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first code/readme/license commit

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LICENSE Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
This software is licensed under the LGPLv3, included below.
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@ -1,2 +1,90 @@
# yggdrasil-go
An experiment in scalable routing as an encrypted IPv6 overlay network
# Yggdrasil
## What is it?
This is a toy implementation of an encrypted IPv6 network, with many good ideas stolen from [cjdns](https://github.com/cjdelisle/cjdns), which was written to test a particular routing scheme that I cobbled together one random Wednesday afternoon.
It's notably not a shortest path routing scheme, with the goal of scalable name-independent routing on dynamic networks with an internet-like topology.
It's named Yggdrasil after the world tree from Norse mythology, because that seemed like the obvious name given how it works.
For a longer, rambling version of this readme with more information, see: [doc](doc/README.md).
This is a toy / proof-of-principle, so it's not even alpha quality software--any nontrivial update is likely to break backwards compatibility with no possibility for a clean upgrade path.
You're encouraged to play with it, but I strongly advise against using it for anything mission critical.
## Obligatory performance propaganda
A [simplified model](misc/sim/treesim-forward.py) of this routing scheme has been tested in simulation on the 9204-node [skitter](https://www.caida.org/tools/measurement/skitter/) network topology dataset from [caida](https://www.caida.org/), and compared with results in [arxiv:0708.2309](https://arxiv.org/abs/0708.2309).
Using the routing scheme as implemented in this code, I observe an average multiplicative stretch of 1.08, with an average routing table size of 6 for a name-dependent scheme, and approximately 30 additional (but smaller) entries needed for the name-independent routing table.
The number of name-dependent routing table entries needed is proportional to node degree, so that 6 is the mean of a distribution with a long tail, but I believe this is an acceptable tradeoff.
The size of name-dependent routing table enties is relatively large, due to cryptographic signatures associated with routing table updates, but in the absence of cryptographic overhead I believe each entry is otherwise comparable to the BC routing scheme described in the above paper.
A modified version of this scheme, with the same resource requirements, achieves a multiplicative stretch of 1.02, which drops to 1.01 if source routing is used.
Both of these optimizations are not present in the current implementation, as the former depends on network state information that I haven't found a way to cryptographically secure, and the latter optimization is both tedious to implement and would make debugging other aspects of the implementation more difficult.
## Building
1. Install Go (tested on 1.9, I use [godeb](https://github.com/niemeyer/godeb)).
2. Clone this repository.
2. `./build`
The build script sets its own `$GOPATH`, so the build environment is self-contained.
This code only works on linux, due to a few OS-specific parts that I haven't had an interest in rewriting, but see the optional example below for a way to share connectivity with the rest of a network.
## Running
To run the program, you'll need permission to create a `tun` device and configure it using `ip`.
If you don't want to mess with capabilities for the `tun` device, then using `sudo` should work, with the usual security caveats about running a program as root.
To run with default settings:
1. `./yggdrasil --autoconf`
That will generate a new set of keys (and an IP address) each time the program is run.
The program will bind to all addresses on a random port and listen for incoming connections.
It will send announcements over IPv6 link-local multicast, and it will attempt to start a connection if it hears an announcement from another device.
In practice, you probably want to run this instead:
1. `./yggdrasil --genconf > conf.json`
2. `./yggdrasil --useconf < conf.json`
This keeps a persistent set of keys (and by extension, IP address) and gives you the option of editing the configuration file.
If you want to use it as an overlay network on top of e.g. the internet, then you can do so by adding the remote devices domain/address and port (as a string, e.g. `""`) to the list of `Peers` in the configuration file.
## Optional: advertise a prefix locally
Suppose a node has generated the address: `fd00:1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:7777`
Then the node may also use addresses from the prefix: `fd80:1111:2222:3333::/64` (note the `fd00` changed to `fd80`, a separate `/9` is used for prefixes, but the rest of the first 64 bits are the same).
To advertise this prefix and a route to `fd00::/8`, the following seems to work for me:
1. Enable IPv6 forwarding (e.g. `sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1` or add it to sysctl.conf).
2. `ip addr add fd80:1111:2222:3333::1/64 dev eth0` or similar, to assign an address for the router to use in that prefix, where the LAN is reachable through `eth0`.
3. Install/run `radvd` with something like the following in `/etc/radvd.conf`:
interface eth0
AdvSendAdvert on;
prefix fd80:1111:2222:3333::/64 {
AdvOnLink on;
AdvAutonomous on;
route fd00::/8 {};
This is enough to give unsupported devices on my LAN access to the network, with a few security and performance cautions outlined in the [doc](doc/README.md) file.
## How does it work?
I'd rather not try to explain in the readme, but I describe it further in the [doc](doc/README.md) file, so you can check there if you're interested.
Be warned that it's still not a very good explanation, but it at least gives a high-level overview and links to some relevant work by other people.
I may try to write another document at some point, to thoroughly explain how everything works, if the need arises.
## License
This code is released under the terms of the LGPLv3, but with an added exception that was shamelessly taken from [godeb](https://github.com/niemeyer/godeb).
Under certain circumstances, this exception permits distribution of binaries that are (statically or dynamically) linked with this code, without requiring the distribution of Minimal Corresponding Source or Minimal Application Code.
For more details, see: [LICENSE](LICENSE).

build Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
export GOPATH=$PWD
echo "Downloading..."
go get -d -v yggdrasil
for file in *.go ; do
echo "Building: $file"
go build -v $file
#go build -ldflags="-s -w" -v $file
#upx --brute ${file/.go/}

clean Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
git clean -dxf

doc/README.md Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
# Yggdrasil-go
## What is it?
This is a toy implementation of an encrypted IPv6 network.
A number of years ago, I started to spend some of my free time studying and routing schemes, and eventually decided that it made sense to come up with my own.
After much time spent reflecting on the problem, and a few failed starts, I eventually cobbled together one that seemed to have, more or less, the performance characteristics I was looking for.
I resolved to eventually write a proof-of-principle / test implementation, and I thought it would make sense to include many of the nice bells and whistles that I've grown accustomed to from using [cjdns](https://github.com/cjdelisle/cjdns), plus a few additional features that I wanted to test.
Fast forward through a couple years of procrastination, and I've finally started working on it in my limited spare time.
I've found that it's now marginally more interesting than embarrassing, so here it is.
The routing scheme was designed for scalable name-independent routing on graphs with an internet-like topology.
By internet-like, I mean that the network has a densely connected core with many triangles, a diameter that increases slowly with network size, and where any sparse edges tend to be relatively tree-like, all of which appear to be common features of large graphs describing "organically" grown relationships.
By scalable name-independent routing, I mean:
1. Scalable: resource consumption should grow slowly with the size of the network.
In particular, for internet-like networks, the goal is to use only a (poly)logarithmic amount of memory, use a logarithmic amount of bandwidth per one-hop neighbor for control traffic, and to maintain low average multiplicative path stretch (introducing overhead of perhaps a few percent) that does not become worse as the network grows.
2. Name-independent: a node's identifier should be independent of network topology and state, such that a node may freely change their identifier in a static network, or keep it static under state changes in a dynamic network.
In particular, addresses are self-assigned and derived from a public key, which circumvents the use of a centralized addressing authority or public key infrastructure.
Running this code will:
1. Set up a `tun` device and assign it a Unique Local Address (ULA) in `fd00::/8`.
2. Connect to other nodes running the software.
3. Route traffic for and through other nodes.
A device's ULA is actually from `fd00::/9`, and a matching `/64` prefix is available under `fd80::/9`. This allows the node to advertise a route on its LAN, as a workaround for unsupported devices.
## Building
1. Install Go (tested on 1.9, I use [godeb](https://github.com/niemeyer/godeb)).
2. Clone this repository.
2. `./build`
It's written in Go because I felt like learning a new language, and Go seemed like an easy language to learn while still being a reasonable choice for language to prototype network code.
Note that the build script defines its own `$GOPATH`, so the build and its dependencies should be self contained.
It only works on Linux at this time, because a little code (related to the `tun` device) is platform dependent, and changing that hasn't been a high priority.
## Running
To run the program, you'll need permission to create a `tun` device and configure it using `ip`.
If you don't want to mess with capabilities for the `tun` device, then using `sudo` should work, with the usual security caveats about running a program as root.
To run with default settings:
1. `./yggdrasil --autoconf`
That will generate a new set of keys (and an IP address) each time the program is run.
The program will bind to all addresses on a random port and listen for incoming connections.
It will send announcements over IPv6 link-local multicast, and attempt to start a connection if it hears an announcement from another device.
In practice, you probably want to run this instead:
1. `./yggdrasil --genconf > conf.json`
2. `./yggdrasil --useconf < conf.json`
The first step generates a configuration file with a set of cryptographic keys and default settings.
The second step runs the program using the configuration provided in that file.
Because ULAs are derived from keys, using a fixed set of keys causes a node to keep the same address each time the program is run.
If you want to use it as an overlay network on top of e.g. the internet, then you can do so by adding the address and port of the device you want to connect to (as a string, e.g. `""`) to the list of `Peers` in the configuration file.
This should accept IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, and I think it should resolve host/domain names, but I haven't really tested that, so your mileage may vary.
You can also configure which address and/or port to listen on by editing the configuration file, in case you want to bind to a specific address or listen for incoming connections on a fixed port.
Also note that the nodes is connected to the network through a `tun` device, so it follows point-to-point semantics.
This means it's limited to routing traffic with source and destination addresses in `fd00::/8`--you can't add a prefix to your routing table "via" an address in that range, as the router has no idea who you meant to send it to.
In particular, this means you can't set a working default route that *directly* uses the overlay network, but I've had success *indirectly* using it to connect to an off-the-shelf VPN that I can use as a default route for internet access.
## Optional: advertise a prefix locally
Suppose a node has been given the address: `fd00:1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:7777`
Then the node may also use addresses from the prefix: `fd80:1111:2222:3333::/64` (note the `fd00` -> `fd80`, a separate `/9` is used for prefixes).
To advertise this prefix and a route to `fd00::/8`, the following seems to work for me:
1. Enable IPv6 forwarding (e.g. `sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1` or add it to sysctl.conf).
2. `ip addr add fd80:1111:2222:3333::1/64 dev eth0` or similar, to assign an address for the router to use in that prefix, where the LAN is reachable through `eth0`.
3. Install/run `radvd` with something like the following in `/etc/radvd.conf`:
interface eth0
AdvSendAdvert on;
prefix fd80:1111:2222:3333::/64 {
AdvOnLink on;
AdvAutonomous on;
route fd00::/8 {};
Now any IPv6-enabled device in the LAN can use stateless address auto-configuration to assign itself a working `fd00::/8` address from the `/64` prefix, and communicate with the wider network through the router, without requiring any special configuration for each device.
I've used this to e.g. get my phone on the network.
Note that there are a some differences when accessing the network this way:
1. There are 64 fewer bits of address space available for self-certifying addresses.
This means that it is 64 bits easier to brute force a prefix collision than collision for a full node's IP address. As such, you may want to change addresses frequently, or else brute force an address with more security bits (see: `misc/genkeys.go`).
2. The LAN depends on the router for cryptography.
So while traffic going through the WAN is encrypted, the LAN is still just a LAN. You may want to secure your network.
3. Related to the above, the cryptography and I/O through the `tun` device both place additional load on the router, above what is normally present from forwarding packets between full nodes in the network, so the router may need more computing power to reach line rate.
## How does it work?
Consider the internet, which uses a network-of-networks model with address aggregation.
Addresses are allocated by a central authority, as blocks of contiguous addresses with a matching prefix.
Within a network, each node may represent one or more prefixes, with each prefix representing a network of one or more nodes.
On the largest scale, BGP is used to route traffic between networks (autonomous systems), and other protocols can be used to route within a network.
The effectiveness of such hierarchical addressing and routing strategies depend on network topology, with the internet's observed topology being the worst case of all known topologies from a scalability standpoint (see [arxiv:0708.2309](https://arxiv.org/abs/0708.2309) for a better explanation of the issue, but the problem is essentially that address aggregation is ineffective in a network with a large number of nodes and a small diameter).
The routing scheme implemented by this code tries a different approach.
Instead of using assigned addresses and a routing table based on prefixes and address aggregation, routing and addressing are handled through a combination of:
1. Self-assigned cryptographically generated addresses, to handle address allocation without a central authority.
2. A kademlia-like distributed hash table, to look up a node's (name-dependent) routing information from their (name-independent routing) IP address.
3. A name-dependent routing scheme based on greedy routing in a metric space, constructed from an arbitrarily rooted spanning tree, which gives a reasonable approximation of the true distance between nodes for certain network topologies (namely the scale-free topology that seems to emerge in many large graphs, including the internet). The spanning tree embedding takes stability into account when selecting which one-hop neighbor to use as a parent, and path selection uses (poorly) estimated available bandwidth as a criteria, subject to the constraint that metric space distances must decrease with each hop. Incidentally, the name `yggdrasil` was selected for this test code because that's obviously what you call an immense tree that connects worlds.
The network then presents itself as having a single "flat" address with no aggregation.
Under the hood, it runs as an overlay on top of existing IP networks.
Link-local IPv6 multicast traffic is used to advertise on the underlying networks, which can as easily be a wired or wireless LAN, a direct (e.g. ethernet) connection between two devices, a wireless ad-hoc network, etc.
Additional connections can be added manually to peer over networks where link-local multicast is insufficient, which allows you to e.g. use the internet to bridge local networks.
The name-dependent routing layer uses cryptographically signed (`Ed25519`) path-vector-like routing messages, similar to S-BGP, which should prevent route poisoning and related attacks.
For encryption, it uses the Go implementation of the `nacl/box` scheme, which is built from a Curve25519 key exchange with XSalsa20 as a stream cypher and Poly1305 for integrity and authentication.
Permanent keys are used for protocol traffic, including the ephemeral key exchange, and a hash of a node's permanent public key is used to construct a node's address.
Ephemeral keys are used for encapsulated IP(v6) traffic, which provides forward secrecy.
Go's `crypto/rand` library is used for nonce generation.
In short, I've tried to not make this a complete security disaster, but the code hasn't been independently audited and I'm nothing close to a security expert, so it should be considered a proof-of-principle rather than a safe implementation.
At a minimum, I know of no way to prevent gray hole attacks.
I realize that this is a terribly short description of how it works, so I may elaborate further in another document if the need arises.
Otherwise, I guess you could try to read my terrible and poorly documented code if you want to know more.
## Related work
A lot of inspiration comes from [cjdns](https://github.com/cjdelisle/cjdns).
I'm a contributor to that project, and I wanted to test out some ideas that weren't convenient to prototype in the existing code base, which is why I wrote this toy.
On the routing side, a lot of influence came from compact routing.
A number of compact routing schemes are evaluated in [arxiv:0708.2309](https://arxiv.org/abs/0708.2309) and may be used as a basis for comparison.
When tested in a simplified simulation environment on CAIDA's 9204-node "skitter" network graph used in that paper, I observed an average multiplicative stretch of about 1.08 with my routing scheme, as implemented here.
This can be lowered to less than 1.02 using a source-routed version of the algorithm and including node degree as an additional parameter of the embedding, which is of academic interest, but degree's unverifiability makes it impractical for this implementation.
In either case, this only requires 1 routing table entry per one-hop neighbor (this averages ~6 for in the skitter network graph), plus a logarithmic number of DHT entries (expected to be ~26, based on extrapolations from networks with a few hundred nodes--running the full implementation on the skitter graph is impractical on my machine).
I don't think stretch is really an appropriate metric, as it doesn't consider the difference to total network cost from a high-stretch short path vs a high-stretch long path.
In this scheme, and I believe in most compact routing schemes, longer paths tend to have lower multiplicative stretch, and shorter paths are more likely to have longer stretch.
I would argue that this is preferable to the alternative.
While I use a slightly different approach, the idea to try a greedy routing scheme was inspired by the use of greedy routing on networks embedded in the hyperbolic plane (such as [Kleinberg's work](https://doi.org/10.1109%2FINFCOM.2007.221) and [Greedy Forwarding on the NDN Testbed](https://www.caida.org/research/routing/greedy_forwarding_ndn/)).
I use distance on a spanning tree as the metric, as seems to work well on the types of networks I'm concerned with, and it simplifies other aspects of the implementation.
The hyperbolic embedding algorithms I'm aware of, or specifically the distributed ones, operate by constructing a spanning tree of the network and then embedding the tree.
So I don't see much harm, at present, of skipping the hyperbolic plane and directly using the tree for the metric space.
## Misc. notes
This is a toy experiment / proof-of-concept.
It's only meant to test if / how well some ideas work.
I have no idea what I'm doing, so for all I know it's entirely possible that it could crash your computer, eat your homework, or set fire to your house.
Some parts are also written to be as bad as I could make them while still being technically correct, in an effort to make bugs obvious if they occur, which means that even when it does work it may be fragile and error prone.
In particular, you should expect it to perform poorly under mobility events, and to converge slowly in dynamic networks. All else being equal, this implementation should tend to prefer long-lived links over short-lived ones when embedding, and (poorly estimated) high bandwidth links over low bandwidth ones when forwarding traffic. As such, in multi-homed or mobile scenarios, there may be some tendency for it to make decisions you disagree with.
While stretch is low on internet-like graphs, the best upper bound I've established on the *additive* stretch of this scheme, after convergence, is the same as for tree routing: proportional to network diameter. For sparse graphs with a large diameter, the scheme may not find particularly efficient paths, even under ideal circumstances. I would argue that such networks tend not to grow large enough for scalability to be an issue, so another routing scheme is better suited to those networks.
Regarding the announce-able prefix thing, what I wanted to do is use `fc00::/7`, where `fc00::/8` is for nodes and `fd00::/8` is for prefixes.
I would also possibly widen the prefixes to `/48`, to match [rfc4193](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4193), and possibly provide an option to keep using a `/64` by splitting it into two `/9` blocks (where `/64` prefixes would continue to live in `fd80::/9`), or else convince myself that the security implications of another 16 bits don't matter (to avoid the complexity of splitting it into two `/9` ranges for prefixes).
Using `fc00::/8` this way would cause issues if trying to also run cjdns.
Since I like cjdns, and want the option of running it on the same nodes, I've decided not to do that.
If I ever give up on avoiding cjdns conflicts, then I may change the addressing scheme to match the above.
Despite the tree being constructed from path-vector-like routing messages, there's no support for routing policy right now.
As a result, peer relationships are bimodal: either you're not connected to someone, or you're connected and you'll route traffic *to* and *through* them.
Nodes also accept all incoming connections, so if you want to limit who can connect then you'll need to provide some other kind of access controls.
The current implementation does all of its setup when the program starts, and then nothing can be reconfigured without restarting the program.
At some point I may add a remote API, so a running node can be reconfigured (to e.g. add/remove peers) without restarting, or probe the internal state of the router to get useful debugging info.
So far, things seem to work the way I want/expect without much trouble, so I haven't felt the need to do this yet.
Some parts of the implementation can take advantage of multiple cores, but other parts that could simply do not.
Some parts are fast, but other parts are slower than they have any right to be, e.g. I can't figure out why some syscalls are as expensive as they are, so the `tun` in particular tends to be a CPU bottleneck (multi-queue could help in some cases, but that just spreads the cost around, and it doesn't help with single streams of traffic).
The Go runtime's GC tends to have short pauses, but it does have pauses.
So even if the ideas that went into this routing scheme turn out to be useful, this implementation is likely to remain mediocre at best for the foreseeable future.
If the is thing works well and the protocol stabilizes, then it's worth considering re-implementation and/or a formal spec and RFC.
In such a case, it's entirely reasonable to change parts of the spec purely to make the efficient implementation easier (e.g. it makes sense to want zero-copy networking, but a couple parts of the current protocol might make that impractical).

misc/genkeys.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
This file generates crypto keys.
It prints out a new set of keys each time if finds a "better" one.
By default, "better" means a higher NodeID (-> higher IP address).
This is because the IP address format can compress leading 1s in the address, to incrase the number of ID bits in the address.
If run with the "-sig" flag, it generates signing keys instead.
A "better" signing key means one with a higher TreeID.
This only matters if it's high enough to make you the root of the tree.
package main
import "encoding/hex"
import "flag"
import "fmt"
import . "yggdrasil"
var doSig = flag.Bool("sig", false, "generate new signing keys instead")
func main() {
switch {
case *doSig: doSigKeys()
default: doBoxKeys()
func isBetter(oldID, newID []byte) bool {
for idx := range oldID {
if newID[idx] > oldID[idx] { return true }
if newID[idx] < oldID[idx] { return false }
return false
func doBoxKeys() {
c := Core{}
pub, _ := c.DEBUG_newBoxKeys()
bestID := c.DEBUG_getNodeID(pub)
for idx := range bestID {
bestID[idx] = 0
for {
pub, priv := c.DEBUG_newBoxKeys()
id := c.DEBUG_getNodeID(pub)
if !isBetter(bestID[:], id[:]) { continue }
bestID = id
ip := c.DEBUG_addrForNodeID(id)
fmt.Println("boxPriv:", hex.EncodeToString(priv[:]))
fmt.Println("boxPub:", hex.EncodeToString(pub[:]))
fmt.Println("NodeID:", hex.EncodeToString(id[:]))
fmt.Println("IP:", ip)
func doSigKeys() {
c := Core{}
pub, _ := c.DEBUG_newSigKeys()
bestID := c.DEBUG_getTreeID(pub)
for idx := range bestID {
bestID[idx] = 0
for {
pub, priv := c.DEBUG_newSigKeys()
id := c.DEBUG_getTreeID(pub)
if !isBetter(bestID[:], id[:]) { continue }
bestID = id
fmt.Println("sigPriv:", hex.EncodeToString(priv[:]))
fmt.Println("sigPub:", hex.EncodeToString(pub[:]))
fmt.Println("TreeID:", hex.EncodeToString(id[:]))

misc/run-conf2-netns Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
ip netns add peerns
ip link add veth0 type veth peer name veth1
ifconfig veth0 up
echo "1"
#tc qdisc add dev veth0 root tbf rate 8mbit burst 8192 latency 1ms
#tc qdisc add dev veth0 root netem delay 50ms 5ms distribution normal
echo "2"
ip link set veth1 netns peerns
ip netns exec peerns ifconfig veth1 up
echo "3"
#ip netns exec peerns tc qdisc add dev veth1 root tbf rate 8mbit burst 8192 latency 1ms
#ip netns exec peerns tc qdisc add dev veth1 root netem delay 50ms 5ms distribution normal
echo "4"
ip netns exec peerns ip addr list
#ip netns exec peerns ./run -useconf=conf2.json
ip netns exec peerns ip link set dev lo up
ip netns exec peerns ./run -autoconf -pprof
#GODEBUG=gctrace=1 ip netns exec peerns ./run -autoconf
#ip netns exec peerns ./run -useconf=conf2.json -cpuprofile=cpu2.prof -memprofile=mem2.prof
#ip netns delete peerns

misc/run-conf3-netns Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
ip netns add peerns3
ip link add veth23 type veth peer name veth32
ip link set veth23 netns peerns
ip netns exec peerns ifconfig veth23 up
#ip netns exec peerns tc qdisc add dev veth23 root tbf rate 8mbit burst 8192 latency 1ms
#ip netns exec peerns tc qdisc add dev veth23 root netem delay 50ms 5ms distribution normal
ip link set veth32 netns peerns3
ip netns exec peerns3 ifconfig veth32 up
#ip netns exec peerns3 tc qdisc add dev veth32 root tbf rate 8mbit burst 8192 latency 1ms
#ip netns exec peerns3 tc qdisc add dev veth32 root netem delay 50ms 5ms distribution normal
ip netns exec peerns3 ip route add via
#ip link add veth13 type veth peer name veth31
#ifconfig veth13 up
#ip netns exec peerns tc qdisc add dev veth23 root tbf rate 8mbit burst 8192 latency 1ms
#ip netns exec peerns tc qdisc add dev veth23 root netem delay 50ms 5ms distribution normal
#ip link set veth31 netns peerns3
#ip netns exec peerns3 ifconfig veth32 up
#ip netns exec peerns3 tc qdisc add dev veth32 root tbf rate 8mbit burst 8192 latency 1ms
#ip netns exec peerns3 tc qdisc add dev veth32 root netem delay 50ms 5ms distribution normal
#ip netns exec peerns3 ip route add via
ip netns exec peerns3 ip addr list
#ip netns exec peerns3 ./run -useconf=conf3.json
ip netns exec peerns3 ./run -autoconf
#ip netns delete peerns3

misc/run-conf4-netns Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
ip netns add peerns4
ip link add veth34 type veth peer name veth43
ip link set veth34 netns peerns3
ip netns exec peerns3 ifconfig veth34 up
#ip netns exec peerns tc qdisc add dev veth23 root tbf rate 8mbit burst 8192 latency 1ms
#ip netns exec peerns tc qdisc add dev veth23 root netem delay 50ms 5ms distribution normal
ip link set veth43 netns peerns4
ip netns exec peerns4 ifconfig veth43 up
#ip netns exec peerns3 tc qdisc add dev veth32 root tbf rate 8mbit burst 8192 latency 1ms
#ip netns exec peerns3 tc qdisc add dev veth32 root netem delay 50ms 5ms distribution normal
#ip netns exec peerns4 ip route add via
#ip link add veth13 type veth peer name veth31
#ifconfig veth13 up
#ip netns exec peerns tc qdisc add dev veth23 root tbf rate 8mbit burst 8192 latency 1ms
#ip netns exec peerns tc qdisc add dev veth23 root netem delay 50ms 5ms distribution normal
#ip link set veth31 netns peerns3
#ip netns exec peerns3 ifconfig veth32 up
#ip netns exec peerns3 tc qdisc add dev veth32 root tbf rate 8mbit burst 8192 latency 1ms
#ip netns exec peerns3 tc qdisc add dev veth32 root netem delay 50ms 5ms distribution normal
#ip netns exec peerns3 ip route add via
ip netns exec peerns4 ip addr list
#ip netns exec peerns3 ./run -useconf=conf3.json
ip netns exec peerns4 ./run -autoconf
#ip netns delete peerns3

misc/run-schannel-netns Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
# Connects nodes in a network resembling an s-channel feynmann diagram.
# 1 5
# \ /
# 3--4
# / \
# 2 6
# Bandwidth constraints are applied to 4<->5 and 4<->6.
# The idea is to make sure that bottlenecks on one link don't affect the other.
ip netns add node1
ip netns add node2
ip netns add node3
ip netns add node4
ip netns add node5
ip netns add node6
ip link add veth13 type veth peer name veth31
ip link set veth13 netns node1 up
ip link set veth31 netns node3 up
ip link add veth23 type veth peer name veth32
ip link set veth23 netns node2 up
ip link set veth32 netns node3 up
ip link add veth34 type veth peer name veth43
ip link set veth34 netns node3 up
ip link set veth43 netns node4 up
ip link add veth45 type veth peer name veth54
ip link set veth45 netns node4 up
ip link set veth54 netns node5 up
ip link add veth46 type veth peer name veth64
ip link set veth46 netns node4 up
ip link set veth64 netns node6 up
ip netns exec node4 tc qdisc add dev veth45 root tbf rate 100mbit burst 8192 latency 1ms
ip netns exec node5 tc qdisc add dev veth54 root tbf rate 100mbit burst 8192 latency 1ms
ip netns exec node4 tc qdisc add dev veth46 root tbf rate 10mbit burst 8192 latency 1ms
ip netns exec node6 tc qdisc add dev veth64 root tbf rate 10mbit burst 8192 latency 1ms
ip netns exec node1 ./run --autoconf --pprof &> /dev/null &
ip netns exec node2 ./run --autoconf --pprof &> /dev/null &
ip netns exec node3 ./run --autoconf --pprof &> /dev/null &
ip netns exec node4 ./run --autoconf --pprof &> /dev/null &
ip netns exec node5 ./run --autoconf --pprof &> /dev/null &
ip netns exec node6 ./run --autoconf --pprof &> /dev/null &
echo "Started, to continue you should (possibly w/ sudo):"
echo "kill" $(jobs -p)
ip netns delete node1
ip netns delete node2
ip netns delete node3
ip netns delete node4
ip netns delete node5
ip netns delete node6
ip link delete veth13
ip link delete veth23
ip link delete veth34
ip link delete veth45
ip link delete veth46

misc/sim/fc00-2017-08-12.txt Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

misc/sim/merge-skitter.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
import glob
inputDirPath = "out-skitter"
inputFilePaths = glob.glob(inputDirPath+"/*")
merged = dict()
stretches = []
total = 0
for inputFilePath in inputFilePaths:
print "Processing file {}".format(inputFilePath)
with open(inputFilePath, 'r') as f:
inData = f.readlines()
pathsChecked = 0.
avgStretch = 0.
for line in inData:
dat = line.rstrip('\n').split(' ')
eHops = int(dat[0])
nHops = int(dat[1])
count = int(dat[2])
if eHops not in merged: merged[eHops] = dict()
if nHops not in merged[eHops]: merged[eHops][nHops] = 0
merged[eHops][nHops] += count
total += count
pathsChecked += count
stretch = float(nHops)/eHops
avgStretch += stretch*count
finStretch = avgStretch / max(1, pathsChecked)
hopsUsed = 0.
hopsNeeded = 0.
avgStretch = 0.
results = []
for eHops in sorted(merged.keys()):
for nHops in sorted(merged[eHops].keys()):
count = merged[eHops][nHops]
result = "{} {} {}".format(eHops, nHops, count)
hopsUsed += nHops*count
hopsNeeded += eHops*count
stretch = float(nHops)/eHops
avgStretch += stretch*count
print result
bandwidthUsage = hopsUsed/max(1, hopsNeeded)
avgStretch /= max(1, total)
with open("results.txt", "w") as f:
with open("stretches.txt", "w") as f:
print "Total files processed: {}".format(len(inputFilePaths))
print "Total paths found: {}".format(total)
print "Bandwidth usage: {}".format(bandwidthUsage)
print "Average stretch: {}".format(avgStretch)

