package main import "encoding/hex" import "flag" import "fmt" import "io/ioutil" import "net" import "os" import "os/signal" import "syscall" import "time" import "regexp" import "math/rand" import _ "net/http/pprof" import "net/http" import "log" import "runtime" import "yggdrasil" import "yggdrasil/config" import "" import "" import "" type nodeConfig = config.NodeConfig type Core = yggdrasil.Core type node struct { core Core } func (n *node) init(cfg *nodeConfig, logger *log.Logger) { boxPub, err := hex.DecodeString(cfg.EncryptionPublicKey) if err != nil { panic(err) } boxPriv, err := hex.DecodeString(cfg.EncryptionPrivateKey) if err != nil { panic(err) } sigPub, err := hex.DecodeString(cfg.SigningPublicKey) if err != nil { panic(err) } sigPriv, err := hex.DecodeString(cfg.SigningPrivateKey) if err != nil { panic(err) } n.core.DEBUG_init(boxPub, boxPriv, sigPub, sigPriv) n.core.DEBUG_setLogger(logger) logger.Println("Starting interface...") n.core.DEBUG_setupAndStartGlobalTCPInterface(cfg.Listen) // Listen for peers on TCP n.core.DEBUG_setupAndStartGlobalUDPInterface(cfg.Listen) // Also listen on UDP, TODO allow separate configuration for ip/port to listen on each of these logger.Println("Started interface") logger.Println("Starting admin socket...") n.core.DEBUG_setupAndStartAdminInterface(cfg.AdminListen) logger.Println("Started admin socket") for _, pBoxStr := range cfg.AllowedEncryptionPublicKeys { n.core.DEBUG_addAllowedEncryptionPublicKey(pBoxStr) } for _, ll := range cfg.MulticastInterfaces { ifceExpr, err := regexp.Compile(ll) if err != nil { panic(err) } n.core.DEBUG_setIfceExpr(ifceExpr) } n.core.DEBUG_setupAndStartMulticastInterface() go func() { if len(cfg.Peers) == 0 { return } for { for _, p := range cfg.Peers { n.core.DEBUG_addPeer(p) time.Sleep(time.Second) } time.Sleep(time.Minute) } }() } func generateConfig(isAutoconf bool) *nodeConfig { core := Core{} bpub, bpriv := core.DEBUG_newBoxKeys() spub, spriv := core.DEBUG_newSigKeys() cfg := nodeConfig{} if isAutoconf { cfg.Listen = "[::]:0" cfg.MulticastInterfaces = []string{".*"} } else { r1 := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())) cfg.Listen = fmt.Sprintf("[::]:%d", r1.Intn(65534-32768)+32768) cfg.MulticastInterfaces = []string{} } cfg.AdminListen = "[::1]:9001" cfg.EncryptionPublicKey = hex.EncodeToString(bpub[:]) cfg.EncryptionPrivateKey = hex.EncodeToString(bpriv[:]) cfg.SigningPublicKey = hex.EncodeToString(spub[:]) cfg.SigningPrivateKey = hex.EncodeToString(spriv[:]) cfg.Peers = []string{} cfg.AllowedEncryptionPublicKeys = []string{} cfg.IfName = core.DEBUG_GetTUNDefaultIfName() cfg.IfMTU = core.DEBUG_GetTUNDefaultIfMTU() cfg.IfTAPMode = core.DEBUG_GetTUNDefaultIfTAPMode() return &cfg } func doGenconf() string { cfg := generateConfig(false) cfg.MulticastInterfaces = append(cfg.MulticastInterfaces, ".*") bs, err := hjson.Marshal(cfg) if err != nil { panic(err) } return string(bs) } var pprof = flag.Bool("pprof", false, "Run pprof, see http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/") var genconf = flag.Bool("genconf", false, "print a new config to stdout") var useconf = flag.Bool("useconf", false, "read config from stdin") var useconffile = flag.String("useconffile", "", "read config from specified file path") var normaliseconf = flag.Bool("normaliseconf", false, "use in combination with either -useconf or -useconffile, outputs your configuration normalised") var autoconf = flag.Bool("autoconf", false, "automatic mode (dynamic IP, peer with IPv6 neighbors)") func main() { flag.Parse() var cfg *nodeConfig switch { case *autoconf: cfg = generateConfig(true) case *useconffile != "" || *useconf: var config []byte var err error if *useconffile != "" { config, err = ioutil.ReadFile(*useconffile) } else { config, err = ioutil.ReadAll(os.Stdin) } if err != nil { panic(err) } cfg = generateConfig(false) var dat map[string]interface{} if err := hjson.Unmarshal(config, &dat); err != nil { panic(err) } // For now we will do a little bit to help the user adjust their // configuration to match the new configuration format changes := map[string]string{ "Multicast": "", "LinkLocal": "MulticastInterfaces", "BoxPub": "EncryptionPublicKey", "BoxPriv": "EncryptionPrivateKey", "SigPub": "SigningPublicKey", "SigPriv": "SigningPrivateKey", "AllowedBoxPubs": "AllowedEncryptionPublicKeys", } for from, to := range changes { if _, ok := dat[from]; ok { if to == "" { if !*normaliseconf { log.Println("Warning: Deprecated config option", from, "- please remove") } } else { if !*normaliseconf { log.Println("Warning: Deprecated config option", from, "- please rename to", to) } if _, ok := dat[to]; !ok { dat[to] = dat[from] } } } } if err = mapstructure.Decode(dat, &cfg); err != nil { panic(err) } if *normaliseconf { bs, err := hjson.Marshal(cfg) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Println(string(bs)) return } case *genconf: fmt.Println(doGenconf()) default: flag.PrintDefaults() } if cfg == nil { return } logger := log.New(os.Stdout, "", log.Flags()) if *pprof { runtime.SetBlockProfileRate(1) go func() { log.Println(http.ListenAndServe("localhost:6060", nil)) }() } // Setup logger.Println("Initializing...") n := node{} n.init(cfg, logger) if cfg.IfName != "none" { logger.Println("Starting TUN/TAP...") } else { logger.Println("Not starting TUN/TAP") } //n.core.DEBUG_startTun(cfg.IfName) // 1280, the smallest supported MTU n.core.DEBUG_startTunWithMTU(cfg.IfName, cfg.IfTAPMode, cfg.IfMTU) // Largest supported MTU defer func() { logger.Println("Closing...") n.core.DEBUG_stopTun() }() logger.Println("Started...") address := (*n.core.GetAddress())[:] subnet := (*n.core.GetSubnet())[:] subnet = append(subnet, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) logger.Printf("Your IPv6 address is %s", net.IP(address).String()) logger.Printf("Your IPv6 subnet is %s/64", net.IP(subnet).String()) // Catch interrupt to exit gracefully c := make(chan os.Signal, 1) signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM) // Create a function to capture the service being stopped on Windows winTerminate := func() { c <- os.Interrupt } minwinsvc.SetOnExit(winTerminate) // Wait for the terminate/interrupt signal <-c logger.Println("Stopping...") }