Peers[]string`comment:"List of connection strings for outbound peer connections in URI format,\ne.g. tcp://a.b.c.d:e or socks://a.b.c.d:e/f.g.h.i:j. These connections\nwill obey the operating system routing table, therefore you should\nuse this section when you may connect via different interfaces."`
InterfacePeersmap[string][]string`comment:"List of connection strings for outbound peer connections in URI format,\narranged by source interface, e.g. { \"eth0\": [ tcp://a.b.c.d:e ] }.\nNote that SOCKS peerings will NOT be affected by this option and should\ngo in the \"Peers\" section instead."`
Listen[]string`comment:"Listen addresses for incoming connections. You will need to add\nlisteners in order to accept incoming peerings from non-local nodes.\nMulticast peer discovery will work regardless of any listeners set\nhere. Each listener should be specified in URI format as above, e.g.\ntcp:// or tcp://[::]:0 to listen on all interfaces."`
AdminListenstring`comment:"Listen address for admin connections. Default is to listen for local\nconnections either on TCP/9001 or a UNIX socket depending on your\nplatform. Use this value for yggdrasilctl -endpoint=X. To disable\nthe admin socket, use the value \"none\" instead."`
MulticastInterfaces[]string`comment:"Regular expressions for which interfaces multicast peer discovery\nshould be enabled on. If none specified, multicast peer discovery is\ndisabled. The default value is .* which uses all interfaces."`
AllowedEncryptionPublicKeys[]string`comment:"List of peer encryption public keys to allow incoming TCP peering\nconnections from. If left empty/undefined then all connections will\nbe allowed by default. This does not affect outgoing peerings, nor\ndoes it affect link-local peers discovered via multicast."`
EncryptionPublicKeystring`comment:"Your public encryption key. Your peers may ask you for this to put\ninto their AllowedEncryptionPublicKeys configuration."`
EncryptionPrivateKeystring`comment:"Your private encryption key. DO NOT share this with anyone!"`
SigningPublicKeystring`comment:"Your public signing key. You should not ordinarily need to share\nthis with anyone."`
SigningPrivateKeystring`comment:"Your private signing key. DO NOT share this with anyone!"`
LinkLocalTCPPortuint16`comment:"The port number to be used for the link-local TCP listeners for the\nconfigured MulticastInterfaces. This option does not affect listeners\nspecified in the Listen option. Unless you plan to firewall link-local\ntraffic, it is best to leave this as the default value of 0. This\noption cannot currently be changed by reloading config during runtime."`
IfNamestring`comment:"Local network interface name for TUN/TAP adapter, or \"auto\" to select\nan interface automatically, or \"none\" to run without TUN/TAP."`
IfTAPModebool`comment:"Set local network interface to TAP mode rather than TUN mode if\nsupported by your platform - option will be ignored if not."`
IfMTUint`comment:"Maximux Transmission Unit (MTU) size for your local TUN/TAP interface.\nDefault is the largest supported size for your platform. The lowest\npossible value is 1280."`
SessionFirewallSessionFirewall`comment:"The session firewall controls who can send/receive network traffic\nto/from. This is useful if you want to protect this node without\nresorting to using a real firewall. This does not affect traffic\nbeing routed via this node to somewhere else. Rules are prioritised as\nfollows: blacklist, whitelist, always allow outgoing, direct, remote."`
TunnelRoutingTunnelRouting`comment:"Allow tunneling non-Yggdrasil traffic over Yggdrasil. This effectively\nallows you to use Yggdrasil to route to, or to bridge other networks,\nsimilar to a VPN tunnel. Tunnelling works between any two nodes and\ndoes not require them to be directly peered."`
SwitchOptionsSwitchOptions`comment:"Advanced options for tuning the switch. Normally you will not need\nto edit these options."`
NodeInfoPrivacybool`comment:"By default, nodeinfo contains some defaults including the platform,\narchitecture and Yggdrasil version. These can help when surveying\nthe network and diagnosing network routing problems. Enabling\nnodeinfo privacy prevents this, so that only items specified in\n\"NodeInfo\" are sent back if specified."`
NodeInfomap[string]interface{}`comment:"Optional node info. This must be a { \"key\": \"value\", ... } map\nor set as null. This is entirely optional but, if set, is visible\nto the whole network on request."`
Enablebool`comment:"Enable or disable the session firewall. If disabled, network traffic\nfrom any node will be allowed. If enabled, the below rules apply."`
AllowFromDirectbool`comment:"Allow network traffic from directly connected peers."`
AllowFromRemotebool`comment:"Allow network traffic from remote nodes on the network that you are\nnot directly peered with."`
AlwaysAllowOutboundbool`comment:"Allow outbound network traffic regardless of AllowFromDirect or\nAllowFromRemote. This does allow a remote node to send unsolicited\ntraffic back to you for the length of the session."`
WhitelistEncryptionPublicKeys[]string`comment:"List of public keys from which network traffic is always accepted,\nregardless of AllowFromDirect or AllowFromRemote."`
BlacklistEncryptionPublicKeys[]string`comment:"List of public keys from which network traffic is always rejected,\nregardless of the whitelist, AllowFromDirect or AllowFromRemote."`
Enablebool`comment:"Enable or disable tunnel routing."`
IPv6Destinationsmap[string]string`comment:"IPv6 CIDR subnets, mapped to the EncryptionPublicKey to which they\nshould be routed, e.g. { \"aaaa:bbbb:cccc::/e\": \"boxpubkey\", ... }"`
IPv6Sources[]string`comment:"Optional IPv6 source subnets which are allowed to be tunnelled in\naddition to this node's Yggdrasil address/subnet. If not\nspecified, only traffic originating from this node's Yggdrasil\naddress or subnet will be tunnelled."`
IPv4Destinationsmap[string]string`comment:"IPv4 CIDR subnets, mapped to the EncryptionPublicKey to which they\nshould be routed, e.g. { \"a.b.c.d/e\": \"boxpubkey\", ... }"`
IPv4Sources[]string`comment:"IPv4 source subnets which are allowed to be tunnelled. Unlike for\nIPv6, this option is required for bridging IPv4 traffic. Only\ntraffic with a source matching these subnets will be tunnelled."`