misc/sim/merge.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
import glob
inputDirPath = "fc00"
inputFilePaths = glob.glob(inputDirPath+"/*")
merged = dict()
stretches = []
total = 0
for inputFilePath in inputFilePaths:
print "Processing file {}".format(inputFilePath)
with open(inputFilePath, 'r') as f:
inData = f.readlines()
pathsChecked = 0.
avgStretch = 0.
for line in inData:
dat = line.rstrip('\n').split(' ')
eHops = int(dat[0])
nHops = int(dat[1])
count = int(dat[2])
if eHops not in merged: merged[eHops] = dict()
if nHops not in merged[eHops]: merged[eHops][nHops] = 0
merged[eHops][nHops] += count
total += count
pathsChecked += count
stretch = float(nHops)/eHops
avgStretch += stretch*count
finStretch = avgStretch / max(1, pathsChecked)
hopsUsed = 0.
hopsNeeded = 0.
avgStretch = 0.
results = []
for eHops in sorted(merged.keys()):
for nHops in sorted(merged[eHops].keys()):
count = merged[eHops][nHops]
result = "{} {} {}".format(eHops, nHops, count)
hopsUsed += nHops*count
hopsNeeded += eHops*count
stretch = float(nHops)/eHops
avgStretch += stretch*count
print result
bandwidthUsage = hopsUsed/max(1, hopsNeeded)
avgStretch /= max(1, total)
with open("results.txt", "w") as f:
with open("stretches.txt", "w") as f:
print "Total files processed: {}".format(len(inputFilePaths))
print "Total paths found: {}".format(total)
print "Bandwidth usage: {}".format(bandwidthUsage)
print "Average stretch: {}".format(avgStretch)

misc/sim/test Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
export GOPATH=$PWD
go get -d yggdrasil
go run misc/sim/treesim.go

misc/sim/treesim-basic.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
package main
import "fmt"
import "bufio"
import "os"
import "strings"
import "strconv"
import "time"
import "runtime/pprof"
import "flag"
import "router"
type Node struct {
nodeID router.NodeID
table router.Table
links []*Node
func (n *Node) init(nodeID router.NodeID) {
n.nodeID = nodeID
n.links = append(n.links, n)
func linkNodes(m, n *Node) {
for _, o := range m.links {
if o.nodeID == n.nodeID {
// Don't allow duplicates
m.links = append(m.links, n)
n.links = append(n.links, m)
func makeStoreSquareGrid(sideLength int) map[router.NodeID]*Node {
store := make(map[router.NodeID]*Node)
nNodes := sideLength*sideLength
nodeIDs := make([]router.NodeID, 0, nNodes)
// TODO shuffle nodeIDs
for nodeID := 1 ; nodeID <= nNodes ; nodeID++ {
nodeIDs = append(nodeIDs, router.NodeID(nodeID))
for _, nodeID := range nodeIDs {
node := &Node{}
store[nodeID] = node
for idx := 0 ; idx < nNodes ; idx++ {
if (idx % sideLength) != 0 {
linkNodes(store[nodeIDs[idx]], store[nodeIDs[idx-1]])
if idx >= sideLength {
linkNodes(store[nodeIDs[idx]], store[nodeIDs[idx-sideLength]])
return store
func loadGraph(path string) map[router.NodeID]*Node {
f, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
defer f.Close()
store := make(map[router.NodeID]*Node)
s := bufio.NewScanner(f)
for s.Scan() {
line := s.Text()
nodeIDstrs := strings.Split(line, " ")
nodeIDi0, _ := strconv.Atoi(nodeIDstrs[0])
nodeIDi1, _ := strconv.Atoi(nodeIDstrs[1])
nodeID0 := router.NodeID(nodeIDi0)
nodeID1 := router.NodeID(nodeIDi1)
if store[nodeID0] == nil {
node := &Node{}
store[nodeID0] = node
if store[nodeID1] == nil {
node := &Node{}
store[nodeID1] = node
linkNodes(store[nodeID0], store[nodeID1])
return store
func idleUntilConverged(store map[router.NodeID]*Node) {
timeOfLastChange := 0
step := 0
// Idle untl the network has converged
for step - timeOfLastChange < 4*router.TIMEOUT {
fmt.Println("Step:", step, "--", "last change:", timeOfLastChange)
for _, node := range store {
for idx, link := range node.links[1:] {
msg := node.table.CreateMessage(router.Iface(idx))
for idx, fromNode := range link.links {
if fromNode == node {
//fmt.Println("Sending from node", node.nodeID, "to", link.nodeID)
link.table.HandleMessage(msg, router.Iface(idx))
//for _, node := range store {
// if node.table.DEBUG_isDirty() { timeOfLastChange = step }
func testPaths(store map[router.NodeID]*Node) {
nNodes := len(store)
nodeIDs := make([]router.NodeID, 0, nNodes)
for nodeID := range store {
nodeIDs = append(nodeIDs, nodeID)
lookups := 0
count := 0
start := time.Now()
for _, source := range store {
fmt.Printf("Testing paths from node %d / %d (%d)\n", count, nNodes, source.nodeID)
for _, dest := range store {
//if source == dest { continue }
destLoc := dest.table.GetLocator()
temp := 0
for here := source ; here != dest ; {
if temp > 16 { panic("Loop?") }
next := here.links[here.table.Lookup(destLoc)]
if next == here {
//for idx, link := range here.links {
// fmt.Println("DUMP:", idx, link.nodeID)
panic(fmt.Sprintln("Routing Loop:",
//fmt.Println("DEBUG:", source.nodeID, here.nodeID, dest.nodeID)
here = next
timed := time.Since(start)
fmt.Printf("%f lookups per second\n", float64(lookups)/timed.Seconds())
func dumpStore(store map[router.NodeID]*Node) {
for _, node := range store {
fmt.Println("DUMPSTORE:", node.nodeID, node.table.GetLocator())
var cpuprofile = flag.String("cpuprofile", "", "write cpu profile `file`")
func main() {
if *cpuprofile != "" {
f, err := os.Create(*cpuprofile)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create CPU profile: ", err))
if err := pprof.StartCPUProfile(f); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not start CPU profile: ", err))
defer pprof.StopCPUProfile()
store := makeStoreSquareGrid(4)
store = loadGraph("hype-2016-09-19.list")

misc/sim/treesim-forward.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,902 @@
# Tree routing scheme (named Yggdrasil, after the world tree from Norse mythology)
# Steps:
# 1: Pick any node, here I'm using highest nodeID
# 2: Build spanning tree, each node stores path back to root
# Optionally with weights for each hop
# Ties broken by preferring a parent with higher degree
# 3: Distance metric: self->peer + (via tree) peer->dest
# 4: Perform (modified) greedy lookup via this metric for each direction (A->B and B->A)
# 5: Source-route traffic using the better of those two paths
# Note: This makes no attempt to simulate a dynamic network
# E.g. A node's peers cannot be disconnected
# Make better use of drop?
# In particular, we should be ignoring *all* recently dropped *paths* to the root
# To minimize route flapping
# Not really an issue in the sim, but probably needed for a real network
import array
import gc
import glob
import gzip
import heapq
import os
import random
import time
# Constants #
# Reminder of where link cost comes in
# Timeout before dropping something, in simulated seconds
# Classes #
class PathInfo:
def __init__(self, nodeID):
self.nodeID = nodeID # e.g. IP
self.coords = [] # Position in tree
self.tstamp = 0 # Timestamp from sender, to keep track of old vs new info
self.degree = 0 # Number of peers the sender has, used to break ties
# The above should be signed
self.path = [nodeID] # Path to node (in path-vector route)
self.time = 0 # Time info was updated, to keep track of e.g. timeouts
self.treeID = nodeID # Hack, let tree use different ID than IP, used so we can dijkstra once and test many roots
def clone(self):
# Return a deep-enough copy of the path
clone = PathInfo(None)
clone.nodeID = self.nodeID
clone.coords = self.coords[:]
clone.tstamp = self.tstamp
clone.degree = self.degree
clone.path = self.path[:]
clone.time = self.time
clone.treeID = self.treeID
return clone
# End class PathInfo
class Node:
def __init__(self, nodeID):
self.info = PathInfo(nodeID) # Self NodeInfo
self.root = None # PathInfo to node at root of tree
self.drop = dict() # PathInfo to nodes from clus that have timed out
self.peers = dict() # PathInfo to peers
self.links = dict() # Links to peers (to pass messages)
self.msgs = [] # Said messages
self.table = dict() # Pre-computed lookup table of peer info
def tick(self):
# Do periodic maintenance stuff, including push updates
self.info.time += 1
if self.info.time > self.info.tstamp + TIMEOUT/4:
# Update timestamp at least once every 1/4 timeout period
# This should probably be randomized in a real implementation
self.info.tstamp = self.info.time
self.info.degree = 0# TODO decide if degree should be used, len(self.peers)
changed = False # Used to track when the network has converged
changed |= self.cleanRoot()
# Should probably send messages infrequently if there's nothing new to report
if self.info.tstamp == self.info.time:
msg = self.createMessage()
return changed
def cleanRoot(self):
changed = False
if self.root and self.info.time - self.root.time > TIMEOUT:
print "DEBUG: clean root,", self.root.path
self.drop[self.root.treeID] = self.root
self.root = None
changed = True
if not self.root or self.root.treeID < self.info.treeID:
# No need to drop someone who'se worse than us
self.info.coords = [self.info.nodeID]
self.root = self.info.clone()
changed = True
elif self.root.treeID == self.info.treeID:
self.root = self.info.clone()
return changed
def cleanDropped(self):
# May actually be a treeID... better to iterate over keys explicitly
nodeIDs = sorted(self.drop.keys())
for nodeID in nodeIDs:
node = self.drop[nodeID]
if self.info.time - node.time > 4*TIMEOUT:
del self.drop[nodeID]
return None
def createMessage(self):
# Message is just a tuple
# First element is the sender
# Second element is the root
# We will .clone() everything during the send operation
msg = (self.info, self.root)
return msg
def sendMessage(self, msg):
for link in self.links.values():
newMsg = (msg[0].clone(), msg[1].clone())
return None
def handleMessages(self):
changed = False
while self.msgs:
changed |= self.handleMessage(self.msgs.pop())
return changed
def handleMessage(self, msg):
changed = False
for node in msg:
# Update the path and timestamp for the sender and root info
node.time = self.info.time
# Update the sender's info in our list of peers
sender = msg[0]
self.peers[sender.nodeID] = sender
# Decide if we want to update the root
root = msg[1]
updateRoot = False
isSameParent = False
isBetterParent = False
if len(self.root.path) > 1 and len(root.path) > 1:
parent = self.peers[self.root.path[-2]]
if parent.nodeID == sender.nodeID: isSameParent = True
if sender.degree > parent.degree:
# This would also be where you check path uptime/reliability/whatever
# All else being equal, we prefer parents with high degree
# We are trusting peers to report degree correctly in this case
# So expect some performance reduction if your peers aren't trustworthy
# (Lies can increase average stretch by a few %)
isBetterParent = True
if self.info.nodeID in root.path[:-1]: pass # No loopy routes allowed
elif root.treeID in self.drop and self.drop[root.treeID].tstamp >= root.tstamp: pass
elif not self.root: updateRoot = True
elif self.root.treeID < root.treeID: updateRoot = True
elif self.root.treeID != root.treeID: pass
elif self.root.tstamp > root.tstamp: pass
elif len(root.path) < len(self.root.path): updateRoot = True
elif isBetterParent and len(root.path) == len(self.root.path): updateRoot = True
elif isSameParent and self.root.tstamp < root.tstamp: updateRoot = True
if updateRoot:
if not self.root or self.root.path != root.path: changed = True
self.root = root
self.info.coords = self.root.path
return changed
def lookup_old(self, dest):
# Note: Can loop in an unconverged network
# The person looking up the route is responsible for checking for loops
best = None
bestDist = 0
for node in self.peers.itervalues():
# dist = distance to node + dist (on tree) from node to dest
dist = len(node.path)-1 + treeDist(node.coords, dest.coords)
if not best or dist < bestDist:
best = node
bestDist = dist
if best:
next = best.path[-2]
assert next in self.peers
return next
# We failed to look something up
# TODO some way to signal this which doesn't crash
assert False
def initTable(self):
# Pre-computes a lookup table for destination coords
# Insert parent first so you prefer them as a next-hop
parent = self.info.nodeID
if len(self.info.coords) >= 2: parent = self.info.coords[-2]
for peer in self.peers.itervalues():
current = self.table
for coord in peer.coords:
if coord not in current: current[coord] = (peer.nodeID, dict())
old = current[coord]
next = old[1]
oldPeer = self.peers[old[0]]
oldDist = len(oldPeer.coords)
oldDeg = oldPeer.degree
newDist = len(peer.coords)
newDeg = peer.degree
# Prefer parent
# Else prefer short distance from root
# If equal distance, prefer high degree
if peer.nodeID == parent: current[coord] = (peer.nodeID, next)
elif newDist < oldDist: current[coord] = (peer.nodeID, next)
elif newDist == oldDist and newDeg > oldDeg: current[coord] = (peer.nodeID, next)
current = next
return None
def lookup(self, dest):
# Use pre-computed lookup table to look up next hop for dest coords
assert self.table
if len(self.info.coords) >= 2: parent = self.info.coords[-2]
else: parent = None
current = (parent, self.table)
c = None
for coord in dest.coords:
c = coord
if coord not in current[1]: break
current = current[1][coord]
next = current[0]
if c in self.peers: next = c
if next not in self.peers:
assert next == None
# You're the root of a different connected component
# You'd drop the packet in this case
# To make the path cache not die, need to return a valid next hop...
# Returning self for that reason
next = self.info.nodeID
return next
# End class Node
# Helper Functions #
def getIndexOfLCA(source, dest):
# Return index of last common ancestor in source/dest coords
# -1 if no common ancestor (e.g. different roots)
lcaIdx = -1
minLen = min(len(source), len(dest))
for idx in xrange(minLen):
if source[idx] == dest[idx]: lcaIdx = idx
else: break
return lcaIdx
def treePath(source, dest):
# Return path with source at head and dest at tail
lastMatch = getIndexOfLCA(source, dest)
path = dest[-1:lastMatch:-1] + source[lastMatch:]
assert path[0] == dest[-1]
assert path[-1] == source[-1]
return path
def treeDist(source, dest):
dist = len(source) + len(dest)
lcaIdx = getIndexOfLCA(source, dest)
dist -= 2*(lcaIdx+1)
return dist
def dijkstra(nodestore, startingNodeID):
# Idea to use heapq and basic implementation taken from stackexchange post
# http://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/79025/dijkstras-algorithm-in-python
nodeIDs = sorted(nodestore.keys())
nNodes = len(nodeIDs)
idxs = dict()
for nodeIdx in xrange(nNodes):
nodeID = nodeIDs[nodeIdx]
idxs[nodeID] = nodeIdx
dists = array.array("H", [0]*nNodes)
queue = [(0, startingNodeID)]
while queue:
dist, nodeID = heapq.heappop(queue)
idx = idxs[nodeID]
if not dists[idx]: # Unvisited, otherwise we skip it
dists[idx] = dist
for peer in nodestore[nodeID].links:
if not dists[idxs[peer]]:
# Peer is also unvisited, so add to queue
heapq.heappush(queue, (dist+LINK_COST, peer))
return dists
def dijkstrall(nodestore):
# Idea to use heapq and basic implementation taken from stackexchange post
# http://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/79025/dijkstras-algorithm-in-python
nodeIDs = sorted(nodestore.keys())
nNodes = len(nodeIDs)
idxs = dict()
for nodeIdx in xrange(nNodes):
nodeID = nodeIDs[nodeIdx]
idxs[nodeID] = nodeIdx
dists = array.array("H", [0]*nNodes*nNodes) # use GetCacheIndex(nNodes, start, end)
for sourceIdx in xrange(nNodes):
print "Finding shortest paths for node {} / {} ({})".format(sourceIdx+1, nNodes, nodeIDs[sourceIdx])
queue = [(0, sourceIdx)]
while queue:
dist, nodeIdx = heapq.heappop(queue)
distIdx = getCacheIndex(nNodes, sourceIdx, nodeIdx)
if not dists[distIdx]: # Unvisited, otherwise we skip it
dists[distIdx] = dist
for peer in nodestore[nodeIDs[nodeIdx]].links:
pIdx = idxs[peer]
pdIdx = getCacheIndex(nNodes, sourceIdx, pIdx)
if not dists[pdIdx]:
# Peer is also unvisited, so add to queue
heapq.heappush(queue, (dist+LINK_COST, pIdx))
return dists
def linkNodes(node1, node2):
node1.links[node2.info.nodeID] = node2
node2.links[node1.info.nodeID] = node1
# Store topology functions #
def makeStoreSquareGrid(sideLength, randomize=True):
# Simple grid in a sideLength*sideLength square
# Just used to validate that the code runs
store = dict()
nodeIDs = list(range(sideLength*sideLength))
if randomize: random.shuffle(nodeIDs)
for nodeID in nodeIDs:
store[nodeID] = Node(nodeID)
for index in xrange(len(nodeIDs)):
if (index % sideLength != 0): linkNodes(store[nodeIDs[index]], store[nodeIDs[index-1]])
if (index >= sideLength): linkNodes(store[nodeIDs[index]], store[nodeIDs[index-sideLength]])
print "Grid store created, size {}".format(len(store))
return store
def makeStoreASRelGraph(pathToGraph):
#Existing network graphs, in caida.org's asrel format (ASx|ASy|z per line, z denotes relationship type)
with open(pathToGraph, "r") as f:
inData = f.readlines()
store = dict()
for line in inData:
if line.strip()[0] == "#": continue # Skip comment lines
line = line.replace('|'," ")
nodes = map(int, line.split()[0:2])
if nodes[0] not in store: store[nodes[0]] = Node(nodes[0])
if nodes[1] not in store: store[nodes[1]] = Node(nodes[1])
linkNodes(store[nodes[0]], store[nodes[1]])
print "CAIDA AS-relation graph successfully imported, size {}".format(len(store))
return store
def makeStoreASRelGraphMaxDeg(pathToGraph, degIdx=0):
with open(pathToGraph, "r") as f:
inData = f.readlines()
store = dict()
nodeDeg = dict()
for line in inData:
if line.strip()[0] == "#": continue # Skip comment lines
line = line.replace('|'," ")
nodes = map(int, line.split()[0:2])
if nodes[0] not in nodeDeg: nodeDeg[nodes[0]] = 0
if nodes[1] not in nodeDeg: nodeDeg[nodes[1]] = 0
nodeDeg[nodes[0]] += 1
nodeDeg[nodes[1]] += 1
sortedNodes = sorted(nodeDeg.keys(), \
key=lambda x: (nodeDeg[x], x), \
maxDegNodeID = sortedNodes[degIdx]
return makeStoreASRelGraphFixedRoot(pathToGraph, maxDegNodeID)
def makeStoreASRelGraphFixedRoot(pathToGraph, rootNodeID):
with open(pathToGraph, "r") as f:
inData = f.readlines()
store = dict()
for line in inData:
if line.strip()[0] == "#": continue # Skip comment lines
line = line.replace('|'," ")
nodes = map(int, line.split()[0:2])
if nodes[0] not in store:
store[nodes[0]] = Node(nodes[0])
if nodes[0] == rootNodeID: store[nodes[0]].info.treeID += 1000000000
if nodes[1] not in store:
store[nodes[1]] = Node(nodes[1])
if nodes[1] == rootNodeID: store[nodes[1]].info.treeID += 1000000000
linkNodes(store[nodes[0]], store[nodes[1]])
print "CAIDA AS-relation graph successfully imported, size {}".format(len(store))
return store
def makeStoreDimesEdges(pathToGraph, rootNodeID=None):
# Read from a DIMES csv-formatted graph from a gzip file
store = dict()
with gzip.open(pathToGraph, "r") as f:
inData = f.readlines()
size = len(inData)
index = 0
for edge in inData:
if not index % 1000:
pct = 100.0*index/size
print "Processing edge {}, {:.2f}%".format(index, pct)
index += 1
dat = edge.rstrip().split(',')
node1 = "N" + str(dat[0].strip())
node2 = "N" + str(dat[1].strip())
if '?' in node1 or '?' in node2: continue #Unknown node
if node1 == rootNodeID: node1 = "R" + str(dat[0].strip())
if node2 == rootNodeID: node2 = "R" + str(dat[1].strip())
if node1 not in store: store[node1] = Node(node1)
if node2 not in store: store[node2] = Node(node2)
if node1 != node2: linkNodes(store[node1], store[node2])
print "DIMES graph successfully imported, size {}".format(len(store))
return store
def makeStoreGeneratedGraph(pathToGraph, root=None):
with open(pathToGraph, "r") as f:
inData = f.readlines()
store = dict()
for line in inData:
if line.strip()[0] == "#": continue # Skip comment lines
nodes = map(int, line.strip().split(' ')[0:2])
node1 = nodes[0]
node2 = nodes[1]
if node1 == root: node1 += 1000000
if node2 == root: node2 += 1000000
if node1 not in store: store[node1] = Node(node1)
if node2 not in store: store[node2] = Node(node2)
linkNodes(store[node1], store[node2])
print "Generated graph successfully imported, size {}".format(len(store))
return store
# Functions used as parts of network tests #
def idleUntilConverged(store):
nodeIDs = sorted(store.keys())
timeOfLastChange = 0
step = 0
# Idle until the network has converged
while step - timeOfLastChange < 4*TIMEOUT:
step += 1
print "Step: {}, last change: {}".format(step, timeOfLastChange)
changed = False
for nodeID in nodeIDs:
# Update node status, send messages
changed |= store[nodeID].tick()
for nodeID in nodeIDs:
# Process messages
changed |= store[nodeID].handleMessages()
if changed: timeOfLastChange = step
return store
def getCacheIndex(nodes, sourceIndex, destIndex):
return sourceIndex*nodes + destIndex
def initTables(store):
nodeIDs = sorted(store.keys())
nNodes = len(nodeIDs)
print "Initializing routing tables for {} nodes".format(nNodes)
for idx in xrange(nNodes):
nodeID = nodeIDs[idx]
print "Routing tables initialized"
return None
def getCache(store):
nodeIDs = sorted(store.keys())
nNodes = len(nodeIDs)
nodeIdxs = dict()
for nodeIdx in xrange(nNodes):
nodeIdxs[nodeIDs[nodeIdx]] = nodeIdx
cache = array.array("H", [0]*nNodes*nNodes)
for sourceIdx in xrange(nNodes):
sourceID = nodeIDs[sourceIdx]
print "Building fast lookup table for node {} / {} ({})".format(sourceIdx+1, nNodes, sourceID)
for destIdx in xrange(nNodes):
destID = nodeIDs[destIdx]
if sourceID == destID: nextHop = destID # lookup would fail
else: nextHop = store[sourceID].lookup(store[destID].info)
nextHopIdx = nodeIdxs[nextHop]
cache[getCacheIndex(nNodes, sourceIdx, destIdx)] = nextHopIdx
return cache
def testPaths(store, dists):
cache = getCache(store)
nodeIDs = sorted(store.keys())
nNodes = len(nodeIDs)
idxs = dict()
for nodeIdx in xrange(nNodes):
nodeID = nodeIDs[nodeIdx]
idxs[nodeID] = nodeIdx
results = dict()
for sourceIdx in xrange(nNodes):
sourceID = nodeIDs[sourceIdx]
print "Testing paths from node {} / {} ({})".format(sourceIdx+1, len(nodeIDs), sourceID)
#dists = dijkstra(store, sourceID)
for destIdx in xrange(nNodes):
destID = nodeIDs[destIdx]
if destID == sourceID: continue # Skip self
distIdx = getCacheIndex(nNodes, sourceIdx, destIdx)
eHops = dists[distIdx]
if not eHops: continue # The network is split, no path exists
hops = 0
for pair in ((sourceIdx, destIdx),):
nHops = 0
locIdx = pair[0]
dIdx = pair[1]
while locIdx != dIdx:
locIdx = cache[getCacheIndex(nNodes, locIdx, dIdx)]
nHops += 1
if not hops or nHops < hops: hops = nHops
if eHops not in results: results[eHops] = dict()
if hops not in results[eHops]: results[eHops][hops] = 0
results[eHops][hops] += 1
return results
def getAvgStretch(pathMatrix):
avgStretch = 0.
checked = 0.
for eHops in sorted(pathMatrix.keys()):
for nHops in sorted(pathMatrix[eHops].keys()):
count = pathMatrix[eHops][nHops]
stretch = float(nHops)/float(max(1, eHops))
avgStretch += stretch*count
checked += count
avgStretch /= max(1, checked)
return avgStretch
def getMaxStretch(pathMatrix):
maxStretch = 0.
for eHops in sorted(pathMatrix.keys()):
for nHops in sorted(pathMatrix[eHops].keys()):
stretch = float(nHops)/float(max(1, eHops))
maxStretch = max(maxStretch, stretch)
return maxStretch
def getCertSizes(store):
# Returns nCerts frequency distribution
# De-duplicates common certs (for shared prefixes in the path)
sizes = dict()
for node in store.values():
certs = set()
for peer in node.peers.values():
pCerts = set()
assert len(peer.path) == 2
assert peer.coords[-1] == peer.path[0]
hops = peer.coords + peer.path[1:]
for hopIdx in xrange(len(hops)-1):
send = hops[hopIdx]
if send == node.info.nodeID: continue # We created it, already have it
path = hops[0:hopIdx+2]
# Each cert is signed by the sender
# Includes information about the path from the sender to the next hop
# Next hop is at hopIdx+1, so the path to next hop is hops[0:hopIdx+2]
cert = "{}:{}".format(send, path)
size = len(certs)
if size not in sizes: sizes[size] = 0
sizes[size] += 1
return sizes
def getMinLinkCertSizes(store):
# Returns nCerts frequency distribution
# De-duplicates common certs (for shared prefixes in the path)
# Based on the minimum number of certs that must be traded through a particular link
# Handled per link
sizes = dict()
for node in store.values():
peerCerts = dict()
for peer in node.peers.values():
pCerts = set()
assert len(peer.path) == 2
assert peer.coords[-1] == peer.path[0]
hops = peer.coords + peer.path[1:]
for hopIdx in xrange(len(hops)-1):
send = hops[hopIdx]
if send == node.info.nodeID: continue # We created it, already have it
path = hops[0:hopIdx+2]
# Each cert is signed by the sender
# Includes information about the path from the sender to the next hop
# Next hop is at hopIdx+1, so the path to next hop is hops[0:hopIdx+2]
cert = "{}:{}".format(send, path)
peerCerts[peer.nodeID] = pCerts
for peer in peerCerts:
size = 0
pCerts = peerCerts[peer]
for cert in pCerts:
required = True
for p2 in peerCerts:
if p2 == peer: continue
p2Certs = peerCerts[p2]
if cert in p2Certs: required = False
if required: size += 1
if size not in sizes: sizes[size] = 0
sizes[size] += 1
return sizes
def getPathSizes(store):
# Returns frequency distribution of the total number of hops the routing table
# I.e. a node with 3 peers, each with 5 hop coord+path, would count as 3x5=15
sizes = dict()
for node in store.values():
size = 0
for peer in node.peers.values():
assert len(peer.path) == 2
assert peer.coords[-1] == peer.path[0]
peerSize = len(peer.coords) + len(peer.path) - 1 # double-counts peer, -1
size += peerSize
if size not in sizes: sizes[size] = 0
sizes[size] += 1
return sizes
def getPeerSizes(store):
# Returns frequency distribution of the number of peers each node has
sizes = dict()
for node in store.values():
nPeers = len(node.peers)
if nPeers not in sizes: sizes[nPeers] = 0
sizes[nPeers] += 1
return sizes
def getAvgSize(sizes):
sumSizes = 0
nNodes = 0
for size in sizes:
count = sizes[size]
sumSizes += size*count
nNodes += count
avgSize = float(sumSizes)/max(1, nNodes)
return avgSize
def getMaxSize(sizes):
return max(sizes.keys())
def getMinSize(sizes):
return min(sizes.keys())
def getResults(pathMatrix):
results = []
for eHops in sorted(pathMatrix.keys()):
for nHops in sorted(pathMatrix[eHops].keys()):
count = pathMatrix[eHops][nHops]
results.append("{} {} {}".format(eHops, nHops, count))
return '\n'.join(results)
# Functions to run different tests #
def runTest(store):
# Runs the usual set of tests on the store
# Does not save results, so only meant for quick tests
# To e.g. check the code works, maybe warm up the pypy jit
for node in store.values():
node.info.time = random.randint(0, TIMEOUT)
node.info.tstamp = TIMEOUT
print "Begin testing network"
dists = None
if not dists: dists = dijkstrall(store)
pathMatrix = testPaths(store, dists)
avgStretch = getAvgStretch(pathMatrix)
maxStretch = getMaxStretch(pathMatrix)
peers = getPeerSizes(store)
certs = getCertSizes(store)
paths = getPathSizes(store)
linkCerts = getMinLinkCertSizes(store)
avgPeerSize = getAvgSize(peers)
maxPeerSize = getMaxSize(peers)
avgCertSize = getAvgSize(certs)
maxCertSize = getMaxSize(certs)
avgPathSize = getAvgSize(paths)
maxPathSize = getMaxSize(paths)
avgLinkCert = getAvgSize(linkCerts)
maxLinkCert = getMaxSize(linkCerts)
totalCerts = sum(map(lambda x: x*certs[x], certs.keys()))
totalLinks = sum(map(lambda x: x*peers[x], peers.keys())) # one-way links
avgCertsPerLink = float(totalCerts)/max(1, totalLinks)
print "Finished testing network"
print "Avg / Max stretch: {} / {}".format(avgStretch, maxStretch)
print "Avg / Max nPeers size: {} / {}".format(avgPeerSize, maxPeerSize)
print "Avg / Max nCerts size: {} / {}".format(avgCertSize, maxCertSize)
print "Avg / Max total hops in any node's routing table: {} / {}".format(avgPathSize, maxPathSize)
print "Avg / Max lower bound cert requests per link (one-way): {} / {}".format(avgLinkCert, maxLinkCert)
print "Avg certs per link (one-way): {}".format(avgCertsPerLink)
return # End of function
def rootNodeASTest(path, outDir="output-treesim-AS", dists=None, proc = 1):
# Checks performance for every possible choice of root node
# Saves output for each root node to a separate file on disk
# path = input path to some caida.org formatted AS-relationship graph
if not os.path.exists(outDir): os.makedirs(outDir)
assert os.path.exists(outDir)
store = makeStoreASRelGraph(path)
nodes = sorted(store.keys())
for nodeIdx in xrange(len(nodes)):
if nodeIdx % proc != 0: continue # Work belongs to someone else
rootNodeID = nodes[nodeIdx]
outpath = outDir+"/{}".format(rootNodeID)
if os.path.exists(outpath):
print "Skipping {}, already processed".format(rootNodeID)
store = makeStoreASRelGraphFixedRoot(path, rootNodeID)
for node in store.values():
node.info.time = random.randint(0, TIMEOUT)
node.info.tstamp = TIMEOUT
print "Beginning {}, size {}".format(nodeIdx, len(store))
if not dists: dists = dijkstrall(store)
pathMatrix = testPaths(store, dists)
avgStretch = getAvgStretch(pathMatrix)
maxStretch = getMaxStretch(pathMatrix)
results = getResults(pathMatrix)
with open(outpath, "w") as f:
print "Finished test for root AS {} ({} / {})".format(rootNodeID, nodeIdx+1, len(store))
print "Avg / Max stretch: {} / {}".format(avgStretch, maxStretch)
#break # Stop after 1, because they can take forever
return # End of function
def timelineASTest():
# Meant to study the performance of the network as a function of network size
# Loops over a set of AS-relationship graphs
# Runs a test on each graph, selecting highest-degree node as the root
# Saves results for each graph to a separate file on disk
outDir = "output-treesim-timeline-AS"
if not os.path.exists(outDir): os.makedirs(outDir)
assert os.path.exists(outDir)
paths = sorted(glob.glob("asrel/datasets/*"))
for path in paths:
date = os.path.basename(path).split(".")[0]
outpath = outDir+"/{}".format(date)
if os.path.exists(outpath):
print "Skipping {}, already processed".format(date)
store = makeStoreASRelGraphMaxDeg(path)
dists = None
for node in store.values():
node.info.time = random.randint(0, TIMEOUT)
node.info.tstamp = TIMEOUT
print "Beginning {}, size {}".format(date, len(store))
if not dists: dists = dijkstrall(store)
pathMatrix = testPaths(store, dists)
avgStretch = getAvgStretch(pathMatrix)
maxStretch = getMaxStretch(pathMatrix)
results = getResults(pathMatrix)
with open(outpath, "w") as f:
print "Finished {} with {} nodes".format(date, len(store))
print "Avg / Max stretch: {} / {}".format(avgStretch, maxStretch)
#break # Stop after 1, because they can take forever
return # End of function
def timelineDimesTest():
# Meant to study the performance of the network as a function of network size
# Loops over a set of AS-relationship graphs
# Runs a test on each graph, selecting highest-degree node as the root
# Saves results for each graph to a separate file on disk
outDir = "output-treesim-timeline-dimes"
if not os.path.exists(outDir): os.makedirs(outDir)
assert os.path.exists(outDir)
# Input files are named ASEdgesX_Y where X = month (no leading 0), Y = year
paths = sorted(glob.glob("DIMES/ASEdges/*.gz"))
exists = set(glob.glob(outDir+"/*"))
for path in paths:
date = os.path.basename(path).split(".")[0]
outpath = outDir+"/{}".format(date)
if outpath in exists:
print "Skipping {}, already processed".format(date)
store = makeStoreDimesEdges(path)
# Get the highest degree node and make it root
# Sorted by nodeID just to make it stable in the event of a tie
nodeIDs = sorted(store.keys())
bestRoot = ""
bestDeg = 0
for nodeID in nodeIDs:
node = store[nodeID]
if len(node.links) > bestDeg:
bestRoot = nodeID
bestDeg = len(node.links)
assert bestRoot
store = makeStoreDimesEdges(path, bestRoot)
rootID = "R" + bestRoot[1:]
assert rootID in store
# Don't forget to set random seed before setitng times
# To make results reproducible
nodeIDs = sorted(store.keys())
for nodeID in nodeIDs:
node = store[nodeID]
node.info.time = random.randint(0, TIMEOUT)
node.info.tstamp = TIMEOUT
print "Beginning {}, size {}".format(date, len(store))
if not dists: dists = dijkstrall(store)
pathMatrix = testPaths(store, dists)
avgStretch = getAvgStretch(pathMatrix)
maxStretch = getMaxStretch(pathMatrix)
results = getResults(pathMatrix)
with open(outpath, "w") as f:
print "Finished {} with {} nodes".format(date, len(store))
print "Avg / Max stretch: {} / {}".format(avgStretch, maxStretch)
break # Stop after 1, because they can take forever
return # End of function
def scalingTest(maxTests=None, inputDir="graphs"):
# Meant to study the performance of the network as a function of network size
# Loops over a set of nodes in a previously generated graph
# Runs a test on each graph, testing each node as the root
# if maxTests is set, tests only that number of roots (highest degree first)
# Saves results for each graph to a separate file on disk
outDir = "output-treesim-{}".format(inputDir)
if not os.path.exists(outDir): os.makedirs(outDir)
assert os.path.exists(outDir)
paths = sorted(glob.glob("{}/*".format(inputDir)))
exists = set(glob.glob(outDir+"/*"))
for path in paths:
gc.collect() # pypy waits for gc to close files
graph = os.path.basename(path).split(".")[0]
store = makeStoreGeneratedGraph(path)
# Get the highest degree node and make it root
# Sorted by nodeID just to make it stable in the event of a tie
nodeIDs = sorted(store.keys(), key=lambda x: len(store[x].links), reverse=True)
dists = None
if maxTests: nodeIDs = nodeIDs[:maxTests]
for nodeID in nodeIDs:
nodeIDStr = str(nodeID).zfill(len(str(len(store)-1)))
outpath = outDir+"/{}-{}".format(graph, nodeIDStr)
if outpath in exists:
print "Skipping {}-{}, already processed".format(graph, nodeIDStr)
store = makeStoreGeneratedGraph(path, nodeID)
# Don't forget to set random seed before setting times
random.seed(12345) # To make results reproducible
nIDs = sorted(store.keys())
for nID in nIDs:
node = store[nID]
node.info.time = random.randint(0, TIMEOUT)
node.info.tstamp = TIMEOUT
print "Beginning {}, size {}".format(graph, len(store))
if not dists: dists = dijkstrall(store)
pathMatrix = testPaths(store, dists)
avgStretch = getAvgStretch(pathMatrix)
maxStretch = getMaxStretch(pathMatrix)
results = getResults(pathMatrix)
with open(outpath, "w") as f:
print "Finished {} with {} nodes for root {}".format(graph, len(store), nodeID)
print "Avg / Max stretch: {} / {}".format(avgStretch, maxStretch)
return # End of function
# Main Execution #
if __name__ == "__main__":
if True: # Run a quick test
random.seed(12345) # DEBUG
store = makeStoreSquareGrid(4)
runTest(store) # Quick test
store = None
# Do some real work
#rootNodeASTest("hype-2016-09-19.list", "output-treesim-hype")
#scalingTest(None, "graphs-20") # First argument 1 to only test 1 root per graph
#store = makeStoreGeneratedGraph("bgp_tables")
#store = makeStoreGeneratedGraph("skitter")
#store = makeStoreASRelGraphMaxDeg("hype-2016-09-19.list") #http://hia.cjdns.ca/watchlist/c/walk.peers.20160919
#store = makeStoreGeneratedGraph("fc00-2017-08-12.txt")
if store: runTest(store)
#rootNodeASTest("skitter", "output-treesim-skitter", None, 0, 1)
#scalingTest(1, "graphs-20") # First argument 1 to only test 1 root per graph
#scalingTest(1, "graphs-21") # First argument 1 to only test 1 root per graph
#scalingTest(1, "graphs-22") # First argument 1 to only test 1 root per graph
#scalingTest(1, "graphs-23") # First argument 1 to only test 1 root per graph
if not store:
import sys
args = sys.argv
if len(args) == 2:
job_number = int(sys.argv[1])
#rootNodeASTest("fc00-2017-08-12.txt", "fc00", None, job_number)
rootNodeASTest("skitter", "out-skitter", None, job_number)
print "Usage: {} job_number".format(args[0])
print "job_number = which job set to run on this node (1-indexed)"

