AllowedBoxPubs[]string`json:"AllowedEncryptionPublicKeys" comment:"List of peer encryption public keys to allow UDP incoming TCP connections from\n(if left empty/undefined then connections will be allowed by default)"`
BoxPubstring`json:"EncryptionPublicKey" comment:"Your public encryption key (your peers may ask you for this to put\ninto their AllowedEncryptionPublicKeys configuration)"`
BoxPrivstring`json:"EncryptionPrivateKey" comment:"Your private encryption key (do not share this with anyone!)"`
SigPubstring`json:"SigningPublicKey" comment:"Your public signing key"`
SigPrivstring`json:"SigningPrivateKey" comment:"Your private signing key (do not share this with anyone!)"`
Multicastbool`json:"MulticastEnabled,omitempty" comment:"Enable or disable automatic peer discovery on the same LAN using multicast"`
LinkLocal[]string`json:"MulticastInterfaces" comment:"Regexes for which interfaces multicast peer discovery should be enabled\non. If none specified, multicast peer discovery is disabled"`