mirror of https://github.com/cwinfo/yggdrasil-go.git synced 2025-02-27 14:41:35 +00:00
2018-12-19 00:15:12 +00:00

111 lines
6.0 KiB

# Golang CircleCI 2.0 configuration file
# Check https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/language-go/ for more details
version: 2
- image: circleci/golang:1.11
- checkout
- run:
name: Create artifact upload directory and set variables
command: |
mkdir /tmp/upload
echo 'export CINAME=$(sh contrib/semver/name.sh)' >> $BASH_ENV
echo 'export CIVERSION=$(sh contrib/semver/version.sh --bare)' >> $BASH_ENV
git config --global user.email "$(git log --format='%ae' HEAD -1)";
git config --global user.name "$(git log --format='%an' HEAD -1)";
- run:
name: Install alien
command: |
sudo apt-get install -y alien
- run:
name: Test debug builds
command: |
./build -d
test -f yggdrasil && test -f yggdrasilctl
- run:
name: Build for Linux (including Debian packages and RPMs)
command: |
rm -f {yggdrasil,yggdrasilctl}
PKGARCH=amd64 sh contrib/deb/generate.sh && mv yggdrasil /tmp/upload/$CINAME-$CIVERSION-linux-amd64 && mv yggdrasilctl /tmp/upload/$CINAME-$CIVERSION-yggdrasilctl-linux-amd64;
PKGARCH=i386 sh contrib/deb/generate.sh && mv yggdrasil /tmp/upload/$CINAME-$CIVERSION-linux-i386 && mv yggdrasilctl /tmp/upload/$CINAME-$CIVERSION-yggdrasilctl-linux-i386;
PKGARCH=mipsel sh contrib/deb/generate.sh && mv yggdrasil /tmp/upload/$CINAME-$CIVERSION-linux-mipsel && mv yggdrasilctl /tmp/upload/$CINAME-$CIVERSION-yggdrasilctl-linux-mipsel;
PKGARCH=mips sh contrib/deb/generate.sh && mv yggdrasil /tmp/upload/$CINAME-$CIVERSION-linux-mips && mv yggdrasilctl /tmp/upload/$CINAME-$CIVERSION-yggdrasilctl-linux-mips;
PKGARCH=armhf sh contrib/deb/generate.sh && mv yggdrasil /tmp/upload/$CINAME-$CIVERSION-linux-armhf && mv yggdrasilctl /tmp/upload/$CINAME-$CIVERSION-yggdrasilctl-linux-armhf;
PKGARCH=arm64 sh contrib/deb/generate.sh && mv yggdrasil /tmp/upload/$CINAME-$CIVERSION-linux-arm64 && mv yggdrasilctl /tmp/upload/$CINAME-$CIVERSION-yggdrasilctl-linux-arm64;
sudo alien --to-rpm yggdrasil*.deb --scripts --keep-version && mv *.rpm /tmp/upload/;
mv *.deb /tmp/upload/
- run:
name: Build for macOS
command: |
rm -f {yggdrasil,yggdrasilctl}
GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 ./build && mv yggdrasil /tmp/upload/$CINAME-$CIVERSION-darwin-amd64 && mv yggdrasilctl /tmp/upload/$CINAME-$CIVERSION-yggdrasilctl-darwin-amd64;
GOOS=darwin GOARCH=386 ./build && mv yggdrasil /tmp/upload/$CINAME-$CIVERSION-darwin-i386 && mv yggdrasilctl /tmp/upload/$CINAME-$CIVERSION-yggdrasilctl-darwin-i386;
- run:
name: Build for macOS (.pkg format)
command: |
rm -rf {yggdrasil,yggdrasilctl}
GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 ./build && PKGARCH=amd64 sh contrib/macos/create-pkg.sh && mv *.pkg /tmp/upload/
GOOS=darwin GOARCH=386 ./build && PKGARCH=i386 sh contrib/macos/create-pkg.sh && mv *.pkg /tmp/upload/
- run:
name: Build for OpenBSD
command: |
rm -f {yggdrasil,yggdrasilctl}
GOOS=openbsd GOARCH=amd64 ./build && mv yggdrasil /tmp/upload/$CINAME-$CIVERSION-openbsd-amd64 && mv yggdrasilctl /tmp/upload/$CINAME-$CIVERSION-yggdrasilctl-openbsd-amd64;
GOOS=openbsd GOARCH=386 ./build && mv yggdrasil /tmp/upload/$CINAME-$CIVERSION-openbsd-i386 && mv yggdrasilctl /tmp/upload/$CINAME-$CIVERSION-yggdrasilctl-openbsd-i386;
- run:
name: Build for FreeBSD
command: |
rm -f {yggdrasil,yggdrasilctl}
GOOS=freebsd GOARCH=amd64 ./build && mv yggdrasil /tmp/upload/$CINAME-$CIVERSION-freebsd-amd64 && mv yggdrasilctl /tmp/upload/$CINAME-$CIVERSION-yggdrasilctl-freebsd-amd64;
GOOS=freebsd GOARCH=386 ./build && mv yggdrasil /tmp/upload/$CINAME-$CIVERSION-freebsd-i386 && mv yggdrasilctl /tmp/upload/$CINAME-$CIVERSION-yggdrasilctl-freebsd-i386;
- run:
name: Build for NetBSD
command: |
rm -f {yggdrasil,yggdrasilctl}
GOOS=netbsd GOARCH=amd64 ./build && mv yggdrasil /tmp/upload/$CINAME-$CIVERSION-netbsd-amd64 && mv yggdrasilctl /tmp/upload/$CINAME-$CIVERSION-yggdrasilctl-netbsd-amd64;
GOOS=netbsd GOARCH=386 ./build && mv yggdrasil /tmp/upload/$CINAME-$CIVERSION-netbsd-i386 && mv yggdrasilctl /tmp/upload/$CINAME-$CIVERSION-yggdrasilctl-netbsd-i386;
- run:
name: Build for Windows
command: |
rm -f {yggdrasil,yggdrasilctl}
GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 ./build && mv yggdrasil.exe /tmp/upload/$CINAME-$CIVERSION-windows-amd64.exe && mv yggdrasilctl.exe /tmp/upload/$CINAME-$CIVERSION-yggdrasilctl-windows-amd64.exe;
GOOS=windows GOARCH=386 ./build && mv yggdrasil.exe /tmp/upload/$CINAME-$CIVERSION-windows-i386.exe && mv yggdrasilctl.exe /tmp/upload/$CINAME-$CIVERSION-yggdrasilctl-windows-i386.exe;
- run:
name: Build for EdgeRouter
command: |
rm -f {yggdrasil,yggdrasilctl}
git clone https://github.com/neilalexander/vyatta-yggdrasil /tmp/vyatta-yggdrasil;
cd /tmp/vyatta-yggdrasil;
mv *.deb /tmp/upload;
- store_artifacts:
path: /tmp/upload
destination: /
- run:
name: Create tags (master branch only)
command: >
if [ "${CIRCLE_BRANCH}" == "master" ]; then
(git tag -a $(sh contrib/semver/version.sh) -m "Created by CircleCI" && git push --tags) || true;
echo "Only runs for master branch (this is ${CIRCLE_BRANCH})";
when: on_success