misc/sim/treesim.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
package main
import "fmt"
import "bufio"
import "os"
import "strings"
import "strconv"
import "time"
import "runtime/pprof"
import "flag"
import . "yggdrasil"
type Node struct {
index int
core Core
send chan<- []byte
recv <-chan []byte
func (n *Node) init(index int) {
n.index = index
n.send = n.core.DEBUG_getSend()
n.recv = n.core.DEBUG_getRecv()
func (n *Node) printTraffic() {
for {
packet := <-n.recv
fmt.Println(n.index, packet)
//panic("Got a packet")
func (n *Node) startPeers() {
//for _, p := range n.core.Peers.Ports {
// go p.MainLoop()
//go n.printTraffic()
func linkNodes(m, n *Node) {
// Don't allow duplicates
if m.core.DEBUG_getPeers().DEBUG_hasPeer(n.core.DEBUG_getSigPub()) { return }
// Create peers
// Buffering reduces packet loss in the sim
// This slightly speeds up testing (fewer delays before retrying a ping)
p := m.core.DEBUG_getPeers().DEBUG_newPeer(n.core.DEBUG_getBoxPub(),
q := n.core.DEBUG_getPeers().DEBUG_newPeer(m.core.DEBUG_getBoxPub(),
DEBUG_simLinkPeers(p, q)
func makeStoreSquareGrid(sideLength int) map[int]*Node {
store := make(map[int]*Node)
nNodes := sideLength*sideLength
idxs := make([]int, 0, nNodes)
// TODO shuffle nodeIDs
for idx := 1 ; idx <= nNodes ; idx++ {
idxs = append(idxs, idx)
for _, idx := range idxs {
node := &Node{}
store[idx] = node
for idx := 0 ; idx < nNodes ; idx++ {
if (idx % sideLength) != 0 {
linkNodes(store[idxs[idx]], store[idxs[idx-1]])
if idx >= sideLength {
linkNodes(store[idxs[idx]], store[idxs[idx-sideLength]])
//for _, node := range store { node.initPorts() }
return store
func makeStoreStar(nNodes int) map[int]*Node {
store := make(map[int]*Node)
center := &Node{}
store[0] = center
for idx := 1 ; idx < nNodes ; idx++ {
node := &Node{}
store[idx] = node
linkNodes(center, node)
return store
func loadGraph(path string) map[int]*Node {
f, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
defer f.Close()
store := make(map[int]*Node)
s := bufio.NewScanner(f)
for s.Scan() {
line := s.Text()
nodeIdxstrs := strings.Split(line, " ")
nodeIdx0, _ := strconv.Atoi(nodeIdxstrs[0])
nodeIdx1, _ := strconv.Atoi(nodeIdxstrs[1])
if store[nodeIdx0] == nil {
node := &Node{}
store[nodeIdx0] = node
if store[nodeIdx1] == nil {
node := &Node{}
store[nodeIdx1] = node
linkNodes(store[nodeIdx0], store[nodeIdx1])
//for _, node := range store { node.initPorts() }
return store
func startNetwork(store map[[32]byte]*Node) {
for _, node := range store {
func getKeyedStore(store map[int]*Node) map[[32]byte]*Node {
newStore := make(map[[32]byte]*Node)
for _, node := range store {
newStore[node.core.DEBUG_getSigPub()] = node
return newStore
func testPaths(store map[[32]byte]*Node) bool {
nNodes := len(store)
count := 0
for _, source := range store {
fmt.Printf("Testing paths from node %d / %d (%d)\n", count, nNodes, source.index)
for _, dest := range store {
//if source == dest { continue }
destLoc := dest.core.DEBUG_getLocator()
coords := destLoc.DEBUG_getCoords()
temp := 0
ttl := ^uint64(0)
oldTTL := ttl
for here := source ; here != dest ; {
if ttl == 0 {
fmt.Println("Drop:", source.index, here.index, dest.index, oldTTL)
return false
if temp > 4096 { panic("Loop?") }
oldTTL = ttl
nextPort, newTTL := here.core.DEBUG_switchLookup(coords, ttl)
ttl = newTTL
// First check if "here" is accepting packets from the previous node
// TODO explain how this works
ports := here.core.DEBUG_getPeers().DEBUG_getPorts()
nextPeer := ports[nextPort]
if nextPeer == nil {
fmt.Println("Peer associated with next port is nil")
return false
next := store[nextPeer.DEBUG_getSigKey()]
if next == here {
//for idx, link := range here.links {
// fmt.Println("DUMP:", idx, link.nodeID)
if nextPort != 0 { panic("This should not be") }
fmt.Println("Failed to route:", source.index, here.index, dest.index, oldTTL, ttl)
//fmt.Println("Ports:", here.nodeID, here.ports)
return false
panic(fmt.Sprintln("Routing Loop:",
if temp > 4090 {
source.index, source.core.DEBUG_getLocator(),
here.index, here.core.DEBUG_getLocator(),
dest.index, dest.core.DEBUG_getLocator())
if (here != source) {
// This is sufficient to check for routing loops or blackholes
here = next
return true
func stressTest(store map[[32]byte]*Node) {
fmt.Println("Stress testing network...")
nNodes := len(store)
dests := make([][]byte, 0, nNodes)
for _, dest := range store {
loc := dest.core.DEBUG_getLocator()
coords := loc.DEBUG_getCoords()
dests = append(dests, coords)
lookups := 0
start := time.Now()
for _, source := range store {
for _, coords := range dests {
source.core.DEBUG_switchLookup(coords, ^uint64(0))
timed := time.Since(start)
fmt.Printf("%d lookups in %s (%f lookups per second)\n",
func pingNodes(store map[[32]byte]*Node) {
fmt.Println("Sending pings...")
nNodes := len(store)
count := 0
equiv := func (a []byte, b []byte) bool {
if len(a) != len(b) { return false }
for idx := 0 ; idx < len(a) ; idx++ {
if a[idx] != b[idx] { return false }
return true
for _, source := range store {
//if count > 16 { break }
fmt.Printf("Sending packets from node %d/%d (%d)\n", count, nNodes, source.index)
sourceKey := source.core.DEBUG_getBoxPub()
payload := sourceKey[:]
sourceAddr := source.core.DEBUG_getAddr()[:]
sendTo := func (bs []byte, destAddr []byte) {
packet := make([]byte, 40+len(bs))
copy(packet[8:24], sourceAddr)
copy(packet[24:40], destAddr)
copy(packet[40:], bs)
destCount := 0
for _, dest := range store {
destCount += 1
fmt.Printf("%d Nodes, %d Send, %d Recv\n", nNodes, count, destCount)
if dest == source {
fmt.Println("Skipping self")
destAddr := dest.core.DEBUG_getAddr()[:]
ticker := time.NewTicker(150*time.Millisecond)
ch := make(chan bool, 1)
doTicker := func () {
for _ = range ticker.C {
select {
case ch<-true:
go doTicker()
for loop := true ; loop ; {
select {
case packet := <-dest.recv: {
if equiv(payload, packet[len(packet)-len(payload):]) {
loop = false
case <-ch: sendTo(payload, destAddr)
//break // Only try sending pings from 1 node
// This is because, for some reason, stopTun() doesn't always close it
// And if two tuns are up, bad things happen (sends via wrong interface)
fmt.Println("Finished pinging nodes")
func pingBench(store map[[32]byte]*Node) {
fmt.Println("Benchmarking pings...")
nPings := 0
payload := make([]byte, 1280+40) // MTU + ipv6 header
var timed time.Duration
//nNodes := len(store)
count := 0
for _, source := range store {
//fmt.Printf("Sending packets from node %d/%d (%d)\n", count, nNodes, source.index)
getPing := func (key [32]byte, decodedCoords []byte) []byte {
// TODO write some function to do this the right way, put... somewhere...
coords := DEBUG_wire_encode_coords(decodedCoords)
packet := make([]byte, 0, len(key)+len(coords)+len(payload))
packet = append(packet, key[:]...)
packet = append(packet, coords...)
packet = append(packet, payload[:]...)
return packet
for _, dest := range store {
key := dest.core.DEBUG_getBoxPub()
loc := dest.core.DEBUG_getLocator()
coords := loc.DEBUG_getCoords()
ping := getPing(key, coords)
// TODO make sure the session is open first
start := time.Now()
for i := 0 ; i < 1000000 ; i++{ source.send<-ping ; nPings++ }
timed += time.Since(start)
fmt.Printf("Sent %d pings in %s (%f per second)\n",
func dumpStore(store map[NodeID]*Node) {
for _, node := range store {
fmt.Println("DUMPSTORE:", node.index, node.core.DEBUG_getLocator())
func dumpDHTSize(store map[[32]byte]*Node) {
var min, max, sum int
for _, node := range store {
num := node.core.DEBUG_getDHTSize()
min = num
max = num
for _, node := range store {
num := node.core.DEBUG_getDHTSize()
if num < min { min = num }
if num > max { max = num }
sum += num
avg := float64(sum)/float64(len(store))
fmt.Printf("DHT min %d / avg %f / max %d\n", min, avg, max)
var cpuprofile = flag.String("cpuprofile", "", "write cpu profile `file`")
var memprofile = flag.String("memprofile", "", "write memory profile to this file")
func main() {
if *cpuprofile != "" {
f, err := os.Create(*cpuprofile)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create CPU profile: ", err))
if err := pprof.StartCPUProfile(f); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not start CPU profile: ", err))
defer pprof.StopCPUProfile()
if *memprofile != "" {
f, err := os.Create(*memprofile)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create memory profile: ", err))
defer func () { pprof.WriteHeapProfile(f) ; f.Close() }()
idxstore := makeStoreSquareGrid(4)
//idxstore := makeStoreStar(256)
//idxstore := loadGraph("misc/sim/hype-2016-09-19.list")
//idxstore := loadGraph("misc/sim/fc00-2017-08-12.txt")
//idxstore := loadGraph("skitter")
kstore := getKeyedStore(idxstore)
for _, n := range kstore {
log := n.core.DEBUG_getLogger()
// Note that testPaths only works if pressure is turend off
// Otherwise congestion can lead to routing loops?
for finished := false; !finished ; { finished = testPaths(kstore) }
//pingBench(kstore) // Only after disabling debug output
dumpDHTSize(kstore) // note that this uses racey functions to read things...

misc/tests/atomic-toy.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
package main
import "fmt"
import "time"
import "sync/atomic"
import "runtime"
func main() {
var ops uint64 = 0
for i := 0 ; i < 4 ; i++ {
go func () {
for {
atomic.AddUint64(&ops, 1)
opsFinal := atomic.LoadUint64(&ops)
fmt.Println("ops:", opsFinal)

misc/tests/bandwidth.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
package main
import "fmt"
import "net"
import "time"
func main () {
addr, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", "[::1]:9001")
if err != nil { panic(err) }
listener, err := net.ListenTCP("tcp", addr)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
defer listener.Close()
packetSize := 65535
numPackets := 65535
go func () {
send, err := net.DialTCP("tcp", nil, addr)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
defer send.Close()
msg := make([]byte, packetSize)
for idx := 0 ; idx < numPackets ; idx++ { send.Write(msg) }
start := time.Now()
//msg := make([]byte, 1280)
sock, err := listener.AcceptTCP()
if err != nil { panic(err) }
defer sock.Close()
read := 0
buf := make([]byte, packetSize)
for {
n, err := sock.Read(buf)
read += n
if err != nil { break }
timed := time.Since(start)
fmt.Printf("%f packets per second\n", float64(numPackets)/timed.Seconds())
fmt.Printf("%f bits/sec\n", 8*float64(read)/timed.Seconds())

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
package main
import "time"
import "fmt"
import "sync"
func main() {
fmt.Println("Testing speed of recv+send loop")
const count = 10000000
c := make(chan []byte, 1)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
worker := func () {
for idx := 0 ; idx < count ; idx++ {
p := <-c
select {
case c<-p:
nIter := 0
start := time.Now()
for idx := 0 ; idx < 1 ; idx++ {
go worker()
nIter += count
stop := time.Now()
timed := stop.Sub(start)
fmt.Printf("%d iterations in %s\n", nIter, timed)
fmt.Printf("%f iterations per second\n", float64(nIter)/timed.Seconds())
fmt.Printf("%s per iteration\n", timed/time.Duration(nIter))

misc/tests/gob-test.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
package main
import "bytes"
import "encoding/gob"
import "time"
import "fmt"
type testStruct struct {
First uint64
Second float64
Third []byte
func testFunc(tickerDuration time.Duration) {
chn := make(chan []byte)
ticker := time.NewTicker(tickerDuration)
defer ticker.Stop()
send := testStruct{First: 1, Second: 2, Third: []byte{3, 4, 5}}
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
enc := gob.NewEncoder(buf)
dec := gob.NewDecoder(buf)
sendCall := func () {
err := enc.EncodeValue(&send)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
bs := make([]byte, buf.Len())
fmt.Println("send:", bs)
go func() { chn<-bs }()
recvCall := func (bs []byte) {
recv := testStruct{}
err := dec.DecodeValue(&recv)
fmt.Println("recv:", bs)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
for {
select {
case bs := <-chn : recvCall(bs)
case <-ticker.C : sendCall()
func main() {
go testFunc(100*time.Millisecond) // Does not crash
go testFunc(time.Nanosecond) // Does crash

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
package main
import "sync"
import "time"
import "fmt"
func main () {
const reqs = 1000000
var wg sync.WaitGroup
start := time.Now()
for idx := 0 ; idx < reqs ; idx++ {
go func () { wg.Done() } ()
stop := time.Now()
timed := stop.Sub(start)
fmt.Printf("%d goroutines in %s (%f per second)\n",

misc/tests/multicast.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
package main
import "fmt"
import "net"
import "time"
// TODO look into netmap + libpcap to bypass the kernel as much as possible
func basic_test() {
// TODO need a way to look up who our link-local neighbors are for each iface!
//addr, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", "[ff02::1%veth0]:9001")
addr, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", "[ff02::1]:9001")
if err != nil { panic(err) }
sock, err := net.ListenMulticastUDP("udp", nil, addr)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
defer sock.Close()
go func () {
saddr, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", "[::]:0")
if err != nil { panic(err) }
send, err := net.ListenUDP("udp", saddr)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
defer send.Close()
msg := make([]byte, 1280)
for {
send.WriteTo(msg, addr)
numPackets := 1000
start := time.Now()
msg := make([]byte, 2000)
for i := 0 ; i < numPackets ; i++ {
//fmt.Println("Reading:", i)
timed := time.Since(start)
fmt.Printf("%f packets per second\n", float64(numPackets)/timed.Seconds())
func main () {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
package main
import "fmt"
import "net"
import "time"
// TODO look into netmap + libpcap to bypass the kernel as much as possible
func basic_test() {
// TODO need a way to look up who our link-local neighbors are for each iface!
var ip *net.IP
ifaces, err := net.Interfaces()
if err != nil { panic(err) }
var zone string
for _, iface := range ifaces {
addrs, err := iface.Addrs()
if err != nil { panic(err) }
for _, addr := range addrs {
addrIP, _, _ := net.ParseCIDR(addr.String())
if addrIP.To4() != nil { continue } // IPv6 only
if !addrIP.IsLinkLocalUnicast() { continue }
zone = iface.Name
ip = &addrIP
addrs, err = iface.MulticastAddrs()
if err != nil { panic(err) }
for _, addr := range addrs {
if ip == nil { panic("No link-local IPv6 found") }
fmt.Println("Using address:", *ip)
addr := net.UDPAddr{IP: *ip, Port: 9001, Zone: zone}
saddr := net.UDPAddr{IP: *ip, Port: 9002, Zone: zone}
send, err := net.ListenUDP("udp", &saddr)
defer send.Close()
if err != nil { panic(err) }
sock, err := net.ListenUDP("udp", &addr)
defer sock.Close()
if err != nil { panic(err) }
const buffSize = 1048576*100
go func () {
msg := make([]byte, 1280)
for {
send.WriteTo(msg, &addr)
numPackets := 100000
start := time.Now()
msg := make([]byte, 2000)
for i := 0 ; i < numPackets ; i++ {
_, addr, _ := sock.ReadFrom(msg)
sock.WriteTo(msg, addr)
timed := time.Since(start)
fmt.Printf("%f packets per second\n", float64(numPackets)/timed.Seconds())
func main () {

misc/tests/pool.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
package main
import "fmt"
//import "net"
import "time"
import "runtime"
import "sync/atomic"
func poolbench() {
nWorkers := runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0)
work := make(chan func(), 1)
workers := make(chan chan<- func(), nWorkers)
makeWorker := func() chan<- func() {
ch := make(chan func())
go func() {
for {
f := <-ch
select {
case workers<-(ch):
default: return
return ch
getWorker := func() chan<- func() {
select {
case ch := <-workers: return ch
default: return makeWorker()
dispatcher := func() {
for {
w := <-work
ch := getWorker()
go dispatcher()
var count uint64
const nCounts = 1000000
for idx := 0 ; idx < nCounts ; idx++ {
f := func() { atomic.AddUint64(&count, 1) }
work <- f
for atomic.LoadUint64(&count) < nCounts {}
func normalbench() {
var count uint64
const nCounts = 1000000
ch := make(chan struct{}, 1)
for idx := 0 ; idx < nCounts ; idx++ {
f := func() { atomic.AddUint64(&count, 1) }
func gobench() {
var count uint64
const nCounts = 1000000
for idx := 0 ; idx < nCounts ; idx++ {
f := func() { atomic.AddUint64(&count, 1) }
go f()
for atomic.LoadUint64(&count) < nCounts {}
func main() {
start := time.Now()
start = time.Now()
start = time.Now()

misc/tests/quic.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
package main
import (
quic "github.com/lucas-clemente/quic-go"
const addr = "[::1]:9001"
func main () {
go run_server()
func run_server() {
listener, err := quic.ListenAddr(addr, generateTLSConfig(), nil)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
ses, err := listener.Accept()
if err != nil { panic(err) }
for {
stream, err := ses.AcceptStream()
if err != nil { panic(err) }
go func() {
defer stream.Close()
bs := bytes.Buffer{}
_, err := bs.ReadFrom(stream)
if err != nil { panic(err) } //<-- TooManyOpenStreams
func run_client() {
msgSize := 1048576
msgCount := 128
ses, err := quic.DialAddr(addr, &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true}, nil)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
bs := make([]byte, msgSize)
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
start := time.Now()
for idx := 0 ; idx < msgCount ; idx++ {
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
stream, err := ses.OpenStreamSync()
if err != nil { panic(err) }
defer stream.Close()
}() // "go" this later
timed := time.Since(start)
fmt.Println("Client finished", timed, fmt.Sprintf("%f Bits/sec", 8*float64(msgSize*msgCount)/timed.Seconds()))
// Setup a bare-bones TLS config for the server
func generateTLSConfig() *tls.Config {
key, err := rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, 1024)
if err != nil {
template := x509.Certificate{SerialNumber: big.NewInt(1)}
certDER, err := x509.CreateCertificate(rand.Reader, &template, &template, &key.PublicKey, key)
if err != nil {
keyPEM := pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{Type: "RSA PRIVATE KEY", Bytes: x509.MarshalPKCS1PrivateKey(key)})
certPEM := pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{Type: "CERTIFICATE", Bytes: certDER})
tlsCert, err := tls.X509KeyPair(certPEM, keyPEM)
if err != nil {
return &tls.Config{Certificates: []tls.Certificate{tlsCert}}

