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Input Mask plugin extensions
Copyright (c) 2010 - 2014 Robin Herbots
Licensed under the MIT license (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)
Version: 0.0.0
Optional extensions on the jquery.inputmask base
(function ($) {
//number aliases
$.extend($.inputmask.defaults.aliases, {
'decimal': {
mask: "~",
placeholder: "",
repeat: "*",
greedy: false,
numericInput: false,
isNumeric: true,
digits: "*", //number of fractionalDigits
groupSeparator: "",//",", // | "."
radixPoint: ".",
groupSize: 3,
autoGroup: false,
allowPlus: true,
allowMinus: true,
integerDigits: "*", //number of integerDigits
defaultValue: "",
prefix: "",
suffix: "",
getMaskLength: function (buffer, greedy, repeat, currentBuffer, opts) { //custom getMaskLength to take the groupSeparator into account
var calculatedLength = buffer.length;
if (!greedy) {
if (repeat == "*") {
calculatedLength = currentBuffer.length + 1;
} else if (repeat > 1) {
calculatedLength += (buffer.length * (repeat - 1));
var escapedGroupSeparator = $.inputmask.escapeRegex.call(this, opts.groupSeparator);
var escapedRadixPoint = $.inputmask.escapeRegex.call(this, opts.radixPoint);
var currentBufferStr = currentBuffer.join(''), strippedBufferStr = currentBufferStr.replace(new RegExp(escapedGroupSeparator, "g"), "").replace(new RegExp(escapedRadixPoint), ""),
groupOffset = currentBufferStr.length - strippedBufferStr.length;
return calculatedLength + groupOffset;
postFormat: function (buffer, pos, reformatOnly, opts) {
if (opts.groupSeparator == "") return pos;
var cbuf = buffer.slice(),
radixPos = $.inArray(opts.radixPoint, buffer);
if (!reformatOnly) {
cbuf.splice(pos, 0, "?"); //set position indicator
var bufVal = cbuf.join('');
if (opts.autoGroup || (reformatOnly && bufVal.indexOf(opts.groupSeparator) != -1)) {
var escapedGroupSeparator = $.inputmask.escapeRegex.call(this, opts.groupSeparator);
bufVal = bufVal.replace(new RegExp(escapedGroupSeparator, "g"), '');
var radixSplit = bufVal.split(opts.radixPoint);
bufVal = radixSplit[0];
var reg = new RegExp('([-\+]?[\\d\?]+)([\\d\?]{' + opts.groupSize + '})');
while (reg.test(bufVal)) {
bufVal = bufVal.replace(reg, '$1' + opts.groupSeparator + '$2');
bufVal = bufVal.replace(opts.groupSeparator + opts.groupSeparator, opts.groupSeparator);
if (radixSplit.length > 1)
bufVal += opts.radixPoint + radixSplit[1];
buffer.length = bufVal.length; //align the length
for (var i = 0, l = bufVal.length; i < l; i++) {
buffer[i] = bufVal.charAt(i);
var newPos = $.inArray("?", buffer);
if (!reformatOnly) buffer.splice(newPos, 1);
return reformatOnly ? pos : newPos;
regex: {
number: function (opts) {
var escapedGroupSeparator = $.inputmask.escapeRegex.call(this, opts.groupSeparator);
var escapedRadixPoint = $.inputmask.escapeRegex.call(this, opts.radixPoint);
var digitExpression = isNaN(opts.digits) ? opts.digits : '{0,' + opts.digits + '}';
var signedExpression = opts.allowPlus || opts.allowMinus ? "[" + (opts.allowPlus ? "\+" : "") + (opts.allowMinus ? "-" : "") + "]?" : "";
return new RegExp("^" + signedExpression + "(\\d+|\\d{1," + opts.groupSize + "}((" + escapedGroupSeparator + "\\d{" + opts.groupSize + "})?)+)(" + escapedRadixPoint + "\\d" + digitExpression + ")?$");
onKeyDown: function (e, buffer, opts) {
var $input = $(this), input = this;
if (e.keyCode == opts.keyCode.TAB) {
var radixPosition = $.inArray(opts.radixPoint, buffer);
if (radixPosition != -1) {
var masksets = $input.data('_inputmask')['masksets'];
var activeMasksetIndex = $input.data('_inputmask')['activeMasksetIndex'];
for (var i = 1; i <= opts.digits && i < opts.getMaskLength(masksets[activeMasksetIndex]["_buffer"], masksets[activeMasksetIndex]["greedy"], masksets[activeMasksetIndex]["repeat"], buffer, opts) ; i++) {
if (buffer[radixPosition + i] == undefined || buffer[radixPosition + i] == "") buffer[radixPosition + i] = "0";
} else if (e.keyCode == opts.keyCode.DELETE || e.keyCode == opts.keyCode.BACKSPACE) {
opts.postFormat(buffer, 0, true, opts);
return true;
definitions: {
'~': { //real number
validator: function (chrs, buffer, pos, strict, opts) {
if (chrs == "") return false;
if (!strict && pos <= 1 && buffer[0] === '0' && new RegExp("[\\d-]").test(chrs) && buffer.join('').length == 1) { //handle first char
buffer[0] = "";
return { "pos": 0 };
var cbuf = strict ? buffer.slice(0, pos) : buffer.slice();
cbuf.splice(pos, 0, chrs);
var bufferStr = cbuf.join('');
//strip groupseparator
var escapedGroupSeparator = $.inputmask.escapeRegex.call(this, opts.groupSeparator);
bufferStr = bufferStr.replace(new RegExp(escapedGroupSeparator, "g"), '');
var isValid = opts.regex.number(opts).test(bufferStr);
if (!isValid) {
//let's help the regex a bit
bufferStr += "0";
isValid = opts.regex.number(opts).test(bufferStr);
if (!isValid) {
//make a valid group
var lastGroupSeparator = bufferStr.lastIndexOf(opts.groupSeparator);
for (var i = bufferStr.length - lastGroupSeparator; i <= 3; i++) {
bufferStr += "0";
isValid = opts.regex.number(opts).test(bufferStr);
if (!isValid && !strict) {
if (chrs == opts.radixPoint) {
isValid = opts.regex.number(opts).test("0" + bufferStr + "0");
if (isValid) {
buffer[pos] = "0";
return { "pos": pos };
if (isValid != false && !strict && chrs != opts.radixPoint) {
var newPos = opts.postFormat(buffer, pos, false, opts);
return { "pos": newPos };
return isValid;
cardinality: 1,
prevalidator: null
insertMode: true,
autoUnmask: false
'integer': {
regex: {
number: function (opts) {
var escapedGroupSeparator = $.inputmask.escapeRegex.call(this, opts.groupSeparator);
var signedExpression = opts.allowPlus || opts.allowMinus ? "[" + (opts.allowPlus ? "\+" : "") + (opts.allowMinus ? "-" : "") + "]?" : "";
return new RegExp("^" + signedExpression + "(\\d+|\\d{1," + opts.groupSize + "}((" + escapedGroupSeparator + "\\d{" + opts.groupSize + "})?)+)$");
alias: "decimal"