtml: "No file selected",
filenameClass: "filename",
focusClass: "focus",
hoverClass: "hover",
idPrefix: "uniform",
inputAddTypeAsClass: true,
inputClass: "uniform-input",
radioClass: "radio",
resetDefaultHtml: "Reset",
resetSelector: false, // We'll use our own function when you don't specify one
selectAutoWidth: true,
selectClass: "selector",
selectMultiClass: "uniform-multiselect",
submitDefaultHtml: "Submit", // Only text allowed
textareaClass: "uniform",
useID: true,
wrapperClass: null
// All uniformed elements - DOM objects
elements: []
$.fn.uniform = function (options) {
var el = this;
options = $.extend({}, $.uniform.defaults, options);
// If we are in high contrast mode, do not allow styling
if (!highContrastTest) {
highContrastTest = true;
if (highContrast()) {
allowStyling = false;
// Only uniform on browsers that work
if (!allowStyling) {
return this;
// Code for specifying a reset button
if (options.resetSelector) {
$(options.resetSelector).mouseup(function () {
window.setTimeout(function () {
}, 10);
return this.each(function () {
var $el = $(this), i, handler, callbacks;
// Avoid uniforming elements already uniformed - just update
if ($el.data("uniformed")) {
// See if we have any handler for this type of element
for (i = 0; i < uniformHandlers.length; i = i + 1) {
handler = uniformHandlers[i];
if (handler.match($el, options)) {
callbacks = handler.apply($el, options);
$el.data("uniformed", callbacks);
// Store element in our global array
// Could not style this element
$.uniform.restore = $.fn.uniform.restore = function (elem) {
if (elem === undef) {
elem = $.uniform.elements;
$(elem).each(function () {
var $el = $(this), index, elementData;
elementData = $el.data("uniformed");
// Skip elements that are not uniformed
if (!elementData) {
// Unbind events, remove additional markup that was added
// Remove item from list of uniformed elements
index = $.inArray(this, $.uniform.elements);
if (index >= 0) {
$.uniform.elements.splice(index, 1);
$.uniform.update = $.fn.uniform.update = function (elem) {
if (elem === undef) {
elem = $.uniform.elements;
$(elem).each(function () {
var $el = $(this), elementData;
elementData = $el.data("uniformed");
// Skip elements that are not uniformed
if (!elementData) {
elementData.update($el, elementData.options);