misc/tests/socktest.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
package main
import "fmt"
import "net"
import "time"
import "flag"
import "os"
import "runtime/pprof"
// TODO look into netmap + libpcap to bypass the kernel as much as possible
func basic_test() {
// TODO need a way to look up who our link-local neighbors are for each iface!
addr, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", "[::1]:9001")
if err != nil { panic(err) }
sock, err := net.ListenUDP("udp", addr)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
defer sock.Close()
go func () {
send, err := net.DialUDP("udp", nil, addr)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
defer send.Close()
msg := make([]byte, 1280)
for {
numPackets := 1000000
start := time.Now()
msg := make([]byte, 2000)
for i := 0 ; i < numPackets ; i++ {
timed := time.Since(start)
fmt.Printf("%f packets per second\n", float64(numPackets)/timed.Seconds())
var cpuprofile = flag.String("cpuprofile", "", "write cpu profile `file`")
var memprofile = flag.String("memprofile", "", "write memory profile to this file")
func main () {
if *cpuprofile != "" {
f, err := os.Create(*cpuprofile)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create CPU profile: ", err))
if err := pprof.StartCPUProfile(f); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not start CPU profile: ", err))
defer pprof.StopCPUProfile()
if *memprofile != "" {
f, err := os.Create(*memprofile)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create memory profile: ", err))
defer func () { pprof.WriteHeapProfile(f) ; f.Close() }()

misc/tests/socktest2.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
package main
import "fmt"
import "net"
import "time"
import "flag"
import "os"
import "runtime/pprof"
// TODO look into netmap + libpcap to bypass the kernel as much as possible
func basic_test() {
// TODO need a way to look up who our link-local neighbors are for each iface!
addr, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", "[::1]:9001")
if err != nil { panic(err) }
sock, err := net.ListenUDP("udp", addr)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
defer sock.Close()
go func () {
send, err := net.DialUDP("udp", nil, addr)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
defer send.Close()
msg := make([]byte, 1280)
bss := make(net.Buffers, 0, 1024)
for {
for len(bss) < 1024 {
bss = append(bss, msg)
//bss = bss[:0]
numPackets := 1000
start := time.Now()
msg := make([]byte, 2000)
for i := 0 ; i < numPackets ; i++ {
n, err := sock.Read(msg)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
timed := time.Since(start)
fmt.Printf("%f packets per second\n", float64(numPackets)/timed.Seconds())
var cpuprofile = flag.String("cpuprofile", "", "write cpu profile `file`")
var memprofile = flag.String("memprofile", "", "write memory profile to this file")
func main () {
if *cpuprofile != "" {
f, err := os.Create(*cpuprofile)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create CPU profile: ", err))
if err := pprof.StartCPUProfile(f); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not start CPU profile: ", err))
defer pprof.StopCPUProfile()
if *memprofile != "" {
f, err := os.Create(*memprofile)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create memory profile: ", err))
defer func () { pprof.WriteHeapProfile(f) ; f.Close() }()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
package main
import "flag"
import "fmt"
import "net"
import "os"
import "runtime/pprof"
import "time"
// TODO look into netmap + libpcap to bypass the kernel as much as possible
func basic_test() {
// TODO need a way to look up who our link-local neighbors are for each iface!
var ip *net.IP
ifaces, err := net.Interfaces()
if err != nil { panic(err) }
var zone string
for _, iface := range ifaces {
addrs, err := iface.Addrs()
if err != nil { panic(err) }
for _, addr := range addrs {
addrIP, _, _ := net.ParseCIDR(addr.String())
if addrIP.To4() != nil { continue } // IPv6 only
if !addrIP.IsLinkLocalUnicast() { continue }
fmt.Println(iface.Name, addrIP)
zone = iface.Name
ip = &addrIP
if ip != nil { break }
addrs, err = iface.MulticastAddrs()
if err != nil { panic(err) }
for _, addr := range addrs {
if ip == nil { panic("No link-local IPv6 found") }
fmt.Println("Using address:", *ip)
addr := net.UDPAddr{IP: *ip, Port: 9001, Zone: zone}
laddr, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", "[::]:9001")
if err != nil { panic(err) }
sock, err := net.ListenUDP("udp", laddr)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
defer sock.Close()
go func () {
send, err := net.DialUDP("udp", nil, &addr)
//send, err := net.ListenUDP("udp", nil)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
defer send.Close()
msg := make([]byte, 1280)
for {
//send.WriteToUDP(msg, &addr)
numPackets := 1000000
start := time.Now()
msg := make([]byte, 2000)
for i := 0 ; i < numPackets ; i++ {
timed := time.Since(start)
fmt.Printf("%f packets per second\n", float64(numPackets)/timed.Seconds())
var cpuprofile = flag.String("cpuprofile", "", "write cpu profile `file`")
var memprofile = flag.String("memprofile", "", "write memory profile to this file")
func main () {
if *cpuprofile != "" {
f, err := os.Create(*cpuprofile)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create CPU profile: ", err))
if err := pprof.StartCPUProfile(f); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not start CPU profile: ", err))
defer pprof.StopCPUProfile()
if *memprofile != "" {
f, err := os.Create(*memprofile)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create memory profile: ", err))
defer func () { pprof.WriteHeapProfile(f) ; f.Close() }()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
package main
import "fmt"
import "net"
import "time"
import "flag"
import "os"
import "runtime/pprof"
// TODO look into netmap + libpcap to bypass the kernel as much as possible?
const buffSize = 32
func basic_test() {
// TODO need a way to look up who our link-local neighbors are for each iface!
addr, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", "[::1]:9001")
if err != nil { panic(err) }
listener, err := net.ListenTCP("tcp", addr)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
defer listener.Close()
go func () {
send, err := net.DialTCP("tcp", nil, addr)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
defer send.Close()
msg := make([]byte, 1280)
bss := make(net.Buffers, 0, 1024)
for {
for len(bss) < 1 { //buffSize {
bss = append(bss, msg)
bss := net.Buffers{[]byte{0,1,2,3}, []byte{0,1}, msg}
numPackets := 1000000
start := time.Now()
//msg := make([]byte, 1280)
sock, err := listener.AcceptTCP()
if err != nil { panic(err) }
defer sock.Close()
for i := 0 ; i < numPackets ; i++ {
msg := make([]byte, 1280*buffSize)
n, err := sock.Read(msg)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
msg = msg[:n]
for len(msg) > 1286 {
// handle message
msg = msg[1286:]
// handle remaining fragment of message
timed := time.Since(start)
fmt.Printf("%f packets per second\n", float64(numPackets)/timed.Seconds())
_ = func (in (chan<- int)) {
var cpuprofile = flag.String("cpuprofile", "", "write cpu profile `file`")
var memprofile = flag.String("memprofile", "", "write memory profile to this file")
func main () {
if *cpuprofile != "" {
f, err := os.Create(*cpuprofile)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create CPU profile: ", err))
if err := pprof.StartCPUProfile(f); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not start CPU profile: ", err))
defer pprof.StopCPUProfile()
if *memprofile != "" {
f, err := os.Create(*memprofile)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create memory profile: ", err))
defer func () { pprof.WriteHeapProfile(f) ; f.Close() }()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
package main
import "fmt"
import "net"
import "time"
import "flag"
import "os"
import "runtime/pprof"
// TODO look into netmap + libpcap to bypass the kernel as much as possible
func basic_test() {
// TODO need a way to look up who our link-local neighbors are for each iface!
addr, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", "[::1]:0")
if err != nil { panic(err) }
sock, err := net.ListenUDP("udp", addr)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
defer sock.Close()
go func () {
raddr := sock.LocalAddr().(*net.UDPAddr)
send, err := net.DialUDP("udp", nil, raddr)
//send, err := net.ListenUDP("udp", addr)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
defer send.Close()
msg := make([]byte, 1280)
for {
//send.WriteToUDP(msg, raddr)
numPackets := 1000000
start := time.Now()
msg := make([]byte, 2000)
for i := 0 ; i < numPackets ; i++ {
timed := time.Since(start)
fmt.Printf("%f packets per second\n", float64(numPackets)/timed.Seconds())
var cpuprofile = flag.String("cpuprofile", "", "write cpu profile `file`")
var memprofile = flag.String("memprofile", "", "write memory profile to this file")
func main () {
if *cpuprofile != "" {
f, err := os.Create(*cpuprofile)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create CPU profile: ", err))
if err := pprof.StartCPUProfile(f); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not start CPU profile: ", err))
defer pprof.StopCPUProfile()
if *memprofile != "" {
f, err := os.Create(*memprofile)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create memory profile: ", err))
defer func () { pprof.WriteHeapProfile(f) ; f.Close() }()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
package main
import "fmt"
import "net"
import "time"
import "flag"
import "os"
import "runtime/pprof"
// TODO look into netmap + libpcap to bypass the kernel as much as possible
func basic_test() {
// TODO need a way to look up who our link-local neighbors are for each iface!
saddr, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", "[::1]:9001")
if err != nil { panic(err) }
raddr, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", "[::1]:9002")
if err != nil { panic(err) }
send, err := net.DialUDP("udp", saddr, raddr)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
defer send.Close()
recv, err := net.DialUDP("udp", raddr, saddr)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
defer recv.Close()
go func () {
msg := make([]byte, 1280)
for {
numPackets := 1000000
start := time.Now()
msg := make([]byte, 2000)
for i := 0 ; i < numPackets ; i++ {
timed := time.Since(start)
fmt.Printf("%f packets per second\n", float64(numPackets)/timed.Seconds())
var cpuprofile = flag.String("cpuprofile", "", "write cpu profile `file`")
var memprofile = flag.String("memprofile", "", "write memory profile to this file")
func main () {
if *cpuprofile != "" {
f, err := os.Create(*cpuprofile)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create CPU profile: ", err))
if err := pprof.StartCPUProfile(f); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not start CPU profile: ", err))
defer pprof.StopCPUProfile()
if *memprofile != "" {
f, err := os.Create(*memprofile)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create memory profile: ", err))
defer func () { pprof.WriteHeapProfile(f) ; f.Close() }()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
package main
import "fmt"
import "net"
import "time"
import "flag"
import "os"
import "runtime/pprof"
// TODO look into netmap + libpcap to bypass the kernel as much as possible
func basic_test() {
// TODO need a way to look up who our link-local neighbors are for each iface!
sock, err := net.ListenUDP("udp", nil)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
defer sock.Close()
ch := make(chan []byte, 1)
writer := func () {
raddr := sock.LocalAddr().(*net.UDPAddr)
//send, err := net.ListenUDP("udp", nil)
//if err != nil { panic(err) }
//defer send.Close()
for {
select {
case <-ch:
msg := make([]byte, 1280)
sock.WriteToUDP(msg, raddr)
//send.WriteToUDP(msg, raddr)
go writer()
//go writer()
//go writer()
//go writer()
numPackets := 65536
size := 0
start := time.Now()
success := 0
for i := 0 ; i < numPackets ; i++ {
msg := make([]byte, 2048)
n, _, err := sock.ReadFromUDP(msg)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
size += n
select {
case ch <- msg: success += 1
timed := time.Since(start)
fmt.Printf("%f packets per second\n", float64(numPackets)/timed.Seconds())
fmt.Printf("%f bits per second\n", 8*float64(size)/timed.Seconds())
fmt.Println("Success:", success, "/", numPackets)
var cpuprofile = flag.String("cpuprofile", "", "write cpu profile `file`")
var memprofile = flag.String("memprofile", "", "write memory profile to this file")
func main () {
if *cpuprofile != "" {
f, err := os.Create(*cpuprofile)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create CPU profile: ", err))
if err := pprof.StartCPUProfile(f); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not start CPU profile: ", err))
defer pprof.StopCPUProfile()
if *memprofile != "" {
f, err := os.Create(*memprofile)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create memory profile: ", err))
defer func () { pprof.WriteHeapProfile(f) ; f.Close() }()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
package main
import "fmt"
import "net"
import "time"
import "flag"
import "os"
import "runtime/pprof"
import "golang.org/x/net/ipv6"
// TODO look into netmap + libpcap to bypass the kernel as much as possible
func basic_test() {
// TODO need a way to look up who our link-local neighbors are for each iface!
udpAddr, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", "")
if err != nil { panic(err) }
sock, err := net.ListenUDP("udp", udpAddr)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
defer sock.Close()
writer := func () {
raddr := sock.LocalAddr().(*net.UDPAddr)
send, err := net.ListenUDP("udp", nil)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
defer send.Close()
conn := ipv6.NewPacketConn(send)
defer conn.Close()
var msgs []ipv6.Message
for idx := 0 ; idx < 1024 ; idx++ {
msg := ipv6.Message{Addr: raddr, Buffers: [][]byte{make([]byte, 1280)}}
msgs = append(msgs, msg)
for {
var msgs []ipv6.Message
for idx := 0 ; idx < 1024 ; idx++ {
msg := ipv6.Message{Addr: raddr, Buffers: [][]byte{make([]byte, 1280)}}
msgs = append(msgs, msg)
conn.WriteBatch(msgs, 0)
go writer()
//go writer()
//go writer()
//go writer()
numPackets := 65536
size := 0
count := 0
start := time.Now()
conn := ipv6.NewPacketConn(sock)
defer conn.Close()
for ; count < numPackets ; count++ {
msgs := make([]ipv6.Message, 1024)
for _, msg := range msgs {
msg.Buffers = append(msg.Buffers, make([]byte, 2048))
n, err := conn.ReadBatch(msgs, 0)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
fmt.Println("DEBUG: n", n)
for _, msg := range msgs[:n] {
fmt.Println("DEBUG: msg", msg)
size += msg.N
//for _, bs := range msg.Buffers {
// size += len(bs)
for ; count < numPackets ; count++ {
msg := make([]byte, 2048)
n, _, err := sock.ReadFromUDP(msg)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
size += n
timed := time.Since(start)
fmt.Printf("%f packets per second\n", float64(count)/timed.Seconds())
fmt.Printf("%f bits/second\n", float64(8*size)/timed.Seconds())
var cpuprofile = flag.String("cpuprofile", "", "write cpu profile `file`")
var memprofile = flag.String("memprofile", "", "write memory profile to this file")
func main () {
if *cpuprofile != "" {
f, err := os.Create(*cpuprofile)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create CPU profile: ", err))
if err := pprof.StartCPUProfile(f); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not start CPU profile: ", err))
defer pprof.StopCPUProfile()
if *memprofile != "" {
f, err := os.Create(*memprofile)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create memory profile: ", err))
defer func () { pprof.WriteHeapProfile(f) ; f.Close() }()

misc/tests/tcptest.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
package main
import "fmt"
import "net"
import "time"
import "flag"
import "os"
import "runtime/pprof"
// TODO look into netmap + libpcap to bypass the kernel as much as possible?
const buffSize = 32
func basic_test() {
// TODO need a way to look up who our link-local neighbors are for each iface!
addr, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", "[::1]:9001")
if err != nil { panic(err) }
listener, err := net.ListenTCP("tcp", addr)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
defer listener.Close()
go func () {
send, err := net.DialTCP("tcp", nil, addr)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
defer send.Close()
msg := make([]byte, 1280)
bss := make(net.Buffers, 0, 1024)
count := 0
for {
for len(bss) < count {
bss = append(bss, msg)
numPackets := 1000000
start := time.Now()
//msg := make([]byte, 1280)
sock, err := listener.AcceptTCP()
if err != nil { panic(err) }
defer sock.Close()
for {
msg := make([]byte, 1280*buffSize)
n, err := sock.Read(msg)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
msg = msg[:n]
fmt.Println("Read:", n)
for len(msg) > 1280 {
// handle message
msg = msg[1280:]
// handle remaining fragment of message
timed := time.Since(start)
fmt.Printf("%f packets per second\n", float64(numPackets)/timed.Seconds())
_ = func (in (chan<- int)) {
var cpuprofile = flag.String("cpuprofile", "", "write cpu profile `file`")
var memprofile = flag.String("memprofile", "", "write memory profile to this file")
func main () {
if *cpuprofile != "" {
f, err := os.Create(*cpuprofile)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create CPU profile: ", err))
if err := pprof.StartCPUProfile(f); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not start CPU profile: ", err))
defer pprof.StopCPUProfile()
if *memprofile != "" {
f, err := os.Create(*memprofile)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create memory profile: ", err))
defer func () { pprof.WriteHeapProfile(f) ; f.Close() }()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
package main
import (
const mtu = 65535
func setup_dev() *water.Interface {
ifce, err := water.New(water.Config{
DeviceType: water.TUN,
if err != nil {
return ifce
func setup_dev1() *water.Interface {
ifce := setup_dev()
cmd := exec.Command("ip", "-f", "inet6",
"addr", "add", "fc00::2/8",
"dev", ifce.Name())
out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
panic("Failed to assign address")
cmd = exec.Command("ip", "link", "set",
"dev", ifce.Name(),
"mtu", fmt.Sprintf("%d", mtu),
out, err = cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
panic("Failed to bring up interface")
return ifce
func connect(ifce *water.Interface) {
conn, err := net.DialTimeout("tcp", "", time.Second)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
sock := conn.(*net.TCPConn)
// TODO go a worker to move packets to/from the tun
func bench() {
func main() {
ifce := setup_dev1()
ifce, err := water.New(water.Config{
DeviceType: water.TUN,
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Interface Name: %s\n", ifce.Name())
packet := make([]byte, 2000)
for {
n, err := ifce.Read(packet)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Packet Received: % x\n", packet[:n])

View File

@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
package main
import (
const mtu = 65535
const netnsName = "tunbenchns"
func setup_dev() *water.Interface {
ifce, err := water.New(water.Config{
DeviceType: water.TUN,
if err != nil {
return ifce
func setup_dev1() *water.Interface {
ifce := setup_dev()
cmd := exec.Command("ip", "-f", "inet6",
"addr", "add", "fc00::1/8",
"dev", ifce.Name())
out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
panic("Failed to assign address")
cmd = exec.Command("ip", "link", "set",
"dev", tun.name,
"mtu", fmt.Sprintf("%d", mtu),
out, err = cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
panic("Failed to bring up interface")
return ifce
func addNS(name string) {
cmd := exec.COmmand("ip", "netns", "add", name)
out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
panic("Failed to setup netns")
func delNS(name string) {
cmd := exec.COmmand("ip", "netns", "delete", name)
out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
panic("Failed to setup netns")
func doInNetNS(comm ...string) *exec.Cmd {
return exec.Command("ip", "netns", "exec", netnsName, comm...)
func setup_dev2() *water.Interface {
ifce := setup_dev()
cmd := exec.Command("ip", "link", "set", ifce.Name(), "netns", netnsName)
out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
panic("Failed to move tun to netns")
cmd = doInNetNS("ip", "-f", "inet6",
"addr", "add", "fc00::2/8",
"dev", ifce.Name())
out, err = cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
panic("Failed to assign address")
cmd = doInNetNS("ip", "link", "set",
"dev", tun.name,
"mtu", fmt.Sprintf("%d", mtu),
out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
panic("Failed to bring up interface")
return ifce
func connect() {
func bench() {
func main() {
ifce, err := water.New(water.Config{
DeviceType: water.TUN,
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Interface Name: %s\n", ifce.Name())
packet := make([]byte, 2000)
for {
n, err := ifce.Read(packet)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Packet Received: % x\n", packet[:n])

misc/tests/tunbench.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
package main
import (
const mtu = 65535
const netnsName = "tunbenchns"
func setup_dev() *water.Interface {
ifce, err := water.New(water.Config{
DeviceType: water.TUN,
if err != nil {
return ifce
func setup_dev1() *water.Interface {
ifce := setup_dev()
cmd := exec.Command("ip", "-f", "inet6",
"addr", "add", "fc00::1/8",
"dev", ifce.Name())
out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
panic("Failed to assign address")
cmd = exec.Command("ip", "link", "set",
"dev", tun.name,
"mtu", fmt.Sprintf("%d", mtu),
out, err = cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
panic("Failed to bring up interface")
return ifce
func addNS(name string) {
cmd := exec.COmmand("ip", "netns", "add", name)
out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
panic("Failed to setup netns")
func delNS(name string) {
cmd := exec.COmmand("ip", "netns", "delete", name)
out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
panic("Failed to setup netns")
func doInNetNS(comm ...string) *exec.Cmd {
return exec.Command("ip", "netns", "exec", netnsName, comm...)
func setup_dev2() *water.Interface {
ifce := setup_dev()
cmd := exec.Command("ip", "link", "set", ifce.Name(), "netns", netnsName)
out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
panic("Failed to move tun to netns")
cmd =
cmd = exec.Command(
"ip", "-f", "inet6",
"addr", "add", "fc00::2/8",
"dev", ifce.Name())
out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
panic("Failed to assign address")
cmd = exec.Command(
"ip", "link", "set",
"dev", tun.name,
"mtu", fmt.Sprintf("%d", mtu),
out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
panic("Failed to bring up interface")
return ifce
func connect() {
func bench() {
func main() {
ifce, err := water.New(water.Config{
DeviceType: water.TUN,
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Interface Name: %s\n", ifce.Name())
packet := make([]byte, 2000)
for {
n, err := ifce.Read(packet)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Packet Received: % x\n", packet[:n])

misc/tests/tuntest.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
package main
import (
// first start server tun server.
func main() {
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
// local tun interface read and write channel.
rCh := make(chan []byte, 1024)
// read from local tun interface channel, and write into remote udp channel.
go func() {
for {
data := <-rCh
// if data[0]&0xf0 == 0x40
// write into udp conn.
log.Println("tun->conn:", len(data))
log.Println("src:", net.IP(data[8:24]), "dst:", net.IP(data[24:40]))
address := net.ParseIP("fc00::1")
tuntap, err := tun.OpenTun(address)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
defer tuntap.Close()
// read data from tun into rCh channel.
go func() {
if err := tuntap.Read(rCh); err != nil { panic(err) }

misc/tests/wire-test.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
package main
import "wire"
import "fmt"
import "time"
func main() {
for idx := 0 ; idx < 64 ; idx++ {
num := uint64(1) << uint(idx)
encoded := make([]byte, 10)
length := wire.Encode_uint64(num, encoded)
decoded, _ := wire.Decode_uint64(encoded[:length])
if decoded != num { panic(fmt.Sprintf("%d != %d", decoded, num)) }
const count = 1000000
start := time.Now()
encoded := make([]byte, 10)
//num := ^uint64(0) // Longest possible value for full uint64 range
num := ^uint64(0) >> 1 // Largest positive int64 (real use case)
//num := uint64(0) // Shortest possible value, most will be of this length
length := wire.Encode_uint64(num, encoded)
for idx := 0 ; idx < count ; idx++ {
wire.Encode_uint64(num, encoded)
timed := time.Since(start)
fmt.Println("Ops:", count/timed.Seconds())
fmt.Println("Time:", timed.Nanoseconds()/count)
encoded = encoded[:length]
start = time.Now()
for idx := 0 ; idx < count ; idx++ {
timed = time.Since(start)
fmt.Println("Ops:", count/timed.Seconds())
fmt.Println("Time:", timed.Nanoseconds()/count)

misc/yggdrasil.go.tcp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
package main
import "bytes"
import "encoding/hex"
import "encoding/json"
import "flag"
import "fmt"
import "io/ioutil"
import "net"
import "os"
import "os/signal"
import "time"
import _ "net/http/pprof"
import "net/http"
import "log"
import "runtime"
import "golang.org/x/net/ipv6"
import . "yggdrasil"
* This is a very crude wrapper around src/yggdrasil
* It can generate a new config (--genconf)
* It can read a config from stdin (--useconf)
* It can run with an automatic config (--autoconf)
type nodeConfig struct {
Listen string
Peers []string
BoxPub string
BoxPriv string
SigPub string
SigPriv string
Multicast bool
type node struct {
core Core
sock *ipv6.PacketConn
func (n *node) init(cfg *nodeConfig, logger *log.Logger) {
boxPub, err := hex.DecodeString(cfg.BoxPub)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
boxPriv, err := hex.DecodeString(cfg.BoxPriv)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
sigPub, err := hex.DecodeString(cfg.SigPub)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
sigPriv, err := hex.DecodeString(cfg.SigPriv)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
n.core.DEBUG_init(boxPub, boxPriv, sigPub, sigPriv)
logger.Println("Starting interface...")
logger.Println("Started interface")
go func () {
if len(cfg.Peers) == 0 { return }
for {
for _, p := range cfg.Peers {
func generateConfig() *nodeConfig {
core := Core{}
bpub, bpriv := core.DEBUG_newBoxKeys()
spub, spriv := core.DEBUG_newSigKeys()
cfg := nodeConfig{}
cfg.Listen = "[::]:0"
cfg.BoxPub = hex.EncodeToString(bpub[:])
cfg.BoxPriv = hex.EncodeToString(bpriv[:])
cfg.SigPub = hex.EncodeToString(spub[:])
cfg.SigPriv = hex.EncodeToString(spriv[:])
cfg.Peers = []string{}
cfg.Multicast = true
return &cfg
func doGenconf() string {
cfg := generateConfig()
bs, err := json.MarshalIndent(cfg, "", " ")
if err != nil { panic(err) }
return string(bs)
var multicastAddr = "[ff02::114]:9001"
func (n *node) listen() {
groupAddr, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", multicastAddr)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
bs := make([]byte, 2048)
for {
nBytes, rcm, fromAddr, err := n.sock.ReadFrom(bs)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
//if rcm == nil { continue } // wat
//fmt.Println("DEBUG:", "packet from:", fromAddr.String())
if !rcm.Dst.IsLinkLocalMulticast() { continue }
if !rcm.Dst.Equal(groupAddr.IP) { continue }
anAddr := string(bs[:nBytes])
addr, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", anAddr)
if err != nil { panic(err) ; continue } // Panic for testing, remove later
from := fromAddr.(*net.UDPAddr)
//fmt.Println("DEBUG:", "heard:", addr.IP.String(), "from:", from.IP.String())
if addr.IP.String() != from.IP.String() { continue }
addr.Zone = from.Zone
saddr := addr.String()
//if _, isIn := n.peers[saddr]; isIn { continue }
//n.peers[saddr] = struct{}{}
//fmt.Println("DEBUG:", "added multicast peer:", saddr)
func (n *node) announce() {
groupAddr, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", multicastAddr)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
tcpaddr := n.core.DEBUG_getGlobalTCPAddr()
anAddr, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", tcpaddr.String())
if err != nil { panic(err) }
destAddr, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp6", multicastAddr)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
for {
ifaces, err := net.Interfaces()
if err != nil { panic(err) }
for _, iface := range ifaces {
n.sock.JoinGroup(&iface, groupAddr)
//err := n.sock.JoinGroup(&iface, groupAddr)
//if err != nil { panic(err) }
addrs, err := iface.Addrs()
if err != nil { panic(err) }
for _, addr := range addrs {
addrIP, _, _ := net.ParseCIDR(addr.String())
if addrIP.To4() != nil { continue } // IPv6 only
if !addrIP.IsLinkLocalUnicast() { continue }
anAddr.IP = addrIP
anAddr.Zone = iface.Name
destAddr.Zone = iface.Name
msg := []byte(anAddr.String())
n.sock.WriteTo(msg, nil, destAddr)
var pprof = flag.Bool("pprof", false, "Run pprof, see http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/")
var genconf = flag.Bool("genconf", false, "print a new config to stdout")
var useconf = flag.Bool("useconf", false, "read config from stdin")
var autoconf = flag.Bool("autoconf", false, "automatic mode (dynamic IP, peer with IPv6 neighbors)")
func main() {
var cfg *nodeConfig
switch {
case *autoconf: cfg = generateConfig()
case *useconf:
config, err := ioutil.ReadAll(os.Stdin)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
decoder := json.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(config))
err = decoder.Decode(&cfg)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
case *genconf: fmt.Println(doGenconf())
default: flag.PrintDefaults()
if cfg == nil { return }
logger := log.New(os.Stdout, "", log.Flags())
if *pprof {
go func() { log.Println(http.ListenAndServe("localhost:6060", nil)) }()
// Setup
n := node{}
n.init(cfg, logger)
logger.Println("Starting tun...")
//n.core.DEBUG_startTun() // 1280, the smallest supported MTU
n.core.DEBUG_startTunWithMTU(65535) // Largest supported MTU
defer func() {
if cfg.Multicast {
addr, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", multicastAddr)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
listenString := fmt.Sprintf("[::]:%v", addr.Port)
conn, err := net.ListenPacket("udp6", listenString)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
//defer conn.Close() // Let it close on its own when the application exits
n.sock = ipv6.NewPacketConn(conn)
if err = n.sock.SetControlMessage(ipv6.FlagDst, true) ; err != nil { panic(err) }
go n.listen()
go n.announce()
// Catch interrupt to exit gracefully
c := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt)

src/yggdrasil/address.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
package yggdrasil
type address [16]byte // IPv6 address within the network
type subnet [8]byte // It's a /64
var address_prefix = [...]byte{0xfd} // For node addresses + local subnets
func (a *address) isValid() bool {
for idx := range address_prefix {
if (*a)[idx] != address_prefix[idx] { return false }
return (*a)[len(address_prefix)] & 0x80 == 0
func (s *subnet) isValid() bool {
for idx := range address_prefix {
if (*s)[idx] != address_prefix[idx] { return false }
return (*s)[len(address_prefix)] & 0x80 != 0
func address_addrForNodeID(nid *NodeID) *address {
// 128 bit address
// Begins with prefix
// Next bit is a 0
// Next 7 bits, interpreted as a uint, are # of leading 1s in the NodeID
// Leading 1s and first leading 0 of the NodeID are truncated off
// The rest is appended to the IPv6 address (truncated to 128 bits total)
var addr address
var temp []byte
done := false
ones := byte(0)
bits := byte(0)
nBits := 0
for idx := 0 ; idx < 8*len(nid) ; idx++ {
bit := (nid[idx/8] & (0x80 >> byte(idx % 8))) >> byte(7 - (idx % 8))
if !done && bit != 0 {
if !done && bit == 0 {
done = true
continue // FIXME this assumes that ones <= 127
bits = (bits << 1) | bit
if nBits == 8 {
nBits = 0
temp = append(temp, bits)
copy(addr[:], address_prefix[:])
addr[len(address_prefix)] = ones & 0x7f
copy(addr[len(address_prefix)+1:], temp)
return &addr
func address_subnetForNodeID(nid *NodeID) *subnet {
// Exactly as the address version, with two exceptions:
// 1) The first bit after the fixed prefix is a 1 instead of a 0
// 2) It's truncated to a subnet prefix length instead of 128 bits
addr := *address_addrForNodeID(nid)
var snet subnet
copy(snet[:], addr[:])
snet[len(address_prefix)] |= 0x80
return &snet
func (a *address) getNodeIDandMask() (*NodeID, *NodeID) {
// Mask is a bitmask to mark the bits visible from the address
// This means truncated leading 1s, first leading 0, and visible part of addr
var nid NodeID
var mask NodeID
ones := int(a[len(address_prefix)] & 0x7f)
for idx := 0 ; idx < ones ; idx++ { nid[idx/8] |= 0x80 >> byte(idx % 8) }
nidOffset := ones+1
addrOffset := 8*len(address_prefix)+8
for idx := addrOffset ; idx < 8*len(a) ; idx++ {
bits := a[idx/8] & (0x80 >> byte(idx % 8))
bits <<= byte(idx % 8)
nidIdx := nidOffset + (idx - addrOffset)
bits >>= byte(nidIdx % 8)
nid[nidIdx/8] |= bits
maxMask := 8*(len(a) - len(address_prefix) - 1) + ones + 1
for idx := 0 ; idx < maxMask ; idx++ { mask[idx/8] |= 0x80 >> byte(idx % 8) }
return &nid, &mask
func (s *subnet) getNodeIDandMask() (*NodeID, *NodeID) {
// As witht he address version, but visible parts of the subnet prefix instead
var nid NodeID
var mask NodeID
ones := int(s[len(address_prefix)] & 0x7f)
for idx := 0 ; idx < ones ; idx++ { nid[idx/8] |= 0x80 >> byte(idx % 8) }
nidOffset := ones+1
addrOffset := 8*len(address_prefix)+8
for idx := addrOffset ; idx < 8*len(s) ; idx++ {
bits := s[idx/8] & (0x80 >> byte(idx % 8))
bits <<= byte(idx % 8)
nidIdx := nidOffset + (idx - addrOffset)
bits >>= byte(nidIdx % 8)
nid[nidIdx/8] |= bits
maxMask := 8*(len(s) - len(address_prefix) - 1) + ones + 1
for idx := 0 ; idx < maxMask ; idx++ { mask[idx/8] |= 0x80 >> byte(idx % 8) }
return &nid, &mask

src/yggdrasil/core.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
package yggdrasil
import "io/ioutil"
import "log"
type Core struct {
// This is the main data structure that holds everything else for a node
// TODO? move keys out of core and into something more appropriate
// e.g. box keys live in sessions
// sig keys live in peers or sigs (or wherever signing/validating logic is)
boxPub boxPubKey
boxPriv boxPrivKey
sigPub sigPubKey
sigPriv sigPrivKey
switchTable switchTable
peers peers
sigs sigManager
sessions sessions
router router
dht dht
tun tunDevice
searches searches
tcp *tcpInterface
udp *udpInterface
log *log.Logger
func (c *Core) Init() {
// Only called by the simulator, to set up nodes with random keys
bpub, bpriv := newBoxKeys()
spub, spriv := newSigKeys()
c.init(bpub, bpriv, spub, spriv)
func (c *Core) init(bpub *boxPubKey,
bpriv *boxPrivKey,
spub *sigPubKey,
spriv *sigPrivKey) {
// TODO separate init and start functions
// Init sets up structs
// Start launches goroutines that depend on structs being set up
// This is pretty much required to avoid race conditions
c.log = log.New(ioutil.Discard, "", 0)
c.boxPub, c.boxPriv = *bpub, *bpriv
c.sigPub, c.sigPriv = *spub, *spriv
c.switchTable.init(c, c.sigPub) // TODO move before peers? before router?
func (c *Core) GetNodeID() *NodeID {
return getNodeID(&c.boxPub)
func (c *Core) GetTreeID() *TreeID {
return getTreeID(&c.sigPub)

src/yggdrasil/crypto.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
package yggdrasil
This part of the package wraps crypto operations needed elsewhere
In particular, it exposes key generation for ed25519 and nacl box
It also defines NodeID and TreeID as hashes of keys, and wraps hash functions
import "crypto/rand"
import "crypto/sha512"
import "golang.org/x/crypto/ed25519"
import "golang.org/x/crypto/nacl/box"
// NodeID and TreeID
const NodeIDLen = sha512.Size
const TreeIDLen = sha512.Size
const handleLen = 8
type NodeID [NodeIDLen]byte
type TreeID [TreeIDLen]byte
type handle [handleLen]byte
func getNodeID(pub *boxPubKey) *NodeID {
h := sha512.Sum512(pub[:])
return (*NodeID)(&h)
func getTreeID(pub *sigPubKey) *TreeID {
h := sha512.Sum512(pub[:])
return (*TreeID)(&h)
func newHandle() *handle {
var h handle
_, err := rand.Read(h[:])
if err != nil { panic(err) }
return &h
// Signatures
const sigPubKeyLen = ed25519.PublicKeySize
const sigPrivKeyLen = ed25519.PrivateKeySize
const sigLen = ed25519.SignatureSize
type sigPubKey [sigPubKeyLen]byte
type sigPrivKey [sigPrivKeyLen]byte
type sigBytes [sigLen]byte
func newSigKeys() (*sigPubKey, *sigPrivKey) {
var pub sigPubKey
var priv sigPrivKey
pubSlice, privSlice, err := ed25519.GenerateKey(rand.Reader)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
copy(pub[:], pubSlice)
copy(priv[:], privSlice)
return &pub, &priv
func sign(priv *sigPrivKey, msg []byte) *sigBytes {
var sig sigBytes
sigSlice := ed25519.Sign(priv[:], msg)
copy(sig[:], sigSlice)
return &sig
func verify(pub *sigPubKey, msg []byte, sig *sigBytes) bool {
// Should sig be an array instead of a slice?...
// It's fixed size, but
return ed25519.Verify(pub[:], msg, sig[:])
// NaCl-like crypto "box" (curve25519+xsalsa20+poly1305)
const boxPubKeyLen = 32
const boxPrivKeyLen = 32
const boxSharedKeyLen = 32
const boxNonceLen = 24
type boxPubKey [boxPubKeyLen]byte
type boxPrivKey [boxPrivKeyLen]byte
type boxSharedKey [boxSharedKeyLen]byte
type boxNonce [boxNonceLen]byte
func newBoxKeys() (*boxPubKey, *boxPrivKey) {
pubBytes, privBytes, err := box.GenerateKey(rand.Reader)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
pub := (*boxPubKey)(pubBytes)
priv := (*boxPrivKey)(privBytes)
return pub, priv
func getSharedKey(myPrivKey *boxPrivKey,
othersPubKey *boxPubKey) *boxSharedKey {
var shared [boxSharedKeyLen]byte
priv := (*[boxPrivKeyLen]byte)(myPrivKey)
pub := (*[boxPubKeyLen]byte)(othersPubKey)
box.Precompute(&shared, pub, priv)
return (*boxSharedKey)(&shared)
func boxOpen(shared *boxSharedKey,
boxed []byte,
nonce *boxNonce) ([]byte, bool) {
out := util_getBytes()
//return append(out, boxed...), true // XXX HACK to test without encryption
s := (*[boxSharedKeyLen]byte)(shared)
n := (*[boxNonceLen]byte)(nonce)
unboxed, success := box.OpenAfterPrecomputation(out, boxed, n, s)
return unboxed, success
func boxSeal(shared *boxSharedKey, unboxed []byte, nonce *boxNonce) ([]byte, *boxNonce) {
if nonce == nil { nonce = newBoxNonce() }
out := util_getBytes()
//return append(out, unboxed...), nonce // XXX HACK to test without encryption
s := (*[boxSharedKeyLen]byte)(shared)
n := (*[boxNonceLen]byte)(nonce)
boxed := box.SealAfterPrecomputation(out, unboxed, n, s)
return boxed, nonce
func newBoxNonce() *boxNonce {
var nonce boxNonce
_, err := rand.Read(nonce[:])
for ; err == nil && nonce[0] == 0xff ; _, err = rand.Read(nonce[:]){
// Make sure nonce isn't too high
// This is just to make rollover unlikely to happen
// Rollover is fine, but it may kill the session and force it to reopen
if err != nil { panic(err) }
return &nonce
func (n *boxNonce) update() {
oldNonce := *n
n[len(n)-1] += 2
for i := len(n)-2 ; i >= 0 ; i-- {
if n[i+1] < oldNonce[i+1] { n[i] += 1 }

src/yggdrasil/debug.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
package yggdrasil
// These are functions that should not exist
// They are (or were) used during development, to work around missing features
// They're also used to configure things from the outside
// It would be better to define and export a few config functions elsewhere
// Or define some remote API and call it to send/request configuration info
import _ "golang.org/x/net/ipv6" // TODO put this somewhere better
import "fmt"
import "net"
import "log"
// Core
func (c *Core) DEBUG_getSigPub() sigPubKey {
return (sigPubKey)(c.sigPub)
func (c *Core) DEBUG_getBoxPub() boxPubKey {
return (boxPubKey)(c.boxPub)
func (c *Core) DEBUG_getSend() (chan<- []byte) {
return c.tun.send
func (c *Core) DEBUG_getRecv() (<-chan []byte) {
return c.tun.recv
// Peer
func (c *Core) DEBUG_getPeers() *peers {
return &c.peers
func (ps *peers) DEBUG_newPeer(box boxPubKey,
sig sigPubKey) *peer {
//in <-chan []byte,
//out chan<- []byte) *peer {
return ps.newPeer(&box, &sig)//, in, out)
func (ps *peers) DEBUG_startPeers() {
defer ps.mutex.RUnlock()
for _, p := range ps.ports {
if p == nil { continue }
go p.MainLoop()
func (ps *peers) DEBUG_hasPeer(key sigPubKey) bool {
ports := ps.ports.Load().(map[switchPort]*peer)
for _, p := range ports {
if p == nil { continue }
if p.sig == key { return true }
return false
func (ps *peers) DEBUG_getPorts() map[switchPort]*peer {
ports := ps.ports.Load().(map[switchPort]*peer)
newPeers := make(map[switchPort]*peer)
for port, p := range ports{
newPeers[port] = p
return newPeers
func (p *peer) DEBUG_getSigKey() sigPubKey {
return p.sig
func (p *peer) DEEBUG_getPort() switchPort {
return p.port
// Router
func (c *Core) DEBUG_getSwitchTable() *switchTable {
return &c.switchTable
func (c *Core) DEBUG_getLocator() switchLocator {
return c.switchTable.getLocator()
func (l *switchLocator) DEBUG_getCoords() []byte {
return l.getCoords()
func (c *Core) DEBUG_switchLookup(dest []byte, ttl uint64) (switchPort, uint64) {
return c.switchTable.lookup(dest, ttl)
func (t *switchTable) DEBUG_isDirty() bool {
//data := t.data.Load().(*tabledata)
defer t.mutex.RUnlock()
data := t.data
return data.dirty
func (t *switchTable) DEBUG_dumpTable() {
//data := t.data.Load().(*tabledata)
defer t.mutex.RUnlock()
data := t.data
for _, peer := range data.peers {
//fmt.Println("DUMPTABLE:", t.treeID, peer.treeID, peer.port,
// peer.locator.Root, peer.coords,
// peer.reverse.Root, peer.reverse.Coords, peer.forward)
fmt.Println("DUMPTABLE:", t.key, peer.key, peer.locator.coords, peer.port/*, peer.forward*/)
func (t *switchTable) DEBUG_getReversePort(port switchPort) switchPort {
// Returns Port(0) if it cannot get the reverse peer for any reason
//data := t.data.Load().(*tabledata)
defer t.mutex.RUnlock()
data := t.data
if port >= switchPort(len(data.peers)) { return switchPort(0) }
pinfo := data.peers[port]
if len(pinfo.locator.coords) < 1 { return switchPort(0) }
return pinfo.locator.coords[len(pinfo.locator.coords)-1]
// Wire
func DEBUG_wire_encode_coords(coords []byte) []byte {
return wire_encode_coords(coords)
// DHT, via core
func (c *Core) DEBUG_getDHTSize() int {
total := 0
for bidx := 0 ; bidx < c.dht.nBuckets() ; bidx++ {
b := c.dht.getBucket(bidx)
total += len(b.infos)
return total
// udpInterface
// FIXME udpInterface isn't exported
// So debug functions need to work differently...
func (c *Core) DEBUG_setupLoopbackUDPInterface() {
iface := udpInterface{}
iface.init(c, "[::1]:0")
c.ifaces = append(c.ifaces[:0], &iface)
func (c *Core) DEBUG_getLoopbackAddr() net.Addr {
iface := c.ifaces[0]
return iface.sock.LocalAddr()
func (c *Core) DEBUG_addLoopbackPeer(addr *net.UDPAddr,
in (chan<- []byte),
out (<-chan []byte)) {
iface := c.ifaces[0]
iface.addPeer(addr, in, out)
func (c *Core) DEBUG_startLoopbackUDPInterface() {
iface := c.ifaces[0]
go iface.reader()
for addr, chs := range iface.peers {
udpAddr, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp6", addr)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
go iface.writer(udpAddr, chs.out)
func (c *Core) DEBUG_getAddr() *address {
return address_addrForNodeID(&c.dht.nodeID)
func (c *Core) DEBUG_startTun() {
func (c *Core) DEBUG_startTunWithMTU(mtu int) {
addr := c.DEBUG_getAddr()
straddr := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%v", net.IP(addr[:]).String(), 8*len(address_prefix))
err := c.tun.setup(straddr, mtu)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
go c.tun.read()
go c.tun.write()
func (c *Core) DEBUG_stopTun() {
func (c *Core) DEBUG_newBoxKeys() (*boxPubKey, *boxPrivKey) {
return newBoxKeys()
func (c *Core) DEBUG_newSigKeys() (*sigPubKey, *sigPrivKey) {
return newSigKeys()
func (c *Core) DEBUG_getNodeID(pub *boxPubKey) *NodeID {
return getNodeID(pub)
func (c *Core) DEBUG_getTreeID(pub *sigPubKey) *TreeID {
return getTreeID(pub)
func (c *Core) DEBUG_addrForNodeID(nodeID *NodeID) string {
return net.IP(address_addrForNodeID(nodeID)[:]).String()
func (c *Core) DEBUG_init(bpub []byte,
bpriv []byte,
spub []byte,
spriv []byte) {
var boxPub boxPubKey
var boxPriv boxPrivKey
var sigPub sigPubKey
var sigPriv sigPrivKey
copy(boxPub[:], bpub)
copy(boxPriv[:], bpriv)
copy(sigPub[:], spub)
copy(sigPriv[:], spriv)
c.init(&boxPub, &boxPriv, &sigPub, &sigPriv)
func (c *Core) DEBUG_setupAndStartGlobalUDPInterface(addrport string) {
iface := udpInterface{}
iface.init(c, addrport)
c.udp = &iface
func (c *Core) DEBUG_getGlobalUDPAddr() net.Addr {
return c.udp.sock.LocalAddr()
func (c *Core) DEBUG_sendUDPKeys(saddr string) {
addr := connAddr(saddr)
func (c *Core) DEBUG_setupAndStartGlobalTCPInterface(addrport string) {
iface := tcpInterface{}
iface.init(c, addrport)
c.tcp = &iface
func (c *Core) DEBUG_getGlobalTCPAddr() *net.TCPAddr {
return c.tcp.serv.Addr().(*net.TCPAddr)
func (c *Core) DEBUG_addTCPConn(saddr string) {
func (c *Core) DEBUG_startSelfPeer() {
defer c.Peers.mutex.RUnlock()
p := c.Peers.ports[0]
go p.MainLoop()
func (c *Core) DEBUG_setupAndStartGlobalKCPInterface(addrport string) {
iface := kcpInterface{}
iface.init(c, addrport)
c.kcp = &iface
func (c *Core) DEBUG_getGlobalKCPAddr() net.Addr {
return c.kcp.serv.Addr()
func (c *Core) DEBUG_addKCPConn(saddr string) {
func (c *Core) DEBUG_setLogger(log *log.Logger) {
c.log = log
func DEBUG_simLinkPeers(p, q *peer) {
// Sets q.out() to point to p and starts p.linkLoop()
plinkIn := make(chan []byte, 1)
qlinkIn := make(chan []byte, 1)
p.out = func(bs []byte) {
go q.handlePacket(bs, qlinkIn)
q.out = func(bs []byte) {
go p.handlePacket(bs, plinkIn)
go p.linkLoop(plinkIn)
go q.linkLoop(qlinkIn)

src/yggdrasil/dht.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
package yggdrasil
This part has the (kademlia-like) distributed hash table
It's used to look up coords for a NodeID
Every node participates in the DHT, and the DHT stores no real keys/values
(Only the peer relationships / lookups are needed)
This version is intentionally fragile, by being recursive instead of iterative
(it's also not parallel, as a result)
This is to make sure that DHT black holes are visible if they exist
(the iterative parallel approach tends to get around them sometimes)
I haven't seen this get stuck on blackholes, but I also haven't proven it can't
Slight changes *do* make it blackhole hard, bootstrapping isn't an easy problem
// TODO handle the case where we try to look ourself up
// Ends up at bucket index NodeIDLen
// That's 1 too many
import "sort"
import "time"
//import "fmt"
// Maximum size for buckets and lookups
// Exception for buckets if the next one is non-full
const dht_bucket_size = 2 // This should be at least 2
const dht_lookup_size = 2 // This should be at least 1, below 2 is impractical
const dht_bucket_number = 8*NodeIDLen // This shouldn't be changed
type dhtInfo struct {
// TODO save their nodeID so we don't need to rehash if we need it again
nodeID_hidden *NodeID
key boxPubKey
coords []byte
send time.Time // When we last sent a message
recv time.Time // When we last received a message
pings int // Decide when to drop
func (info *dhtInfo) getNodeID() *NodeID {
if info.nodeID_hidden == nil {
info.nodeID_hidden = getNodeID(&info.key)
return info.nodeID_hidden
type bucket struct {
infos []*dhtInfo
type dhtReq struct {
key boxPubKey // Key of whoever asked
coords []byte // Coords of whoever asked
dest NodeID // NodeID they're asking about
type dhtRes struct {
key boxPubKey // key to respond to
coords []byte // coords to respond to
dest NodeID
infos []*dhtInfo // response
type dht struct {
core *Core
nodeID NodeID
buckets_hidden [dht_bucket_number]bucket // Extra is for the self-bucket
peers chan *dhtInfo // other goroutines put incoming dht updates here
reqs map[boxPubKey]map[NodeID]time.Time
offset int
func (t *dht) init(c *Core) {
t.core = c
t.nodeID = *t.core.GetNodeID()
t.peers = make(chan *dhtInfo, 1)
t.reqs = make(map[boxPubKey]map[NodeID]time.Time)
func (t *dht) handleReq(req *dhtReq) {
// Send them what they asked for
loc := t.core.switchTable.getLocator()
coords := loc.getCoords()
res := dhtRes{
key: t.core.boxPub,
coords: coords,
dest: req.dest,
infos: t.lookup(&req.dest),
t.sendRes(&res, req)
// Also (possibly) add them to our DHT
info := dhtInfo{
key: req.key,
coords: req.coords,
t.insertIfNew(&info) // This seems DoSable (we just trust their coords...)
//if req.dest != t.nodeID { t.ping(&info, info.getNodeID()) } // Or spam...
func (t *dht) handleRes(res *dhtRes) {
reqs, isIn := t.reqs[res.key]
if !isIn { return }
_, isIn = reqs[res.dest]
if !isIn { return }
rinfo := dhtInfo{
key: res.key,
coords: res.coords,
send: time.Now(), // Technically wrong but should be OK... FIXME or not
recv: time.Now(),
// If they're already in the table, then keep the correct send time
bidx, isOK := t.getBucketIndex(rinfo.getNodeID())
if !isOK { return }
b := t.getBucket(bidx)
for _, oldinfo := range b.infos {
if oldinfo.key == rinfo.key {rinfo.send = oldinfo.send }
// Insert into table
if res.dest == *rinfo.getNodeID() { return } // No infinite recursions
// ping the nodes we were told about
if len(res.infos) > dht_lookup_size {
// Ignore any "extra" lookup results
res.infos = res.infos[:dht_lookup_size]
for _, info := range res.infos {
bidx, isOK := t.getBucketIndex(info.getNodeID())
if !isOK { continue }
b := t.getBucket(bidx)
if b.contains(info) { continue } // wait for maintenance cycle to get them
t.ping(info, info.getNodeID())
func (t *dht) lookup(nodeID *NodeID) []*dhtInfo {
// FIXME this allocates a bunch, sorts, and keeps the part it likes
// It would be better to only track the part it likes to begin with
addInfos := func (res []*dhtInfo, infos []*dhtInfo) ([]*dhtInfo) {
for _, info := range infos {
if info == nil { panic ("Should never happen!") }
if true || dht_firstCloserThanThird(info.getNodeID(), nodeID, &t.nodeID) {
res = append(res, info)
return res
var res []*dhtInfo
for bidx := 0 ; bidx < t.nBuckets() ; bidx++ {
b := t.getBucket(bidx)
res = addInfos(res, b.infos)
doSort := func(infos []*dhtInfo) {
less := func (i, j int) bool {
return dht_firstCloserThanThird(infos[i].getNodeID(),
sort.SliceStable(infos, less)
if len(res) > dht_lookup_size { res = res[:dht_lookup_size] }
return res
func (t *dht) getBucket(bidx int) *bucket {
return &t.buckets_hidden[bidx]
func (t *dht) nBuckets() int {
return len(t.buckets_hidden)
func (t *dht) insertIfNew(info *dhtInfo) {
//fmt.Println("DEBUG: dht insertIfNew:", info.getNodeID(), info.coords)
// Insert a peer if and only if the bucket doesn't already contain it
nodeID := info.getNodeID()
bidx, isOK := t.getBucketIndex(nodeID)
if !isOK { return }
b := t.getBucket(bidx)
if !b.contains(info) {
// We've never heard this node before
// TODO is there a better time than "now" to set send/recv to?
// (Is there another "natural" choice that bootstraps faster?)
info.send = time.Now()
info.recv = info.send
func (t *dht) insert(info *dhtInfo) {
//fmt.Println("DEBUG: dht insert:", info.getNodeID(), info.coords)
// First update the time on this info
info.recv = time.Now()
// Get the bucket for this node
nodeID := info.getNodeID()
bidx, isOK := t.getBucketIndex(nodeID)
if !isOK { return }
b := t.getBucket(bidx)
// First drop any existing entry from the bucket
// Now add to the *end* of the bucket
b.infos = append(b.infos, info)
// Check if the next bucket is non-full and return early if it is
if bidx+1 == t.nBuckets() { return }
bnext := t.getBucket(bidx+1)
if len(bnext.infos) < dht_bucket_size { return }
// Shrink from the *front* to requied size
for len(b.infos) > dht_bucket_size { b.infos = b.infos[1:] }
func (t *dht) getBucketIndex(nodeID *NodeID) (int, bool) {
for bidx := 0 ; bidx < t.nBuckets() ; bidx++ {
them := nodeID[bidx/8] & (0x80 >> byte(bidx % 8))
me := t.nodeID[bidx/8] & (0x80 >> byte(bidx % 8))
if them != me { return bidx, true }
return t.nBuckets(), false
func (b *bucket) contains(ninfo *dhtInfo) bool {
// Compares if key and coords match
for _, info := range b.infos {
if info == nil { panic("Should never happen") }
if info.key == ninfo.key {
if len(info.coords) != len(ninfo.coords) { return false }
for idx := 0 ; idx < len(info.coords) ; idx++ {
if info.coords[idx] != ninfo.coords[idx] { return false }
return true
return false
func (b *bucket) drop(key *boxPubKey) {
clean := func (infos []*dhtInfo) []*dhtInfo {
cleaned := infos[:0]
for _, info := range infos {
if info.key == *key { continue }
cleaned = append(cleaned, info)
return cleaned
b.infos = clean(b.infos)
func (t *dht) sendReq(req *dhtReq, dest *dhtInfo) {
// Send a dhtReq to the node in dhtInfo
bs := req.encode()
shared := t.core.sessions.getSharedKey(&t.core.boxPriv, &dest.key)
payload, nonce := boxSeal(shared, bs, nil)
p := wire_protoTrafficPacket{
ttl: ^uint64(0),
coords: dest.coords,
toKey: dest.key,
fromKey: t.core.boxPub,
nonce: *nonce,
packet := p.encode()
reqsToDest, isIn := t.reqs[dest.key]
if !isIn {
t.reqs[dest.key] = make(map[NodeID]time.Time)
reqsToDest, isIn = t.reqs[dest.key]
if !isIn { panic("This should never happen") }
reqsToDest[req.dest] = time.Now()
func (t *dht) sendRes(res *dhtRes, req *dhtReq) {
// Send a reply for a dhtReq
bs := res.encode()
shared := t.core.sessions.getSharedKey(&t.core.boxPriv, &req.key)
payload, nonce := boxSeal(shared, bs, nil)
p := wire_protoTrafficPacket{
ttl: ^uint64(0),
coords: req.coords,
toKey: req.key,
fromKey: t.core.boxPub,
nonce: *nonce,
payload: payload,
packet := p.encode()
func (b *bucket) isEmpty() bool {
return len(b.infos) == 0
func (b *bucket) nextToPing() *dhtInfo {
// Check the nodes in the bucket
// Return whichever one responded least recently
// Delay of 6 seconds between pinging the same node
// Gives them time to respond
// And time between traffic loss from short term congestion in the network
var toPing *dhtInfo
for _, next := range b.infos {
if time.Since(next.send) < 6*time.Second { continue }
if toPing == nil || next.recv.Before(toPing.recv) { toPing = next }
return toPing
func (t *dht) getTarget(bidx int) *NodeID {
targetID := t.nodeID
targetID[bidx/8] ^= 0x80 >> byte(bidx % 8)
return &targetID
func (t *dht) ping(info *dhtInfo, target *NodeID) {
if info.pings > 2 {
bidx, isOK := t.getBucketIndex(info.getNodeID())
if !isOK { panic("This should never happen") }
b := t.getBucket(bidx)
if target == nil { target = &t.nodeID }
loc := t.core.switchTable.getLocator()
coords := loc.getCoords()
req := dhtReq{
key: t.core.boxPub,
coords: coords,
dest: *target,
info.send = time.Now()
t.sendReq(&req, info)
func (t *dht) doMaintenance() {
// First clean up reqs
for key, reqs := range t.reqs {
for target, timeout := range reqs {
if time.Since(timeout) > time.Minute { delete(reqs, target) }
if len(reqs) == 0 { delete(t.reqs, key) }
// Ping the least recently contacted node
// This is to make sure we eventually notice when someone times out
var oldest *dhtInfo
last := 0
for bidx := 0 ; bidx < t.nBuckets() ; bidx++ {
b := t.getBucket(bidx)
if !b.isEmpty() {
last = bidx
toPing := b.nextToPing()
if toPing == nil { continue } // We've recently pinged everyone in b
if oldest == nil || toPing.recv.Before(oldest.recv) {
oldest = toPing
if oldest != nil { t.ping(oldest, nil) } // if the DHT isn't empty
// Refresh buckets
if t.offset > last { t.offset = 0 }
target := t.getTarget(t.offset)
for _, info := range t.lookup(target) {
t.ping(info, target)
func dht_firstCloserThanThird(first *NodeID,
second *NodeID,
third *NodeID) bool {
for idx := 0 ; idx < NodeIDLen ; idx++ {
f := first[idx] ^ second[idx]
t := third[idx] ^ second[idx]
if f == t { continue }
return f < t
return false

src/yggdrasil/peer.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
package yggdrasil
// TODO cleanup, this file is kind of a mess
// FIXME? this part may be at least sligtly vulnerable to replay attacks
// The switch message part should catch / drop old tstamps
// So the damage is limited
// But you could still mess up msgAnc / msgHops and break some things there
import "time"
import "sync"
import "sync/atomic"
import "math"
//import "fmt"
type peers struct {
core *Core
mutex sync.Mutex // Synchronize writes to atomic
ports atomic.Value //map[Port]*peer, use CoW semantics
//ports map[Port]*peer
func (ps *peers) init(c *Core) {
defer ps.mutex.Unlock()
ps.core = c
func (ps *peers) getPorts() map[switchPort]*peer {
return ps.ports.Load().(map[switchPort]*peer)
func (ps *peers) putPorts(ports map[switchPort]*peer) {
type peer struct {
// Rolling approximation of bandwidth, in bps, used by switch, updated by tcp
// use get/update methods only! (atomic accessors as float64)
bandwidth uint64
// BUG: sync/atomic, 32 bit platforms need the above to be the first element
box boxPubKey
sig sigPubKey
shared boxSharedKey
//in <-chan []byte
//out chan<- []byte
//in func([]byte)
out func([]byte)
core *Core
port switchPort
msgAnc *msgAnnounce
msgHops []*msgHop
myMsg *switchMessage
mySigs []sigInfo
// This is used to limit how often we perform expensive operations
// Specifically, processing switch messages, signing, and verifying sigs
// Resets at the start of each tick
throttle uint8
const peer_Throttle = 1
func (p *peer) getBandwidth() float64 {
bits := atomic.LoadUint64(&p.bandwidth)
return math.Float64frombits(bits)
func (p *peer) updateBandwidth(bytes int, duration time.Duration) {
if p == nil { return }
for ok := false ; !ok ; {
oldBits := atomic.LoadUint64(&p.bandwidth)
oldBandwidth := math.Float64frombits(oldBits)
bandwidth := oldBandwidth * 7 / 8 + float64(bytes)/duration.Seconds()
bits := math.Float64bits(bandwidth)
ok = atomic.CompareAndSwapUint64(&p.bandwidth, oldBits, bits)
func (ps *peers) newPeer(box *boxPubKey,
sig *sigPubKey) *peer {
//in <-chan []byte,
//out chan<- []byte) *peer {
p := peer{box: *box,
sig: *sig,
shared: *getSharedKey(&ps.core.boxPriv, box),
//in: in,
//out: out,
core: ps.core}
defer ps.mutex.Unlock()
oldPorts := ps.getPorts()
newPorts := make(map[switchPort]*peer)
for k,v := range oldPorts{ newPorts[k] = v }
for idx := switchPort(0) ; true ; idx++ {
if _, isIn := newPorts[idx]; !isIn {
p.port = switchPort(idx)
newPorts[p.port] = &p
return &p
func (p *peer) linkLoop(in <-chan []byte) {
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case packet, ok := <-in:
if !ok { return }
case <-ticker.C: {
p.throttle = 0
if p.port == 0 { continue } // Don't send announces on selfInterface
// Maybe we shouldn't time out, and instead wait for a kill signal?
p.myMsg, p.mySigs = p.core.switchTable.createMessage(p.port)
func (p *peer) handlePacket(packet []byte, linkIn (chan<- []byte)) {
pType, pTypeLen := wire_decode_uint64(packet)
if pTypeLen==0 { return }
switch (pType) {
case wire_Traffic: p.handleTraffic(packet, pTypeLen)
case wire_ProtocolTraffic: p.handleTraffic(packet, pTypeLen)
case wire_LinkProtocolTraffic: {
select {
case linkIn<-packet:
default: /*panic(pType) ;*/ return
func (p *peer) handleTraffic(packet []byte, pTypeLen int) {
ttl, ttlLen := wire_decode_uint64(packet[pTypeLen:])
ttlBegin := pTypeLen
ttlEnd := pTypeLen+ttlLen
coords, coordLen := wire_decode_coords(packet[ttlEnd:])
coordEnd := ttlEnd+coordLen
if coordEnd == len(packet) { return } // No payload
toPort, newTTL := p.core.switchTable.lookup(coords, ttl)
if toPort == p.port { return } // FIXME? shouldn't happen, does it? would loop
to := p.core.peers.getPorts()[toPort]
if to == nil { return }
newTTLSlice := wire_encode_uint64(newTTL)
// This mutates the packet in-place if the length of the TTL changes!
shift := ttlLen - len(newTTLSlice)
copy(packet[ttlBegin+shift:], newTTLSlice)
copy(packet[shift:], packet[:pTypeLen])
packet = packet[shift:]
func (p *peer) sendPacket(packet []byte) {
// Is there ever a case where something more complicated is needed?
// What if p.out blocks?
func (p *peer) sendLinkPacket(packet []byte) {
bs, nonce := boxSeal(&p.shared, packet, nil)
linkPacket := wire_linkProtoTrafficPacket{
toKey: p.box,
fromKey: p.core.boxPub,
nonce: *nonce,
payload: bs,
packet = linkPacket.encode()
func (p *peer) handleLinkTraffic(bs []byte) {
packet := wire_linkProtoTrafficPacket{}
// TODO throttle on returns?
if !packet.decode(bs) { return }
if packet.toKey != p.core.boxPub { return }
if packet.fromKey != p.box { return }
payload, isOK := boxOpen(&p.shared, packet.payload, &packet.nonce)
if !isOK { return }
pType, pTypeLen := wire_decode_uint64(payload)
if pTypeLen == 0 { return }
switch pType {
case wire_SwitchAnnounce: p.handleSwitchAnnounce(payload)
case wire_SwitchHopRequest: p.handleSwitchHopRequest(payload)
case wire_SwitchHop: p.handleSwitchHop(payload)
func (p *peer) handleSwitchAnnounce(packet []byte) {
//p.core.log.Println("DEBUG: handleSwitchAnnounce")
anc := msgAnnounce{}
//err := wire_decode_struct(packet, &anc)
//if err != nil { return }
if !anc.decode(packet) { return }
//if p.msgAnc != nil && anc.Seq != p.msgAnc.Seq { p.msgHops = nil }
if p.msgAnc == nil ||
anc.root != p.msgAnc.root ||
anc.tstamp != p.msgAnc.tstamp ||
anc.seq != p.msgAnc.seq { p.msgHops = nil }
p.msgAnc = &anc
func (p *peer) requestHop(hop uint64) {
//p.core.log.Println("DEBUG requestHop")
req := msgHopReq{}
req.root = p.msgAnc.root
req.tstamp = p.msgAnc.tstamp
req.seq = p.msgAnc.seq
req.hop = hop
packet := req.encode()
func (p *peer) handleSwitchHopRequest(packet []byte) {
//p.core.log.Println("DEBUG: handleSwitchHopRequest")
if p.throttle > peer_Throttle { return }
if p.myMsg == nil { return }
req := msgHopReq{}
if !req.decode(packet) { return }
if req.root != p.myMsg.locator.root { return }
if req.tstamp != p.myMsg.locator.tstamp { return }
if req.seq != p.myMsg.seq { return }
if uint64(len(p.myMsg.locator.coords)) <= req.hop { return }
res := msgHop{}
res.root = p.myMsg.locator.root
res.tstamp = p.myMsg.locator.tstamp
res.seq = p.myMsg.seq
res.hop = req.hop
res.port = p.myMsg.locator.coords[res.hop]
sinfo := p.getSig(res.hop)
//p.core.log.Println("DEBUG sig:", sinfo)
res.next = sinfo.next
res.sig = sinfo.sig
packet = res.encode()
func (p *peer) handleSwitchHop(packet []byte) {
//p.core.log.Println("DEBUG: handleSwitchHop")
if p.throttle > peer_Throttle { return }
if p.msgAnc == nil { return }
res := msgHop{}
if !res.decode(packet) { return }
if res.root != p.msgAnc.root { return }
if res.tstamp != p.msgAnc.tstamp { return }
if res.seq != p.msgAnc.seq { return }
if res.hop != uint64(len(p.msgHops)) { return } // always process in order
loc := switchLocator{coords: make([]switchPort, 0, len(p.msgHops)+1)}
loc.root = res.root
loc.tstamp = res.tstamp
for _, hop := range p.msgHops { loc.coords = append(loc.coords, hop.port) }
loc.coords = append(loc.coords, res.port)
thisHopKey := &res.root
if res.hop != 0 { thisHopKey = &p.msgHops[res.hop-1].next }
bs := getBytesForSig(&res.next, &loc)
if p.core.sigs.check(thisHopKey, &res.sig, bs) {
p.msgHops = append(p.msgHops, &res)
} else {
func (p *peer) processSwitchMessage() {
//p.core.log.Println("DEBUG: processSwitchMessage")
if p.throttle > peer_Throttle { return }
if p.msgAnc == nil { return }
if uint64(len(p.msgHops)) < p.msgAnc.len {
if p.msgAnc.len != uint64(len(p.msgHops)) { return }
msg := switchMessage{}
coords := make([]switchPort, 0, len(p.msgHops))
sigs := make([]sigInfo, 0, len(p.msgHops))
for idx, hop := range p.msgHops {
// Consistency checks, should be redundant (already checked these...)
if hop.root != p.msgAnc.root { return }
if hop.tstamp != p.msgAnc.tstamp { return }
if hop.seq != p.msgAnc.seq { return }
if hop.hop != uint64(idx) { return }
coords = append(coords, hop.port)
sigs = append(sigs, sigInfo{next: hop.next, sig: hop.sig})
msg.from = p.sig
msg.locator.root = p.msgAnc.root
msg.locator.tstamp = p.msgAnc.tstamp
msg.locator.coords = coords
msg.seq = p.msgAnc.seq
//msg.RSeq = p.msgAnc.RSeq
//msg.Degree = p.msgAnc.Deg
p.core.switchTable.handleMessage(&msg, p.port, sigs)
if len(coords) == 0 { return }
// Reuse locator, set the coords to the peer's coords, to use in dht
msg.locator.coords = coords[:len(coords)-1]
// Pass a mesage to the dht informing it that this peer (still) exists
dinfo := dhtInfo{
key: p.box,
coords: msg.locator.getCoords(),
func (p *peer) sendSwitchAnnounce() {
anc := msgAnnounce{}
anc.root = p.myMsg.locator.root
anc.tstamp = p.myMsg.locator.tstamp
anc.seq = p.myMsg.seq
anc.len = uint64(len(p.myMsg.locator.coords))
//anc.Deg = p.myMsg.Degree
//anc.RSeq = p.myMsg.RSeq
packet := anc.encode()
func (p *peer) getSig(hop uint64) sigInfo {
//p.core.log.Println("DEBUG getSig:", len(p.mySigs), hop)
if hop < uint64(len(p.mySigs)) { return p.mySigs[hop] }
bs := getBytesForSig(&p.sig, &p.myMsg.locator)
sig := sigInfo{}
sig.next = p.sig
sig.sig = *sign(&p.core.sigPriv, bs)
p.mySigs = append(p.mySigs, sig)
//p.core.log.Println("DEBUG sig bs:", bs)
return sig
func getBytesForSig(next *sigPubKey, loc *switchLocator) []byte {
//bs, err := wire_encode_locator(loc)
//if err != nil { panic(err) }
bs := append([]byte(nil), next[:]...)
bs = append(bs, wire_encode_locator(loc)...)
//bs := wire_encode_locator(loc)
//bs = append(next[:], bs...)
return bs

src/yggdrasil/router.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
package yggdrasil
// This part does most of the work to handle packets to/from yourself
// It also manages crypto and dht info
// TODO? move dht stuff into another goroutine?
// Send:
// Receive a packet from the tun
// Look up session (if none exists, trigger a search)
// Hand off to session (which encrypts, etc)
// Session will pass it back to router.out, which hands it off to the self peer
// The self peer triggers a lookup to find which peer to send to next
// And then passes it to that's peer's peer.out function
// The peer.out function sends it over the wire to the matching peer
// Recv:
// A packet comes in off the wire, and goes to a peer.handlePacket
// The peer does a lookup, sees no better peer than the self
// Hands it to the self peer.out, which passes it to router.in
// If it's dht/seach/etc. traffic, the router passes it to that part
// If it's an encapsulated IPv6 packet, the router looks up the session for it
// The packet is passed to the session, which decrypts it, router.recvPacket
// The router then runs some sanity checks before passing it to the tun
import "time"
//import "fmt"
//import "net"
type router struct {
core *Core
addr address
in <-chan []byte // packets we received from the network, link to peer's "out"
out func([]byte) // packets we're sending to the network, link to peer's "in"
recv chan<- []byte // place where the tun pulls received packets from
send <-chan []byte // place where the tun puts outgoing packets
reset chan struct{} // signal that coords changed (re-init sessions/dht)
func (r *router) init(core *Core) {
r.core = core
r.addr = *address_addrForNodeID(&r.core.dht.nodeID)
in := make(chan []byte, 1) // TODO something better than this...
p := r.core.peers.newPeer(&r.core.boxPub, &r.core.sigPub)//, out, in)
// TODO set in/out functions on the new peer...
p.out = func(packet []byte) { in<-packet } // FIXME in theory it blocks...
r.in = in
// TODO? make caller responsible for go-ing if it needs to not block
r.out = func(packet []byte) { p.handlePacket(packet, nil) }
// TODO attach these to the tun
// Maybe that's the core's job...
// It creates tun, creates the router, creates channels, sets them?
recv := make(chan []byte, 1)
send := make(chan []byte, 1)
r.recv = recv
r.send = send
r.core.tun.recv = recv
r.core.tun.send = send
r.reset = make(chan struct{}, 1)
go r.mainLoop()
func (r *router) mainLoop() {
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case p := <-r.in: r.handleIn(p)
case p := <-r.send: r.sendPacket(p)
case info := <-r.core.dht.peers: r.core.dht.insert(info) //r.core.dht.insertIfNew(info)
case <-r.reset: r.core.sessions.resetInits()
case <-ticker.C: {
// Any periodic maintenance stuff goes here
util_getBytes() // To slowly drain things
func (r *router) sendPacket(bs []byte) {
if len(bs) < 40 { panic("Tried to send a packet shorter than a header...") }
var sourceAddr address
var sourceSubnet subnet
copy(sourceAddr[:], bs[8:])
copy(sourceSubnet[:], bs[8:])
if !sourceAddr.isValid() && !sourceSubnet.isValid() { return }
var dest address
copy(dest[:], bs[24:])
var snet subnet
copy(snet[:], bs[24:])
if !dest.isValid() && !snet.isValid() { return }
doSearch := func (packet []byte) {
var nodeID, mask *NodeID
if dest.isValid() { nodeID, mask = dest.getNodeIDandMask() }
if snet.isValid() { nodeID, mask = snet.getNodeIDandMask() }
sinfo, isIn := r.core.searches.searches[*nodeID]
if !isIn { sinfo = r.core.searches.createSearch(nodeID, mask) }
if packet != nil { sinfo.packet = packet }
var sinfo *sessionInfo
var isIn bool
if dest.isValid() { sinfo, isIn = r.core.sessions.getByTheirAddr(&dest) }
if snet.isValid() { sinfo, isIn = r.core.sessions.getByTheirSubnet(&snet) }
switch {
case !isIn || !sinfo.init:
// No or unintiialized session, so we need to search first
case time.Since(sinfo.time) > 6*time.Second:
// We haven't heard from the dest in a while; they may have changed coords
// Maybe the connection is idle, or maybe one of us changed coords
// Try searching to either ping them (a little overhead) or fix the coords
//default: go func() { sinfo.send<-bs }()
default: sinfo.send<-bs
func (r *router) recvPacket(bs []byte, theirAddr *address) {
// TODO pass their NodeID, check *that* instead
// Or store their address in the session?...
//fmt.Println("Recv packet")
if theirAddr == nil { panic("Should not happen ever") }
if len(bs) < 24 { return }
var source address
copy(source[:], bs[8:])
var snet subnet
copy(snet[:], bs[8:])
if !source.isValid() && !snet.isValid() { return }
//go func() { r.recv<-bs }()
func (r *router) handleIn(packet []byte) {
pType, pTypeLen := wire_decode_uint64(packet)
if pTypeLen == 0 { return }
switch pType {
case wire_Traffic: r.handleTraffic(packet)
case wire_ProtocolTraffic: r.handleProto(packet)
default: /*panic("Should not happen in testing") ;*/ return
func (r *router) handleTraffic(packet []byte) {
defer util_putBytes(packet)
p := wire_trafficPacket{}
if !p.decode(packet) { return }
sinfo, isIn := r.core.sessions.getSessionForHandle(&p.handle)
if !isIn { return }
//go func () { sinfo.recv<-&p }()
func (r *router) handleProto(packet []byte) {
// First parse the packet
p := wire_protoTrafficPacket{}
if !p.decode(packet) { return }
// Now try to open the payload
var sharedKey *boxSharedKey
//var theirPermPub *boxPubKey
if p.toKey == r.core.boxPub {
// Try to open using our permanent key
sharedKey = r.core.sessions.getSharedKey(&r.core.boxPriv, &p.fromKey)
} else { return }
bs, isOK := boxOpen(sharedKey, p.payload, &p.nonce)
if !isOK { return }
// Now do something with the bytes in bs...
// send dht messages to dht, sessionRefresh to sessions, data to tun...
// For data, should check that key and IP match...
bsType, bsTypeLen := wire_decode_uint64(bs)
if bsTypeLen == 0 { return }
//fmt.Println("RECV bytes:", bs)
switch bsType {
case wire_SessionPing: r.handlePing(bs, &p.fromKey)
case wire_SessionPong: r.handlePong(bs, &p.fromKey)
case wire_DHTLookupRequest: r.handleDHTReq(bs, &p.fromKey)
case wire_DHTLookupResponse: r.handleDHTRes(bs, &p.fromKey)
case wire_SearchRequest: r.handleSearchReq(bs)
case wire_SearchResponse: r.handleSearchRes(bs)
default: /*panic("Should not happen in testing") ;*/ return
func (r *router) handlePing(bs []byte, fromKey *boxPubKey) {
ping := sessionPing{}
if !ping.decode(bs) { return }
ping.sendPermPub = *fromKey
func (r *router) handlePong(bs []byte, fromKey *boxPubKey) {
r.handlePing(bs, fromKey)
func (r *router) handleDHTReq(bs []byte, fromKey *boxPubKey) {
req := dhtReq{}
if !req.decode(bs) { return }
if req.key != *fromKey { return }
func (r *router) handleDHTRes(bs []byte, fromKey *boxPubKey) {
res := dhtRes{}
if !res.decode(bs) { return }
if res.key != *fromKey { return }
func (r *router) handleSearchReq(bs []byte) {
req := searchReq{}
if !req.decode(bs) { return }
func (r *router) handleSearchRes(bs []byte) {
res := searchRes{}
if !res.decode(bs) { return }

src/yggdrasil/search.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
package yggdrasil
// This thing manages search packets
// The basic idea is as follows:
// We may know a NodeID (with a mask) and want to connect
// We forward a searchReq packet through the dht
// The last person in the dht will respond with a searchRes
// If the responders nodeID is close enough to the requested key, it matches
// The "close enough" is handled by a bitmask, set when the request is sent
// For testing in the sim, it must match exactly
// For the real world, the mask would need to map it to the desired IPv6
// This is also where we store the temporary keys used to send a request
// Would go in sessions, but can't open one without knowing perm key
// This is largely to avoid using an iterative DHT lookup approach
// The iterative parallel lookups from kad can skip over some DHT blackholes
// This hides bugs, which I don't want to do right now
import "time"
//import "fmt"
type searchInfo struct {
dest *NodeID
mask *NodeID
time time.Time
packet []byte
type searches struct {
core *Core
searches map[NodeID]*searchInfo
func (s *searches) init(core *Core) {
s.core = core
s.searches = make(map[NodeID]*searchInfo)
func (s *searches) createSearch(dest *NodeID, mask *NodeID) *searchInfo {
now := time.Now()
for dest, sinfo := range s.searches {
if now.Sub(sinfo.time) > time.Minute {
delete(s.searches, dest)
info := searchInfo{
dest: dest,
mask: mask,
time: now.Add(-time.Second),
s.searches[*dest] = &info
return &info
type searchReq struct {
key boxPubKey // Who I am
coords []byte // Where I am
dest NodeID // Who I'm trying to connect to
type searchRes struct {
key boxPubKey // Who I am
coords []byte // Where I am
dest NodeID // Who I was asked about
func (s *searches) sendSearch(info *searchInfo) {
now := time.Now()
if now.Sub(info.time) < time.Second { return }
loc := s.core.switchTable.getLocator()
coords := loc.getCoords()
req := searchReq{
key: s.core.boxPub,
coords: coords,
dest: *info.dest,
info.time = time.Now()
func (s *searches) handleSearchReq(req *searchReq) {
lookup := s.core.dht.lookup(&req.dest)
sent := false
//fmt.Println("DEBUG len:", len(lookup))
for _, info := range lookup {
//fmt.Println("DEBUG lup:", info.getNodeID())
if dht_firstCloserThanThird(info.getNodeID(),
&s.core.dht.nodeID) {
s.forwardSearch(req, info)
sent = true
if !sent { s.sendSearchRes(req) }
func (s *searches) forwardSearch(req *searchReq, next *dhtInfo) {
//fmt.Println("DEBUG fwd:", req.dest, next.getNodeID())
bs := req.encode()
shared := s.core.sessions.getSharedKey(&s.core.boxPriv, &next.key)
payload, nonce := boxSeal(shared, bs, nil)
p := wire_protoTrafficPacket{
ttl: ^uint64(0),
coords: next.coords,
toKey: next.key,
fromKey: s.core.boxPub,
nonce: *nonce,
payload: payload,
packet := p.encode()
func (s *searches) sendSearchRes(req *searchReq) {
//fmt.Println("DEBUG res:", req.dest, s.core.dht.nodeID)
loc := s.core.switchTable.getLocator()
coords := loc.getCoords()
res := searchRes{
key: s.core.boxPub,
coords: coords,
dest: req.dest,
bs := res.encode()
shared := s.core.sessions.getSharedKey(&s.core.boxPriv, &req.key)
payload, nonce := boxSeal(shared, bs, nil)
p := wire_protoTrafficPacket{
ttl: ^uint64(0),
coords: req.coords,
toKey: req.key,
fromKey: s.core.boxPub,
nonce: *nonce,
payload: payload,
packet := p.encode()
func (s *searches) handleSearchRes(res *searchRes) {
info, isIn := s.searches[res.dest]
if !isIn { return }
them := getNodeID(&res.key)
var destMasked NodeID
var themMasked NodeID
for idx := 0 ; idx < NodeIDLen ; idx++ {
destMasked[idx] = info.dest[idx] & info.mask[idx]
themMasked[idx] = them[idx] & info.mask[idx]
//fmt.Println("DEBUG search res1:", themMasked, destMasked)
//fmt.Println("DEBUG search res2:", *them, *info.dest, *info.mask)
if themMasked != destMasked { return }
// They match, so create a session and send a sessionRequest
sinfo, isIn := s.core.sessions.getByTheirPerm(&res.key)
if !isIn {
sinfo = s.core.sessions.createSession(&res.key)
_, isIn := s.core.sessions.getByTheirPerm(&res.key)
if !isIn { panic("This should never happen") }
// FIXME replay attacks could mess with coords?
sinfo.coords = res.coords
sinfo.packet = info.packet
// Cleanup
delete(s.searches, res.dest)

src/yggdrasil/session.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
package yggdrasil
// This is the session manager
// It's responsible for keeping track of open sessions to other nodes
// The session information consists of crypto keys and coords
import "time"
type sessionInfo struct {
core *Core
theirAddr address
theirSubnet subnet
theirPermPub boxPubKey
theirSesPub boxPubKey
mySesPub boxPubKey
mySesPriv boxPrivKey
sharedSesKey boxSharedKey // derived from session keys
theirHandle handle
myHandle handle
theirNonce boxNonce
myNonce boxNonce
time time.Time // Time we last received a packet
coords []byte // coords of destination
packet []byte // a buffered packet, sent immediately on ping/pong
init bool // Reset if coords change
send chan []byte
recv chan *wire_trafficPacket
nonceMask uint64
tstamp int64 // tstamp from their last session ping, replay attack mitigation
// FIXME replay attacks (include nonce or some sequence number)
type sessionPing struct {
sendPermPub boxPubKey // Sender's permanent key
handle handle // Random number to ID session
sendSesPub boxPubKey // Session key to use
coords []byte
tstamp int64 // unix time, but the only real requirement is that it increases
isPong bool
// Returns true if the session was updated, false otherwise
func (s *sessionInfo) update(p *sessionPing) bool {
if !(p.tstamp > s.tstamp) { return false }
if p.sendPermPub != s.theirPermPub { return false } // Shouldn't happen
if p.sendSesPub != s.theirSesPub {
// FIXME need to protect against replay attacks
// Put a sequence number or a timestamp or something in the pings?
// Or just return false, make the session time out?
s.theirSesPub = p.sendSesPub
s.theirHandle = p.handle
s.sharedSesKey = *getSharedKey(&s.mySesPriv, &s.theirSesPub)
s.theirNonce = boxNonce{}
s.nonceMask = 0
s.coords = append([]byte{}, p.coords...)
s.time = time.Now()
s.tstamp = p.tstamp
s.init = true
return true
func (s *sessionInfo) timedout() bool {
return time.Since(s.time) > time.Minute
type sessions struct {
core *Core
// Maps known permanent keys to their shared key, used by DHT a lot
permShared map[boxPubKey]*boxSharedKey
// Maps (secret) handle onto session info
sinfos map[handle]*sessionInfo
// Maps mySesPub onto handle
byMySes map[boxPubKey]*handle
// Maps theirPermPub onto handle
byTheirPerm map[boxPubKey]*handle
addrToPerm map[address]*boxPubKey
subnetToPerm map[subnet]*boxPubKey
func (ss *sessions) init(core *Core) {
ss.core = core
ss.permShared = make(map[boxPubKey]*boxSharedKey)
ss.sinfos = make(map[handle]*sessionInfo)
ss.byMySes = make(map[boxPubKey]*handle)
ss.byTheirPerm = make(map[boxPubKey]*handle)
ss.addrToPerm = make(map[address]*boxPubKey)
ss.subnetToPerm = make(map[subnet]*boxPubKey)
func (ss *sessions) getSessionForHandle(handle *handle) (*sessionInfo, bool) {
sinfo, isIn := ss.sinfos[*handle]
if isIn && sinfo.timedout() {
// We have a session, but it has timed out
return nil, false
return sinfo, isIn
func (ss *sessions) getByMySes(key *boxPubKey) (*sessionInfo, bool) {
h, isIn := ss.byMySes[*key]
if !isIn { return nil, false }
sinfo, isIn := ss.getSessionForHandle(h)
return sinfo, isIn
func (ss *sessions) getByTheirPerm(key *boxPubKey) (*sessionInfo, bool) {
h, isIn := ss.byTheirPerm[*key]
if !isIn { return nil, false }
sinfo, isIn := ss.getSessionForHandle(h)
return sinfo, isIn
func (ss *sessions) getByTheirAddr(addr *address) (*sessionInfo, bool) {
p, isIn := ss.addrToPerm[*addr]
if !isIn { return nil, false }
sinfo, isIn := ss.getByTheirPerm(p)
return sinfo, isIn
func (ss *sessions) getByTheirSubnet(snet *subnet) (*sessionInfo, bool) {
p, isIn := ss.subnetToPerm[*snet]
if !isIn { return nil, false }
sinfo, isIn := ss.getByTheirPerm(p)
return sinfo, isIn
func (ss *sessions) createSession(theirPermKey *boxPubKey) *sessionInfo {
sinfo := sessionInfo{}
sinfo.core = ss.core
sinfo.theirPermPub = *theirPermKey
pub, priv := newBoxKeys()
sinfo.mySesPub = *pub
sinfo.mySesPriv = *priv
sinfo.myNonce = *newBoxNonce() // TODO make sure nonceIsOK tolerates this
higher := false
for idx := range ss.core.boxPub {
if ss.core.boxPub[idx] > sinfo.theirPermPub[idx] {
higher = true
} else if ss.core.boxPub[idx] < sinfo.theirPermPub[idx] {
if higher {
// higher => odd nonce
sinfo.myNonce[len(sinfo.myNonce)-1] |= 0x01
} else {
// lower => even nonce
sinfo.myNonce[len(sinfo.myNonce)-1] &= 0xfe
sinfo.myHandle = *newHandle()
sinfo.theirAddr = *address_addrForNodeID(getNodeID(&sinfo.theirPermPub))
sinfo.theirSubnet = *address_subnetForNodeID(getNodeID(&sinfo.theirPermPub))
sinfo.send = make(chan []byte, 1)
sinfo.recv = make(chan *wire_trafficPacket, 1)
go sinfo.doWorker()
sinfo.time = time.Now()
// Do some cleanup
// Time thresholds almost certainly could use some adjusting
for _, s := range ss.sinfos {
if s.timedout() { s.close() }
ss.sinfos[sinfo.myHandle] = &sinfo
ss.byMySes[sinfo.mySesPub] = &sinfo.myHandle
ss.byTheirPerm[sinfo.theirPermPub] = &sinfo.myHandle
ss.addrToPerm[sinfo.theirAddr] = &sinfo.theirPermPub
ss.subnetToPerm[sinfo.theirSubnet] = &sinfo.theirPermPub
return &sinfo
func (sinfo *sessionInfo) close() {
delete(sinfo.core.sessions.sinfos, sinfo.myHandle)
delete(sinfo.core.sessions.byMySes, sinfo.mySesPub)
delete(sinfo.core.sessions.byTheirPerm, sinfo.theirPermPub)
delete(sinfo.core.sessions.addrToPerm, sinfo.theirAddr)
delete(sinfo.core.sessions.subnetToPerm, sinfo.theirSubnet)
func (ss *sessions) getPing(sinfo *sessionInfo) sessionPing {
loc := ss.core.switchTable.getLocator()
coords := loc.getCoords()
ref := sessionPing{
sendPermPub: ss.core.boxPub,
handle: sinfo.myHandle,
sendSesPub: sinfo.mySesPub,
tstamp: time.Now().Unix(),
coords: coords,
return ref
func (ss *sessions) getSharedKey(myPriv *boxPrivKey,
theirPub *boxPubKey) *boxSharedKey {
if skey, isIn := ss.permShared[*theirPub] ; isIn { return skey }
// First do some cleanup
const maxKeys = dht_bucket_number*dht_bucket_size
for key := range ss.permShared {
// Remove a random key until the store is small enough
if len(ss.permShared) < maxKeys { break }
delete(ss.permShared, key)
ss.permShared[*theirPub] = getSharedKey(myPriv, theirPub)
return ss.permShared[*theirPub]
func (ss *sessions) ping(sinfo *sessionInfo) {
ss.sendPingPong(sinfo, false)
func (ss *sessions) sendPingPong(sinfo *sessionInfo, isPong bool) {
ping := ss.getPing(sinfo)
ping.isPong = isPong
bs := ping.encode()
shared := ss.getSharedKey(&ss.core.boxPriv, &sinfo.theirPermPub)
payload, nonce := boxSeal(shared, bs, nil)
p := wire_protoTrafficPacket{
ttl: ^uint64(0),
coords: sinfo.coords,
toKey: sinfo.theirPermPub,
fromKey: ss.core.boxPub,
nonce: *nonce,
payload: payload,
packet := p.encode()
func (ss *sessions) handlePing(ping *sessionPing) {
// Get the corresponding session (or create a new session)
sinfo, isIn := ss.getByTheirPerm(&ping.sendPermPub)
if !isIn || sinfo.timedout() {
if isIn { sinfo.close() }
sinfo, isIn = ss.getByTheirPerm(&ping.sendPermPub)
if !isIn { panic("This should not happen") }
// Update the session
if !sinfo.update(ping) { /*panic("Should not happen in testing")*/ ; return }
if !ping.isPong{ ss.sendPingPong(sinfo, true) }
if sinfo.packet != nil {
// send
var bs []byte
bs, sinfo.packet = sinfo.packet, nil
go func() { sinfo.send<-bs }()
func (n *boxNonce) minus(m *boxNonce) int64 {
diff := int64(0)
for idx := range n {
diff *= 256
diff += int64(n[idx]) - int64(m[idx])
if diff > 64 { diff = 64 }
if diff < -64 { diff = -64 }
return diff
func (sinfo *sessionInfo) nonceIsOK(theirNonce *boxNonce) bool {
// The bitmask is to allow for some non-duplicate out-of-order packets
diff := theirNonce.minus(&sinfo.theirNonce)
if diff > 0 { return true }
return ^sinfo.nonceMask & (0x01 << uint64(-diff)) != 0
func (sinfo *sessionInfo) updateNonce(theirNonce *boxNonce) {
// Shift nonce mask if needed
// Set bit
diff := theirNonce.minus(&sinfo.theirNonce)
if diff > 0 {
sinfo.nonceMask <<= uint64(diff)
sinfo.nonceMask &= 0x01
} else {
sinfo.nonceMask &= 0x01 << uint64(-diff)
sinfo.theirNonce = *theirNonce
func (ss *sessions) resetInits() {
for _, sinfo := range ss.sinfos { sinfo.init = false }
// This is for a per-session worker
// It handles calling the relatively expensive crypto operations
// It's also responsible for keeping nonces consistent
func (sinfo *sessionInfo) doWorker() {
for {
select {
case p, ok := <-sinfo.recv: if ok { sinfo.doRecv(p) } else { return }
case bs, ok := <-sinfo.send: if ok { sinfo.doSend(bs) } else { return }
func (sinfo *sessionInfo) doSend(bs []byte) {
defer util_putBytes(bs)
if !sinfo.init { return } // To prevent using empty session keys
payload, nonce := boxSeal(&sinfo.sharedSesKey, bs, &sinfo.myNonce)
defer util_putBytes(payload)
p := wire_trafficPacket{
ttl: ^uint64(0),
coords: sinfo.coords,
handle: sinfo.theirHandle,
nonce: *nonce,
payload: payload,
packet := p.encode()
func (sinfo *sessionInfo) doRecv(p *wire_trafficPacket) {
defer util_putBytes(p.payload)
if !sinfo.nonceIsOK(&p.nonce) { return }
bs, isOK := boxOpen(&sinfo.sharedSesKey, p.payload, &p.nonce)
if !isOK { util_putBytes(bs) ; return }
sinfo.time = time.Now()
sinfo.core.router.recvPacket(bs, &sinfo.theirAddr)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
package yggdrasil
// This is where we record which signatures we've previously checked
// It's so we can avoid needlessly checking them again
import "sync"
import "time"
type sigManager struct {
mutex sync.RWMutex
checked map[sigBytes]knownSig
lastCleaned time.Time
type knownSig struct {
bs []byte
time time.Time
func (m *sigManager) init() {
m.checked = make(map[sigBytes]knownSig)
func (m *sigManager) check(key *sigPubKey, sig *sigBytes, bs []byte) bool {
if m.isChecked(sig, bs) { return true }
verified := verify(key, bs, sig)
if verified { m.putChecked(sig, bs) }
return verified
func (m *sigManager) isChecked(sig *sigBytes, bs []byte) bool {
defer m.mutex.RUnlock()
k, isIn := m.checked[*sig]
if !isIn { return false }
if len(bs) != len(k.bs) { return false }
for idx := 0 ; idx < len(bs) ; idx++ {
if bs[idx] != k.bs[idx] { return false }
k.time = time.Now()
return true
func (m *sigManager) putChecked(newsig *sigBytes, bs []byte) {
defer m.mutex.Unlock()
now := time.Now()
if time.Since(m.lastCleaned) > 60*time.Second {
// Since we have the write lock anyway, do some cleanup
for s, k := range m.checked {
if time.Since(k.time) > 60*time.Second { delete(m.checked, s) }
m.lastCleaned = now
k := knownSig{bs: bs, time: now}
m.checked[*newsig] = k

src/yggdrasil/switch.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
package yggdrasil
// This part constructs a spanning tree of the network
// It routes packets based on distance on the spanning tree
// In general, this is *not* equivalent to routing on the tree
// It falls back to the tree in the worst case, but it can take shortcuts too
// This is the part that makse routing reasonably efficient on scale-free graphs
// TODO document/comment everything in a lot more detail
// TODO? use a pre-computed lookup table (python version had this)
// A little annoying to do with constant changes from bandwidth estimates
import "time"
import "sync"
import "sync/atomic"
//import "fmt"
const switch_timeout = time.Minute
// You should be able to provide crypto signatures for this
// 1 signature per coord, from the *sender* to that coord
// E.g. A->B->C has sigA(A->B) and sigB(A->B->C)
type switchLocator struct {
root sigPubKey
tstamp int64
coords []switchPort
func firstIsBetter(first, second *sigPubKey) bool {
// Higher TreeID is better
ftid := getTreeID(first)
stid := getTreeID(second)
for idx := 0 ; idx < len(ftid) ; idx++ {
if ftid[idx] == stid[idx] { continue }
return ftid[idx] > stid[idx]
// Edge case, when comparing identical IDs
return false
func (l *switchLocator) clone() switchLocator {
// Used to create a deep copy for use in messages
// Copy required because we need to mutate coords before sending
// (By appending the port from us to the destination)
loc := *l
loc.coords = make([]switchPort, len(l.coords), len(l.coords)+1)
copy(loc.coords, l.coords)
return loc
func (l *switchLocator) dist(dest []byte) int {
// Returns distance (on the tree) from these coords
offset := 0
fdc := 0
for {
if fdc >= len(l.coords) { break }
coord, length := wire_decode_uint64(dest[offset:])
if length == 0 { break }
if l.coords[fdc] != switchPort(coord) { break }
offset += length
dist := len(l.coords[fdc:])
for {
_, length := wire_decode_uint64(dest[offset:])
if length == 0 { break }
offset += length
return dist
func (l *switchLocator) getCoords() []byte {
bs := make([]byte, 0, len(l.coords))
for _, coord := range l.coords {
c := wire_encode_uint64(uint64(coord))
bs = append(bs, c...)
return bs
func (x *switchLocator) isAncestorOf(y *switchLocator) bool {
if x.root != y.root { return false }
if len(x.coords) > len(y.coords) { return false }
for idx := range x.coords {
if x.coords[idx] != y.coords[idx] { return false }
return true
type peerInfo struct {
key sigPubKey // ID of this peer
locator switchLocator // Should be able to respond with signatures upon request
degree uint64 // Self-reported degree
coords []switchPort // Coords of this peer (taken from coords of the sent locator)
time time.Time // Time this node was last seen
firstSeen time.Time
port switchPort // Interface number of this peer
seq uint64 // Seq number we last saw this peer advertise
type switchMessage struct {
from sigPubKey // key of the sender
locator switchLocator // Locator advertised for the receiver, not the sender's loc!
seq uint64
type switchPort uint64
type tableElem struct {
locator switchLocator
firstSeen time.Time
type lookupTable struct {
self switchLocator
elems map[switchPort]tableElem
type switchData struct {
// All data that's mutable and used by exported Table methods
// To be read/written with atomic.Value Store/Load calls
locator switchLocator
seq uint64 // Sequence number, reported to peers, so they know about changes
peers map[switchPort]peerInfo
sigs []sigInfo
type switchTable struct {
core *Core
key sigPubKey // Our own key
time time.Time // Time when locator.tstamp was last updated
parent switchPort // Port of whatever peer is our parent, or self if we're root
drop map[sigPubKey]int64 // Tstamp associated with a dropped root
mutex sync.RWMutex // Lock for reads/writes of switchData
data switchData
updater atomic.Value //*sync.Once
table atomic.Value //lookupTable
func (t *switchTable) init(core *Core, key sigPubKey) {
now := time.Now()
t.core = core
t.key = key
locator := switchLocator{root: key, tstamp: now.Unix()}
peers := make(map[switchPort]peerInfo)
t.data = switchData{locator: locator, peers: peers}
t.table.Store(lookupTable{elems: make(map[switchPort]tableElem)})
t.drop = make(map[sigPubKey]int64)
doTicker := func () {
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
go doTicker()
func (t *switchTable) getLocator() switchLocator {
defer t.mutex.RUnlock()
return t.data.locator.clone()
func (t *switchTable) Tick() {
// Periodic maintenance work to keep things internally consistent
t.mutex.Lock() // Write lock
defer t.mutex.Unlock() // Release lock when we're done
func (t *switchTable) cleanRoot() {
// TODO rethink how this is done?...
// Get rid of the root if it looks like its timed out
now := time.Now()
doUpdate := false
//fmt.Println("DEBUG clean root:", now.Sub(t.time))
if now.Sub(t.time) > switch_timeout {
//fmt.Println("root timed out", t.data.locator)
dropped := t.data.peers[t.parent]
dropped.time = t.time
t.drop[t.data.locator.root] = t.data.locator.tstamp
doUpdate = true
//t.core.log.Println("DEBUG: switch root timeout", len(t.drop))
// Or, if we're better than our root, root ourself
if firstIsBetter(&t.key, &t.data.locator.root) {
//fmt.Println("root is worse than us", t.data.locator.Root)
doUpdate = true
//t.core.log.Println("DEBUG: switch root replace with self", t.data.locator.Root)
// Or, if we are the root, possibly update our timestamp
if t.data.locator.root == t.key &&
now.Sub(t.time) > switch_timeout/2 {
//fmt.Println("root is self and old, updating", t.data.locator.Root)
doUpdate = true
if doUpdate {
t.parent = switchPort(0)
t.time = now
if t.data.locator.root != t.key {
select {
case t.core.router.reset<-struct{}{}:
t.data.locator = switchLocator{root: t.key, tstamp: now.Unix()}
t.data.sigs = nil
func (t *switchTable) cleanPeers() {
now := time.Now()
changed := false
for idx, info := range t.data.peers {
if info.port != switchPort(0) && now.Sub(info.time) > 6*time.Second /*switch_timeout*/ {
//fmt.Println("peer timed out", t.key, info.locator)
delete(t.data.peers, idx)
changed = true
if changed { t.updater.Store(&sync.Once{}) }
func (t *switchTable) cleanDropped() {
// TODO only call this after root changes, not periodically
for root, _ := range t.drop {
if !firstIsBetter(&root, &t.data.locator.root) { delete(t.drop, root) }
func (t *switchTable) createMessage(port switchPort) (*switchMessage, []sigInfo) {
defer t.mutex.RUnlock()
msg := switchMessage{from: t.key, locator: t.data.locator.clone()}
msg.locator.coords = append(msg.locator.coords, port)
msg.seq = t.data.seq
return &msg, t.data.sigs
func (t *switchTable) handleMessage(msg *switchMessage, fromPort switchPort, sigs []sigInfo) {
defer t.mutex.Unlock()
now := time.Now()
if len(msg.locator.coords) == 0 { return } // Should always have >=1 links
oldSender, isIn := t.data.peers[fromPort]
if !isIn { oldSender.firstSeen = now }
sender := peerInfo{key: msg.from,
locator: msg.locator,
coords: msg.locator.coords[:len(msg.locator.coords)-1],
time: now,
firstSeen: oldSender.firstSeen,
port: fromPort,
seq: msg.seq}
equiv := func (x *switchLocator, y *switchLocator) bool {
if x.root != y.root { return false }
if len(x.coords) != len(y.coords) { return false }
for idx := range x.coords {
if x.coords[idx] != y.coords[idx] { return false }
return true
doUpdate := false
if !equiv(&msg.locator, &oldSender.locator) {
doUpdate = true
sender.firstSeen = now
t.data.peers[fromPort] = sender
updateRoot := false
oldParent, isIn := t.data.peers[t.parent]
noParent := !isIn
noLoop := func () bool {
for idx := 0 ; idx < len(sigs)-1 ; idx++ {
if sigs[idx].next == t.core.sigPub { return false }
if msg.locator.root == t.core.sigPub { return false }
return true
sTime := now.Sub(sender.firstSeen)
pTime := oldParent.time.Sub(oldParent.firstSeen) + switch_timeout
// Really want to compare sLen/sTime and pLen/pTime
// Cross multiplied to avoid divide-by-zero
cost := len(msg.locator.coords)*int(pTime.Seconds())
pCost := len(t.data.locator.coords)*int(sTime.Seconds())
dropTstamp, isIn := t.drop[msg.locator.root]
// Here be dragons
switch {
case !noLoop: // do nothing
case isIn && dropTstamp >= msg.locator.tstamp: // do nothing
case firstIsBetter(&msg.locator.root, &t.data.locator.root): updateRoot = true
case t.data.locator.root != msg.locator.root: // do nothing
case t.data.locator.tstamp > msg.locator.tstamp: // do nothing
case noParent: updateRoot = true
case cost < pCost: updateRoot = true
case sender.port == t.parent &&
(msg.locator.tstamp > t.data.locator.tstamp ||
!equiv(&msg.locator, &t.data.locator)): updateRoot = true
if updateRoot {
if !equiv(&msg.locator, &t.data.locator) {
doUpdate = true
select {
case t.core.router.reset<-struct{}{}:
//t.core.log.Println("Switch update:", msg.Locator.Root, msg.Locator.Tstamp, msg.Locator.Coords)
//fmt.Println("Switch update:", msg.Locator.Root, msg.Locator.Tstamp, msg.Locator.Coords)
if t.data.locator.tstamp != msg.locator.tstamp { t.time = now }
t.data.locator = msg.locator
t.parent = sender.port
t.data.sigs = sigs
//t.core.log.Println("Switch update:", msg.Locator.Root, msg.Locator.Tstamp, msg.Locator.Coords)
if doUpdate { t.updater.Store(&sync.Once{}) }
func (t *switchTable) updateTable() {
// WARNING this should only be called from within t.data.updater.Do()
// It relies on the sync.Once for synchronization with messages and lookups
// TODO use a pre-computed faster lookup table
// Instead of checking distance for every destination every time
// Array of structs, indexed by first coord that differs from self
// Each struct has stores the best port to forward to, and a next coord map
// Move to struct, then iterate over coord maps until you dead end
// The last port before the dead end should be the closest
defer t.mutex.RUnlock()
newTable := lookupTable{
self: t.data.locator.clone(),
elems: make(map[switchPort]tableElem),
for _, pinfo := range t.data.peers {
//if !pinfo.forward { continue }
loc := pinfo.locator.clone()
loc.coords = loc.coords[:len(loc.coords)-1] // Remove the them->self link
newTable.elems[pinfo.port] = tableElem {
locator: loc,
//degree: pinfo.degree,
firstSeen: pinfo.firstSeen,
//forward: pinfo.forward,
func (t *switchTable) lookup(dest []byte, ttl uint64) (switchPort, uint64) {
table := t.table.Load().(lookupTable)
ports := t.core.peers.getPorts()
getBandwidth := func (port switchPort) float64 {
var bandwidth float64
if p, isIn := ports[port]; isIn {
bandwidth = p.getBandwidth()
return bandwidth
var best switchPort
myDist := table.self.dist(dest) //getDist(table.self.coords)
if !(uint64(myDist) < ttl) { return 0, 0 }
// score is in units of bandwidth / distance
bestScore := float64(-1)
for port, info := range table.elems {
if info.locator.root != table.self.root { continue }
dist := info.locator.dist(dest) //getDist(info.locator.coords)
if !(dist < myDist) { continue }
score := getBandwidth(port)
score /= float64(1+dist)
if score > bestScore {
best = port
bestScore = score
//t.core.log.Println("DEBUG: sending to", best, "bandwidth", getBandwidth(best))
return best, uint64(myDist)
//Signature stuff
type sigInfo struct {
next sigPubKey
sig sigBytes

src/yggdrasil/tcp.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
package yggdrasil
// This sends packets to peers using TCP as a transport
// It's generally better tested than the UDP implementation
// Using it regularly is insane, but I find TCP easier to test/debug with it
// Updating and optimizing the UDP version is a higher priority
// TODO:
// Something needs to make sure we're getting *valid* packets
// Could be used to DoS (connect, give someone else's keys, spew garbage)
// I guess the "peer" part should watch for link packets, disconnect?
import "net"
import "time"
import "errors"
import "sync"
import "fmt"
const tcp_msgSize = 2048+65535 // TODO figure out what makes sense
type tcpInterface struct {
core *Core
serv *net.TCPListener
mutex sync.Mutex // Protecting the below
calls map[string]struct{}
type tcpKeys struct {
box boxPubKey
sig sigPubKey
func (iface *tcpInterface) init(core *Core, addr string) {
iface.core = core
tcpAddr, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", addr)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
iface.serv, err = net.ListenTCP("tcp", tcpAddr)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
iface.calls = make(map[string]struct{})
go iface.listener()
func (iface *tcpInterface) listener() {
defer iface.serv.Close()
iface.core.log.Println("Listening on:", iface.serv.Addr().String())
for {
sock, err := iface.serv.AcceptTCP()
if err != nil { panic(err) }
go iface.handler(sock)
func (iface *tcpInterface) call(saddr string) {
go func() {
quit := false
if _, isIn := iface.calls[saddr]; isIn {
quit = true
} else {
iface.calls[saddr] = struct{}{}
defer func() {
delete(iface.calls, saddr)
if !quit {
conn, err := net.DialTimeout("tcp", saddr, 6*time.Second)
if err != nil { return }
sock := conn.(*net.TCPConn)
func (iface *tcpInterface) handler(sock *net.TCPConn) {
defer sock.Close()
// Get our keys
keys := []byte{}
keys = append(keys, tcp_key[:]...)
keys = append(keys, iface.core.boxPub[:]...)
keys = append(keys, iface.core.sigPub[:]...)
_, err := sock.Write(keys)
if err != nil { return }
timeout := time.Now().Add(6*time.Second)
n, err := sock.Read(keys)
if err != nil { return }
if n < len(keys) { /*panic("Partial key packet?") ;*/ return }
ks := tcpKeys{}
if !tcp_chop_keys(&ks.box, &ks.sig, &keys) { /*panic("Invalid key packet?") ;*/ return }
// Quit the parent call if this is a connection to ourself
equiv := func(k1, k2 []byte) bool {
for idx := range k1 {
if k1[idx] != k2[idx] { return false }
return true
if equiv(ks.box[:], iface.core.boxPub[:]) { return } // testing
if equiv(ks.sig[:], iface.core.sigPub[:]) { return }
// Note that multiple connections to the same node are allowed
// E.g. over different interfaces
linkIn := make(chan []byte, 1)
p := iface.core.peers.newPeer(&ks.box, &ks.sig)//, in, out)
in := func(bs []byte) {
p.handlePacket(bs, linkIn)
out := make(chan []byte, 1024) // TODO? what size makes sense
defer close(out)
go func() {
var stack [][]byte
put := func(msg []byte) {
stack = append(stack, msg)
for len(stack) > 1024 {
stack = stack[1:]
send := func() {
msg := stack[len(stack)-1]
stack = stack[:len(stack)-1]
buf := net.Buffers{tcp_msg[:],
size := 0
for _, bs := range buf { size += len(bs) }
start := time.Now()
timed := time.Since(start)
pType, _ := wire_decode_uint64(msg)
if pType == wire_LinkProtocolTraffic {
p.updateBandwidth(size, timed)
for msg := range out {
for len(stack) > 0 {
// Keep trying to fill the stack (LIFO order) while sending
select {
case msg, ok := <-out:
if !ok { return }
default: send()
p.out = func(msg []byte) {
defer func() { recover() }()
for {
select {
case out<-msg: return
default: util_putBytes(<-out)
go p.linkLoop(linkIn)
defer func() {
// Put all of our cleanup here...
oldPorts := p.core.peers.getPorts()
newPorts := make(map[switchPort]*peer)
for k,v := range oldPorts{ newPorts[k] = v }
delete(newPorts, p.port)
them := sock.RemoteAddr()
themNodeID := getNodeID(&ks.box)
themAddr := address_addrForNodeID(themNodeID)
themAddrString := net.IP(themAddr[:]).String()
themString := fmt.Sprintf("%s@%s", themAddrString, them)
iface.core.log.Println("Connected:", themString)
iface.reader(sock, in) // In this goroutine, because of defers
iface.core.log.Println("Disconnected:", themString)
func (iface *tcpInterface) reader(sock *net.TCPConn, in func([]byte)) {
bs := make([]byte, 2*tcp_msgSize)
frag := bs[:0]
for {
timeout := time.Now().Add(6*time.Second)
n, err := sock.Read(bs[len(frag):])
if err != nil || n == 0 { break }
frag = bs[:len(frag)+n]
for {
msg, ok, err := tcp_chop_msg(&frag)
if err != nil { return }
if !ok { break } // We didn't get the whole message yet
newMsg := append(util_getBytes(), msg...)
frag = append(bs[:0], frag...)
// Magic bytes to check
var tcp_key = [...]byte{'k', 'e', 'y', 's'}
var tcp_msg = [...]byte{0xde, 0xad, 0xb1, 0x75} // "dead bits"
func tcp_chop_keys(box *boxPubKey, sig *sigPubKey, bs *[]byte) bool {
// This one is pretty simple: we know how long the message should be
// So don't call this with a message that's too short
if len(*bs) < len(tcp_key) + len(*box) + len(*sig) { return false }
for idx := range tcp_key {
if (*bs)[idx] != tcp_key[idx] { return false }
(*bs) = (*bs)[len(tcp_key):]
copy(box[:], *bs)
(*bs) = (*bs)[len(box):]
copy(sig[:], *bs)
(*bs) = (*bs)[len(sig):]
return true
func tcp_chop_msg(bs *[]byte) ([]byte, bool, error) {
// Returns msg, ok, err
if len(*bs) < len(tcp_msg) { return nil, false, nil }
for idx := range tcp_msg {
if (*bs)[idx] != tcp_msg[idx] {
return nil, false, errors.New("Bad message!")
msgLen, msgLenLen := wire_decode_uint64((*bs)[len(tcp_msg):])
if msgLen > tcp_msgSize { return nil, false, errors.New("Oversized message!") }
msgBegin := len(tcp_msg) + msgLenLen
msgEnd := msgBegin + int(msgLen)
if msgLenLen == 0 || len(*bs) < msgEnd {
// We don't have the full message
// Need to buffer this and wait for the rest to come in
return nil, false, nil
msg := (*bs)[msgBegin:msgEnd]
(*bs) = (*bs)[msgEnd:]
return msg, true, nil

src/yggdrasil/tun.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
package yggdrasil
// This manages the tun driver to send/recv packets to/from applications
import water "github.com/songgao/water"
const IPv6_HEADER_LENGTH = 40
type tunDevice struct {
core *Core
send chan<- []byte
recv <-chan []byte
mtu int
iface *water.Interface
func (tun *tunDevice) init(core *Core) {
tun.core = core
func (tun *tunDevice) setup(addr string, mtu int) error {
iface, err := water.New(water.Config{ DeviceType: water.TUN })
if err != nil { panic(err) }
tun.iface = iface
tun.mtu = mtu //1280 // Lets default to the smallest thing allowed for now
return tun.setupAddress(addr)
func (tun *tunDevice) write() error {
for {
data := <-tun.recv
if _, err := tun.iface.Write(data); err != nil { return err }
func (tun *tunDevice) read() error {
buf := make([]byte, tun.mtu)
for {
n, err := tun.iface.Read(buf)
if err != nil { return err }
if buf[0] & 0xf0 != 0x60 ||
n != 256*int(buf[4]) + int(buf[5]) + IPv6_HEADER_LENGTH {
// Either not an IPv6 packet or not the complete packet for some reason
panic("Should not happen in testing")
packet := append(util_getBytes(), buf[:n]...)
func (tun *tunDevice) close() error {
return tun.iface.Close()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
package yggdrasil
// The linux platform specific tun parts
// It depends on iproute2 being installed to set things on the tun device
import "fmt"
import "os/exec"
import "strings"
func (tun *tunDevice) setupAddress(addr string) error {
// Set address
cmd := exec.Command("ip", "-f", "inet6",
"addr", "add", addr,
"dev", tun.iface.Name())
tun.core.log.Printf("ip command: %v", strings.Join(cmd.Args, " "))
output, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
tun.core.log.Printf("Linux ip failed: %v.", err)
return err
// Set MTU and bring device up
cmd = exec.Command("ip", "link", "set",
"dev", tun.iface.Name(),
"mtu", fmt.Sprintf("%d", tun.mtu),
tun.core.log.Printf("ip command: %v", strings.Join(cmd.Args, " "))
output, err = cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
tun.core.log.Printf("Linux ip failed: %v.", err)
return err
return nil

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
// +build !linux
package yggdrasil
// This is to catch unsupported platforms
// If your platform supports tun devices, you could try configuring it manually
func (tun *tunDevice) setupAddress(addr string) error {
tun.core.log.Println("Platform not supported, you must set the address of", tun.iface.Name(), "to", addr)
return nil

src/yggdrasil/udp.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
package yggdrasil
// This communicates with peers via UDP
// It's not as well tested or debugged as the TCP transport
// It's intended to use UDP, so debugging/optimzing this is a high priority
// TODO? use golang.org/x/net/ipv6.PacketConn's ReadBatch and WriteBatch?
// To send all chunks of a message / recv all available chunks in one syscall
// Chunks are currently murged, but outgoing messages aren't chunked
// This is just to support chunking in the future, if it's needed and debugged
// Basically, right now we might send UDP packets that are too large
import "net"
import "time"
import "sync"
import "fmt"
type udpInterface struct {
core *Core
sock *net.UDPConn // Or more general PacketConn?
mutex sync.RWMutex // each conn has an owner goroutine
conns map[connAddr]*connInfo
type connAddr string // TODO something more efficient, but still a valid map key
type connInfo struct {
addr connAddr
peer *peer
linkIn chan []byte
keysIn chan *udpKeys
timeout int // count of how many heartbeats have been missed
in func([]byte)
out chan []byte
countIn uint8
countOut uint8
type udpKeys struct {
box boxPubKey
sig sigPubKey
func (iface *udpInterface) init(core *Core, addr string) {
iface.core = core
udpAddr, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", addr)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
iface.sock, err = net.ListenUDP("udp", udpAddr)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
iface.conns = make(map[connAddr]*connInfo)
go iface.reader()
func (iface *udpInterface) sendKeys(addr connAddr) {
udpAddr, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", string(addr))
if err != nil { panic(err) }
msg := []byte{}
msg = udp_encode(msg, 0, 0, 0, nil)
msg = append(msg, iface.core.boxPub[:]...)
msg = append(msg, iface.core.sigPub[:]...)
iface.sock.WriteToUDP(msg, udpAddr)
func udp_isKeys(msg []byte) bool {
keyLen := 3 + boxPubKeyLen + sigPubKeyLen
return len(msg) == keyLen && msg[0] == 0x00
func (iface *udpInterface) startConn(info *connInfo) {
ticker := time.NewTicker(6*time.Second)
defer ticker.Stop()
defer func () {
// Cleanup
// FIXME this still leaks a peer struct
delete(iface.conns, info.addr)
oldPorts := iface.core.peers.getPorts()
newPorts := make(map[switchPort]*peer)
for k,v := range oldPorts{ newPorts[k] = v }
delete(newPorts, info.peer.port)
iface.core.log.Println("Removing peer:", info.addr)
for {
select {
case ks := <-info.keysIn: {
// FIXME? need signatures/sequence-numbers or something
// Spoofers could lock out a peer with fake/bad keys
if ks.box == info.peer.box && ks.sig == info.peer.sig {
info.timeout = 0
case <-ticker.C: {
if info.timeout > 10 { return }
func (iface *udpInterface) handleKeys(msg []byte, addr connAddr) {
//defer util_putBytes(msg)
var ks udpKeys
_, _, _, bs := udp_decode(msg)
switch {
case !wire_chop_slice(ks.box[:], &bs): return
case !wire_chop_slice(ks.sig[:], &bs): return
if ks.box == iface.core.boxPub { return }
if ks.sig == iface.core.sigPub { return }
conn, isIn := iface.conns[addr]
iface.mutex.RUnlock() // TODO? keep the lock longer?...
if !isIn {
udpAddr, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", string(addr))
if err != nil { panic(err) }
conn = &connInfo{
addr: connAddr(addr),
peer: iface.core.peers.newPeer(&ks.box, &ks.sig),
linkIn: make(chan []byte, 1),
keysIn: make(chan *udpKeys, 1),
out: make(chan []byte, 1024),
conn.in = func (msg []byte) { conn.peer.handlePacket(msg, conn.linkIn) }
conn.peer.out = func (msg []byte) {
start := time.Now()
iface.sock.WriteToUDP(msg, udpAddr)
timed := time.Since(start)
conn.peer.updateBandwidth(len(msg), timed)
} // Old version, always one syscall per packet
conn.peer.out = func (msg []byte) {
defer func() { recover() }()
select {
case conn.out<-msg:
default: util_putBytes(msg)
go func () {
for msg := range conn.out {
start := time.Now()
iface.sock.WriteToUDP(msg, udpAddr)
timed := time.Since(start)
conn.peer.updateBandwidth(len(msg), timed)
var inChunks uint8
var inBuf []byte
conn.in = func(bs []byte) {
//defer util_putBytes(bs)
chunks, chunk, count, payload := udp_decode(bs)
//iface.core.log.Println("DEBUG:", addr, chunks, chunk, count, len(payload))
//iface.core.log.Println("DEBUG: payload:", payload)
if count != conn.countIn {
inChunks = 0
inBuf = inBuf[:0]
conn.countIn = count
if chunk <= chunks && chunk == inChunks + 1 {
//iface.core.log.Println("GOING:", addr, chunks, chunk, count, len(payload))
inChunks += 1
inBuf = append(inBuf, payload...)
if chunks != chunk { return }
msg := append(util_getBytes(), inBuf...)
conn.peer.handlePacket(msg, conn.linkIn)
//iface.core.log.Println("DONE:", addr, chunks, chunk, count, len(payload))
conn.peer.out = func (msg []byte) {
defer func() { recover() }()
select {
case conn.out<-msg:
default: util_putBytes(msg)
go func () {
//var chunks [][]byte
var out []byte
for msg := range conn.out {
var chunks [][]byte
bs := msg
for len(bs) > udp_chunkSize {
chunks, bs = append(chunks, bs[:udp_chunkSize]), bs[udp_chunkSize:]
chunks = append(chunks, bs)
//iface.core.log.Println("DEBUG: out chunks:", len(chunks), len(msg))
if len(chunks) > 255 { continue }
start := time.Now()
for idx,bs := range chunks {
nChunks, nChunk, count := uint8(len(chunks)), uint8(idx)+1, conn.countOut
out = udp_encode(out[:0], nChunks, nChunk, count, bs)
//iface.core.log.Println("DEBUG out:", nChunks, nChunk, count, len(bs))
iface.sock.WriteToUDP(out, udpAddr)
timed := time.Since(start)
conn.countOut += 1
conn.peer.updateBandwidth(len(msg), timed)
iface.conns[addr] = conn
themNodeID := getNodeID(&ks.box)
themAddr := address_addrForNodeID(themNodeID)
themAddrString := net.IP(themAddr[:]).String()
themString := fmt.Sprintf("%s@%s", themAddrString, addr)
iface.core.log.Println("Adding peer:", themString)
go iface.startConn(conn)
go conn.peer.linkLoop(conn.linkIn)
func() {
defer func() { recover() }()
select {
case conn.keysIn<-&ks:
func (iface *udpInterface) handlePacket(msg []byte, addr connAddr) {
if conn, isIn := iface.conns[addr]; isIn {
func (iface *udpInterface) reader() {
bs := make([]byte, 2048) // This needs to be large enough for everything...
for {
//iface.core.log.Println("Starting read")
n, udpAddr, err := iface.sock.ReadFromUDP(bs)
//iface.core.log.Println("Read", n, udpAddr.String(), err)
if err != nil { panic(err) ; break }
if n > 1500 { panic(n) }
//msg := append(util_getBytes(), bs[:n]...)
msg := bs[:n]
addr := connAddr(udpAddr.String())
if udp_isKeys(msg) {
iface.handleKeys(msg, addr)
} else {
iface.handlePacket(msg, addr)
const udp_chunkSize = 65535
func udp_decode(bs []byte) (chunks, chunk, count uint8, payload []byte) {
if len(bs) >= 3 {
chunks, chunk, count, payload = bs[0], bs[1], bs[2], bs[3:]
func udp_encode(out []byte, chunks, chunk, count uint8, payload []byte) []byte {
return append(append(out, chunks, chunk, count), payload...)

src/yggdrasil/util.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
package yggdrasil
// These are misc. utility functions that didn't really fit anywhere else
import "fmt"
import "runtime"
//import "sync"
func Util_testAddrIDMask() {
for idx := 0 ; idx < 16 ; idx++ {
var orig NodeID
orig[8] = 42
for bidx := 0 ; bidx < idx ; bidx++ {
orig[bidx/8] |= (0x80 >> uint8(bidx % 8))
addr := address_addrForNodeID(&orig)
nid, mask := addr.getNodeIDandMask()
for b := 0 ; b < len(mask) ; b++ {
nid[b] &= mask[b]
orig[b] &= mask[b]
if *nid != orig {
func util_yield() {
func util_lockthread() {
func util_unlockthread() {
var byteStore sync.Pool = sync.Pool{
New: func () interface{} { return []byte(nil) },
func util_getBytes() []byte {
return byteStore.Get().([]byte)[:0]
func util_putBytes(bs []byte) {
byteStore.Put(bs) // FIXME? The cast to interface{} allocates...
var byteStore chan []byte
func util_initByteStore() {
if byteStore == nil {
byteStore = make(chan []byte, 32)
func util_getBytes() []byte {
select {
case bs := <-byteStore: return bs[:0]
default: return nil
func util_putBytes(bs []byte) {
select {
case byteStore<-bs:

src/yggdrasil/wire.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,492 @@
package yggdrasil
// Wire formatting tools
// These are all ugly and probably not very secure
// Packet types, as an Encode_uint64 at the start of each packet
// TODO? make things still work after reordering (after things stabilize more?)
// Type safety would also be nice, `type wire_type uint64`, rewrite as needed?
const (
wire_Traffic = iota // data being routed somewhere, handle for crypto
wire_ProtocolTraffic // protocol traffic, pub keys for crypto
wire_LinkProtocolTraffic // link proto traffic, pub keys for crypto
wire_SwitchAnnounce // TODO put inside protocol traffic header
wire_SwitchHopRequest // TODO put inside protocol traffic header
wire_SwitchHop // TODO put inside protocol traffic header
wire_SessionPing // inside protocol traffic header
wire_SessionPong // inside protocol traffic header
wire_DHTLookupRequest // inside protocol traffic header
wire_DHTLookupResponse // inside protocol traffic header
wire_SearchRequest // inside protocol traffic header
wire_SearchResponse // inside protocol traffic header
//wire_Keys // udp key packet (boxPub, sigPub)
// Encode uint64 using a variable length scheme
// Similar to binary.Uvarint, but big-endian
func wire_encode_uint64(elem uint64) []byte {
return wire_put_uint64(elem, nil)
// Occasionally useful for appending to an existing slice (if there's room)
func wire_put_uint64(elem uint64, out []byte) []byte {
bs := make([]byte, 0, 10)
bs = append(bs, byte(elem & 0x7f))
for e := elem >> 7 ; e > 0 ; e >>= 7 {
bs = append(bs, byte(e | 0x80))
// Now reverse bytes, because we set them in the wrong order
// TODO just put them in the right place the first time...
last := len(bs)-1
for idx := 0 ; idx < len(bs)/2 ; idx++ {
bs[idx], bs[last-idx] = bs[last-idx], bs[idx]
return append(out, bs...)
// Decode uint64 from a []byte slice
// Returns the decoded uint64 and the number of bytes used
func wire_decode_uint64(bs []byte) (uint64, int) {
length := 0
elem := uint64(0)
for _, b := range bs {
elem <<= 7
elem |= uint64(b & 0x7f)
if b & 0x80 == 0 { break }
return elem, length
func wire_intToUint(i int64) uint64 {
var u uint64
if i < 0 {
u = uint64(-i) << 1
u |= 0x01 // sign bit
} else {
u = uint64(i) << 1
return u
func wire_intFromUint(u uint64) int64 {
var i int64
i = int64(u >> 1)
if u & 0x01 != 0 { i *= -1 }
return i
// Takes coords, returns coords prefixed with encoded coord length
func wire_encode_coords(coords []byte) ([]byte) {
coordLen := wire_encode_uint64(uint64(len(coords)))
bs := make([]byte, 0, len(coordLen)+len(coords))
bs = append(bs, coordLen...)
bs = append(bs, coords...)
return bs
func wire_put_coords(coords []byte, bs []byte) ([]byte) {
bs = wire_put_uint64(uint64(len(coords)), bs)
bs = append(bs, coords...)
return bs
// Takes a packet that begins with coords (starting with coord length)
// Returns a slice of coords and the number of bytes read
func wire_decode_coords(packet []byte) ([]byte, int) {
coordLen, coordBegin := wire_decode_uint64(packet)
coordEnd := coordBegin+int(coordLen)
//if coordBegin == 0 { panic("No coords found") } // Testing
//if coordEnd > len(packet) { panic("Packet too short") } // Testing
if coordBegin == 0 || coordEnd > len(packet) { return nil, 0 }
return packet[coordBegin:coordEnd], coordEnd
// TODO move this msg stuff somewhere else, use encode() and decode() methods
// Announces that we can send parts of a Message with a particular seq
type msgAnnounce struct {
root sigPubKey
tstamp int64
seq uint64
len uint64
//Deg uint64
//RSeq uint64
func (m *msgAnnounce) encode() []byte {
bs := wire_encode_uint64(wire_SwitchAnnounce)
bs = append(bs, m.root[:]...)
bs = append(bs, wire_encode_uint64(wire_intToUint(m.tstamp))...)
bs = append(bs, wire_encode_uint64(m.seq)...)
bs = append(bs, wire_encode_uint64(m.len)...)
//bs = append(bs, wire_encode_uint64(m.Deg)...)
//bs = append(bs, wire_encode_uint64(m.RSeq)...)
return bs
func (m *msgAnnounce) decode(bs []byte) bool {
var pType uint64
var tstamp uint64
switch {
case !wire_chop_uint64(&pType, &bs): return false
case pType != wire_SwitchAnnounce: return false
case !wire_chop_slice(m.root[:], &bs): return false
case !wire_chop_uint64(&tstamp, &bs): return false
case !wire_chop_uint64(&m.seq, &bs): return false
case !wire_chop_uint64(&m.len, &bs): return false
//case !wire_chop_uint64(&m.Deg, &bs): return false
//case !wire_chop_uint64(&m.RSeq, &bs): return false
m.tstamp = wire_intFromUint(tstamp)
return true
type msgHopReq struct {
root sigPubKey
tstamp int64
seq uint64
hop uint64
func (m *msgHopReq) encode() []byte {
bs := wire_encode_uint64(wire_SwitchHopRequest)
bs = append(bs, m.root[:]...)
bs = append(bs, wire_encode_uint64(wire_intToUint(m.tstamp))...)
bs = append(bs, wire_encode_uint64(m.seq)...)
bs = append(bs, wire_encode_uint64(m.hop)...)
return bs
func (m *msgHopReq) decode(bs []byte) bool {
var pType uint64
var tstamp uint64
switch {
case !wire_chop_uint64(&pType, &bs): return false
case pType != wire_SwitchHopRequest: return false
case !wire_chop_slice(m.root[:], &bs): return false
case !wire_chop_uint64(&tstamp, &bs): return false
case !wire_chop_uint64(&m.seq, &bs): return false
case !wire_chop_uint64(&m.hop, &bs): return false
m.tstamp = wire_intFromUint(tstamp)
return true
type msgHop struct {
root sigPubKey
tstamp int64
seq uint64
hop uint64
port switchPort
next sigPubKey
sig sigBytes
func (m *msgHop) encode() []byte {
bs := wire_encode_uint64(wire_SwitchHop)
bs = append(bs, m.root[:]...)
bs = append(bs, wire_encode_uint64(wire_intToUint(m.tstamp))...)
bs = append(bs, wire_encode_uint64(m.seq)...)
bs = append(bs, wire_encode_uint64(m.hop)...)
bs = append(bs, wire_encode_uint64(uint64(m.port))...)
bs = append(bs, m.next[:]...)
bs = append(bs, m.sig[:]...)
return bs
func (m *msgHop) decode(bs []byte) bool {
var pType uint64
var tstamp uint64
switch {
case !wire_chop_uint64(&pType, &bs): return false
case pType != wire_SwitchHop: return false
case !wire_chop_slice(m.root[:], &bs): return false
case !wire_chop_uint64(&tstamp, &bs): return false
case !wire_chop_uint64(&m.seq, &bs): return false
case !wire_chop_uint64(&m.hop, &bs): return false
case !wire_chop_uint64((*uint64)(&m.port), &bs): return false
case !wire_chop_slice(m.next[:], &bs): return false
case !wire_chop_slice(m.sig[:], &bs): return false
m.tstamp = wire_intFromUint(tstamp)
return true
// Format used to check signatures only, so no need to also support decoding
func wire_encode_locator(loc *switchLocator) []byte {
coords := wire_encode_coords(loc.getCoords())
var bs []byte
bs = append(bs, loc.root[:]...)
bs = append(bs, wire_encode_uint64(wire_intToUint(loc.tstamp))...)
bs = append(bs, coords...)
return bs
func wire_chop_slice(toSlice []byte, fromSlice *[]byte) bool {
if len(*fromSlice) < len(toSlice) { return false }
copy(toSlice, *fromSlice)
*fromSlice = (*fromSlice)[len(toSlice):]
return true
func wire_chop_coords(toCoords *[]byte, fromSlice *[]byte) bool {
coords, coordLen := wire_decode_coords(*fromSlice)
if coordLen == 0 { return false }
*toCoords = append((*toCoords)[:0], coords...)
*fromSlice = (*fromSlice)[coordLen:]
return true
func wire_chop_uint64(toUInt64 *uint64, fromSlice *[]byte) bool {
dec, decLen := wire_decode_uint64(*fromSlice)
if decLen == 0 { return false }
*toUInt64 = dec
*fromSlice = (*fromSlice)[decLen:]
return true
// Wire traffic packets
type wire_trafficPacket struct {
ttl uint64 // TODO? hide this as a wire format detail, not set by user
coords []byte
handle handle
nonce boxNonce
payload []byte
// This is basically MarshalBinary, but decode doesn't allow that...
func (p *wire_trafficPacket) encode() []byte {
bs := util_getBytes()
bs = wire_put_uint64(wire_Traffic, bs)
bs = wire_put_uint64(p.ttl, bs)
bs = wire_put_coords(p.coords, bs)
bs = append(bs, p.handle[:]...)
bs = append(bs, p.nonce[:]...)
bs = append(bs, p.payload...)
return bs
// Not just UnmarshalBinary becuase the original slice isn't always copied from
func (p *wire_trafficPacket) decode(bs []byte) bool {
var pType uint64
switch {
case !wire_chop_uint64(&pType, &bs): return false
case pType != wire_Traffic: return false
case !wire_chop_uint64(&p.ttl, &bs): return false
case !wire_chop_coords(&p.coords, &bs): return false
case !wire_chop_slice(p.handle[:], &bs): return false
case !wire_chop_slice(p.nonce[:], &bs): return false
p.payload = append(util_getBytes(), bs...)
return true
type wire_protoTrafficPacket struct {
ttl uint64 // TODO? hide this as a wire format detail, not set by user
coords []byte
toKey boxPubKey
fromKey boxPubKey
nonce boxNonce
payload []byte
func (p *wire_protoTrafficPacket) encode() []byte {
coords := wire_encode_coords(p.coords)
bs := wire_encode_uint64(wire_ProtocolTraffic)
bs = append(bs, wire_encode_uint64(p.ttl)...)
bs = append(bs, coords...)
bs = append(bs, p.toKey[:]...)
bs = append(bs, p.fromKey[:]...)
bs = append(bs, p.nonce[:]...)
bs = append(bs, p.payload...)
return bs
func(p *wire_protoTrafficPacket) decode(bs []byte) bool {
var pType uint64
switch {
case !wire_chop_uint64(&pType, &bs): return false
case pType != wire_ProtocolTraffic: return false
case !wire_chop_uint64(&p.ttl, &bs): return false
case !wire_chop_coords(&p.coords, &bs): return false
case !wire_chop_slice(p.toKey[:], &bs): return false
case !wire_chop_slice(p.fromKey[:], &bs): return false
case !wire_chop_slice(p.nonce[:], &bs): return false
p.payload = bs
return true
type wire_linkProtoTrafficPacket struct {
toKey boxPubKey
fromKey boxPubKey
nonce boxNonce
payload []byte
func (p *wire_linkProtoTrafficPacket) encode() []byte {
bs := wire_encode_uint64(wire_LinkProtocolTraffic)
bs = append(bs, p.toKey[:]...)
bs = append(bs, p.fromKey[:]...)
bs = append(bs, p.nonce[:]...)
bs = append(bs, p.payload...)
return bs
func(p *wire_linkProtoTrafficPacket) decode(bs []byte) bool {
var pType uint64
switch {
case !wire_chop_uint64(&pType, &bs): return false
case pType != wire_LinkProtocolTraffic: return false
case !wire_chop_slice(p.toKey[:], &bs): return false
case !wire_chop_slice(p.fromKey[:], &bs): return false
case !wire_chop_slice(p.nonce[:], &bs): return false
p.payload = bs
return true
func (p *sessionPing) encode() []byte {
var pTypeVal uint64
if p.isPong {
pTypeVal = wire_SessionPong
} else {
pTypeVal = wire_SessionPing
bs := wire_encode_uint64(pTypeVal)
//p.sendPermPub used in top level (crypto), so skipped here
bs = append(bs, p.handle[:]...)
bs = append(bs, p.sendSesPub[:]...)
bs = append(bs, wire_encode_uint64(wire_intToUint(p.tstamp))...)
coords := wire_encode_coords(p.coords)
bs = append(bs, coords...)
return bs
func (p *sessionPing) decode(bs []byte) bool {
var pType uint64
var tstamp uint64
switch {
case !wire_chop_uint64(&pType, &bs): return false
case pType != wire_SessionPing && pType != wire_SessionPong: return false
//p.sendPermPub used in top level (crypto), so skipped here
case !wire_chop_slice(p.handle[:], &bs): return false
case !wire_chop_slice(p.sendSesPub[:], &bs): return false
case !wire_chop_uint64(&tstamp, &bs): return false
case !wire_chop_coords(&p.coords, &bs): return false
p.tstamp = wire_intFromUint(tstamp)
if pType == wire_SessionPong { p.isPong = true }
return true
func (r *dhtReq) encode() []byte {
coords := wire_encode_coords(r.coords)
bs := wire_encode_uint64(wire_DHTLookupRequest)
bs = append(bs, r.key[:]...)
bs = append(bs, coords...)
bs = append(bs, r.dest[:]...)
return bs
func (r *dhtReq) decode(bs []byte) bool {
var pType uint64
switch {
case !wire_chop_uint64(&pType, &bs): return false
case pType != wire_DHTLookupRequest: return false
case !wire_chop_slice(r.key[:], &bs): return false
case !wire_chop_coords(&r.coords, &bs): return false
case !wire_chop_slice(r.dest[:], &bs): return false
default: return true
func (r *dhtRes) encode() []byte {
coords := wire_encode_coords(r.coords)
bs := wire_encode_uint64(wire_DHTLookupResponse)
bs = append(bs, r.key[:]...)
bs = append(bs, coords...)
bs = append(bs, r.dest[:]...)
for _, info := range r.infos {
coords = wire_encode_coords(info.coords)
bs = append(bs, info.key[:]...)
bs = append(bs, coords...)
return bs
func (r *dhtRes) decode(bs []byte) bool {
var pType uint64
switch {
case !wire_chop_uint64(&pType, &bs): return false
case pType != wire_DHTLookupResponse: return false
case !wire_chop_slice(r.key[:], &bs): return false
case !wire_chop_coords(&r.coords, &bs): return false
case !wire_chop_slice(r.dest[:], &bs): return false
for len(bs) > 0 {
info := dhtInfo{}
switch {
case !wire_chop_slice(info.key[:], &bs): return false
case !wire_chop_coords(&info.coords, &bs): return false
r.infos = append(r.infos, &info)
return true
func (r *searchReq) encode() []byte {
coords := wire_encode_coords(r.coords)
bs := wire_encode_uint64(wire_SearchRequest)
bs = append(bs, r.key[:]...)
bs = append(bs, coords...)
bs = append(bs, r.dest[:]...)
return bs
func (r *searchReq) decode(bs []byte) bool {
var pType uint64
switch {
case !wire_chop_uint64(&pType, &bs): return false
case pType != wire_SearchRequest: return false
case !wire_chop_slice(r.key[:], &bs): return false
case !wire_chop_coords(&r.coords, &bs): return false
case !wire_chop_slice(r.dest[:], &bs): return false
default: return true
func (r *searchRes) encode() []byte {
coords := wire_encode_coords(r.coords)
bs := wire_encode_uint64(wire_SearchResponse)
bs = append(bs, r.key[:]...)
bs = append(bs, coords...)
bs = append(bs, r.dest[:]...)
return bs
func (r *searchRes) decode(bs []byte) bool {
var pType uint64
switch {
case !wire_chop_uint64(&pType, &bs): return false
case pType != wire_SearchResponse: return false
case !wire_chop_slice(r.key[:], &bs): return false
case !wire_chop_coords(&r.coords, &bs): return false
case !wire_chop_slice(r.dest[:], &bs): return false
default: return true

yggdrasil.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
package main
import "bytes"
import "encoding/hex"
import "encoding/json"
import "flag"
import "fmt"
import "io/ioutil"
import "net"
import "os"
import "os/signal"
import "time"
import _ "net/http/pprof"
import "net/http"
import "log"
import "runtime"
import "golang.org/x/net/ipv6"
import . "yggdrasil"
* This is a very crude wrapper around src/yggdrasil
* It can generate a new config (--genconf)
* It can read a config from stdin (--useconf)
* It can run with an automatic config (--autoconf)
type nodeConfig struct {
Listen string
Peers []string
BoxPub string
BoxPriv string
SigPub string
SigPriv string
Multicast bool
type node struct {
core Core
sock *ipv6.PacketConn
func (n *node) init(cfg *nodeConfig, logger *log.Logger) {
boxPub, err := hex.DecodeString(cfg.BoxPub)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
boxPriv, err := hex.DecodeString(cfg.BoxPriv)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
sigPub, err := hex.DecodeString(cfg.SigPub)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
sigPriv, err := hex.DecodeString(cfg.SigPriv)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
n.core.DEBUG_init(boxPub, boxPriv, sigPub, sigPriv)
logger.Println("Starting interface...")
logger.Println("Started interface")
go func () {
if len(cfg.Peers) == 0 { return }
for {
for _, p := range cfg.Peers {
func generateConfig() *nodeConfig {
core := Core{}
bpub, bpriv := core.DEBUG_newBoxKeys()
spub, spriv := core.DEBUG_newSigKeys()
cfg := nodeConfig{}
cfg.Listen = "[::]:0"
cfg.BoxPub = hex.EncodeToString(bpub[:])
cfg.BoxPriv = hex.EncodeToString(bpriv[:])
cfg.SigPub = hex.EncodeToString(spub[:])
cfg.SigPriv = hex.EncodeToString(spriv[:])
cfg.Peers = []string{}
cfg.Multicast = true
return &cfg
func doGenconf() string {
cfg := generateConfig()
bs, err := json.MarshalIndent(cfg, "", " ")
if err != nil { panic(err) }
return string(bs)
var multicastAddr = "[ff02::114]:9001"
func (n *node) listen() {
groupAddr, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp6", multicastAddr)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
bs := make([]byte, 2048)
for {
nBytes, rcm, fromAddr, err := n.sock.ReadFrom(bs)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
//if rcm == nil { continue } // wat
//fmt.Println("DEBUG:", "packet from:", fromAddr.String())
if !rcm.Dst.IsLinkLocalMulticast() { continue }
if !rcm.Dst.Equal(groupAddr.IP) { continue }
anAddr := string(bs[:nBytes])
addr, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp6", anAddr)
if err != nil { panic(err) ; continue } // Panic for testing, remove later
from := fromAddr.(*net.UDPAddr)
//fmt.Println("DEBUG:", "heard:", addr.IP.String(), "from:", from.IP.String())
if addr.IP.String() != from.IP.String() { continue }
addr.Zone = from.Zone
saddr := addr.String()
//if _, isIn := n.peers[saddr]; isIn { continue }
//n.peers[saddr] = struct{}{}
//fmt.Println("DEBUG:", "added multicast peer:", saddr)
func (n *node) announce() {
groupAddr, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp6", multicastAddr)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
udpaddr := n.core.DEBUG_getGlobalUDPAddr()
anAddr, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp6", udpaddr.String())
if err != nil { panic(err) }
destAddr, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp6", multicastAddr)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
for {
ifaces, err := net.Interfaces()
if err != nil { panic(err) }
for _, iface := range ifaces {
n.sock.JoinGroup(&iface, groupAddr)
//err := n.sock.JoinGroup(&iface, groupAddr)
//if err != nil { panic(err) }
addrs, err := iface.Addrs()
if err != nil { panic(err) }
for _, addr := range addrs {
addrIP, _, _ := net.ParseCIDR(addr.String())
if addrIP.To4() != nil { continue } // IPv6 only
if !addrIP.IsLinkLocalUnicast() { continue }
anAddr.IP = addrIP
anAddr.Zone = iface.Name
destAddr.Zone = iface.Name
msg := []byte(anAddr.String())
n.sock.WriteTo(msg, nil, destAddr)
var pprof = flag.Bool("pprof", false, "Run pprof, see http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/")
var genconf = flag.Bool("genconf", false, "print a new config to stdout")
var useconf = flag.Bool("useconf", false, "read config from stdin")
var autoconf = flag.Bool("autoconf", false, "automatic mode (dynamic IP, peer with IPv6 neighbors)")
func main() {
var cfg *nodeConfig
switch {
case *autoconf: cfg = generateConfig()
case *useconf:
config, err := ioutil.ReadAll(os.Stdin)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
decoder := json.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(config))
err = decoder.Decode(&cfg)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
case *genconf: fmt.Println(doGenconf())
default: flag.PrintDefaults()
if cfg == nil { return }
logger := log.New(os.Stdout, "", log.Flags())
if *pprof {
go func() { log.Println(http.ListenAndServe("localhost:6060", nil)) }()
// Setup
n := node{}
n.init(cfg, logger)
logger.Println("Starting tun...")
n.core.DEBUG_startTun() // 1280, the smallest supported MTU
//n.core.DEBUG_startTunWithMTU(65535) // Largest supported MTU
defer func() {
if cfg.Multicast {
addr, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", multicastAddr)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
listenString := fmt.Sprintf("[::]:%v", addr.Port)
conn, err := net.ListenPacket("udp6", listenString)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
//defer conn.Close() // Let it close on its own when the application exits
n.sock = ipv6.NewPacketConn(conn)
if err = n.sock.SetControlMessage(ipv6.FlagDst, true) ; err != nil { panic(err) }
go n.listen()
go n.announce()
// Catch interrupt to exit gracefully
c := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt)