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package tuntap
import (
// This module implements crypto-key routing, similar to Wireguard, where we
// allow traffic for non-Yggdrasil ranges to be routed over Yggdrasil.
type cryptokey struct {
tun *TunAdapter
enabled atomic.Value // bool
reconfigure chan chan error
ipv4remotes []cryptokey_route
ipv6remotes []cryptokey_route
ipv4cache map[address.Address]cryptokey_route
ipv6cache map[address.Address]cryptokey_route
ipv4locals []net.IPNet
ipv6locals []net.IPNet
mutexremotes sync.RWMutex
mutexcaches sync.RWMutex
mutexlocals sync.RWMutex
type cryptokey_route struct {
subnet net.IPNet
destination crypto.BoxPubKey
// Initialise crypto-key routing. This must be done before any other CKR calls.
func (c *cryptokey) init(tun *TunAdapter) {
c.tun = tun
c.reconfigure = make(chan chan error, 1)
go func() {
for {
e := <-c.reconfigure
e <- nil
c.tun.log.Debugln("Configuring CKR...")
if err := c.configure(); err != nil {
c.tun.log.Errorln("CKR configuration failed:", err)
} else {
c.tun.log.Debugln("CKR configured")
// Configure the CKR routes - this must only ever be called from the router
// goroutine, e.g. through router.doAdmin
func (c *cryptokey) configure() error {
current := c.tun.config.GetCurrent()
// Set enabled/disabled state
// Clear out existing routes
c.ipv6remotes = make([]cryptokey_route, 0)
c.ipv4remotes = make([]cryptokey_route, 0)
// Add IPv6 routes
for ipv6, pubkey := range current.TunnelRouting.IPv6RemoteSubnets {
if err := c.addRemoteSubnet(ipv6, pubkey); err != nil {
return err
// Add IPv4 routes
for ipv4, pubkey := range current.TunnelRouting.IPv4RemoteSubnets {
if err := c.addRemoteSubnet(ipv4, pubkey); err != nil {
return err
// Clear out existing sources
c.ipv6locals = make([]net.IPNet, 0)
c.ipv4locals = make([]net.IPNet, 0)
// Add IPv6 sources
c.ipv6locals = make([]net.IPNet, 0)
for _, source := range current.TunnelRouting.IPv6LocalSubnets {
if err := c.addLocalSubnet(source); err != nil {
return err
// Add IPv4 sources
c.ipv4locals = make([]net.IPNet, 0)
for _, source := range current.TunnelRouting.IPv4LocalSubnets {
if err := c.addLocalSubnet(source); err != nil {
return err
// Wipe the caches
c.ipv4cache = make(map[address.Address]cryptokey_route, 0)
c.ipv6cache = make(map[address.Address]cryptokey_route, 0)
return nil
// Enable or disable crypto-key routing.
func (c *cryptokey) setEnabled(enabled bool) {
// Check if crypto-key routing is enabled.
func (c *cryptokey) isEnabled() bool {
enabled, ok := c.enabled.Load().(bool)
return ok && enabled
// Check whether the given address (with the address length specified in bytes)
// matches either the current node's address, the node's routed subnet or the
// list of subnets specified in ipv4locals/ipv6locals.
func (c *cryptokey) isValidLocalAddress(addr address.Address, addrlen int) bool {
defer c.mutexlocals.RUnlock()
ip := net.IP(addr[:addrlen])
if addrlen == net.IPv6len {
// Does this match our node's address?
if bytes.Equal(addr[:16], c.tun.addr[:16]) {
return true
// Does this match our node's subnet?
if bytes.Equal(addr[:8], c.tun.subnet[:8]) {
return true
// Does it match a configured CKR source?
if c.isEnabled() {
// Build our references to the routing sources
var routingsources *[]net.IPNet
// Check if the prefix is IPv4 or IPv6
if addrlen == net.IPv6len {
routingsources = &c.ipv6locals
} else if addrlen == net.IPv4len {
routingsources = &c.ipv4locals
} else {
return false
for _, subnet := range *routingsources {
if subnet.Contains(ip) {
return true
// Doesn't match any of the above
return false
// Adds a source subnet, which allows traffic with these source addresses to
// be tunnelled using crypto-key routing.
func (c *cryptokey) addLocalSubnet(cidr string) error {
defer c.mutexlocals.Unlock()
// Is the CIDR we've been given valid?
_, ipnet, err := net.ParseCIDR(cidr)
if err != nil {
return err
// Get the prefix length and size
_, prefixsize := ipnet.Mask.Size()
// Build our references to the routing sources
var routingsources *[]net.IPNet
// Check if the prefix is IPv4 or IPv6
if prefixsize == net.IPv6len*8 {
routingsources = &c.ipv6locals
} else if prefixsize == net.IPv4len*8 {
routingsources = &c.ipv4locals
} else {
return errors.New("Unexpected prefix size")
// Check if we already have this CIDR
for _, subnet := range *routingsources {
if subnet.String() == ipnet.String() {
return errors.New("Source subnet already configured")
// Add the source subnet
*routingsources = append(*routingsources, *ipnet)
c.tun.log.Infoln("Added CKR source subnet", cidr)
return nil
// Adds a destination route for the given CIDR to be tunnelled to the node
// with the given BoxPubKey.
func (c *cryptokey) addRemoteSubnet(cidr string, dest string) error {
defer c.mutexremotes.Unlock()
defer c.mutexcaches.Unlock()
// Is the CIDR we've been given valid?
ipaddr, ipnet, err := net.ParseCIDR(cidr)
if err != nil {
return err
// Get the prefix length and size
_, prefixsize := ipnet.Mask.Size()
// Build our references to the routing table and cache
var routingtable *[]cryptokey_route
var routingcache *map[address.Address]cryptokey_route
// Check if the prefix is IPv4 or IPv6
if prefixsize == net.IPv6len*8 {
routingtable = &c.ipv6remotes
routingcache = &c.ipv6cache
} else if prefixsize == net.IPv4len*8 {
routingtable = &c.ipv4remotes
routingcache = &c.ipv4cache
} else {
return errors.New("Unexpected prefix size")
// Is the route an Yggdrasil destination?
var addr address.Address
var snet address.Subnet
copy(addr[:], ipaddr)
copy(snet[:], ipnet.IP)
if addr.IsValid() || snet.IsValid() {
return errors.New("Can't specify Yggdrasil destination as crypto-key route")
// Do we already have a route for this subnet?
for _, route := range *routingtable {
if route.subnet.String() == ipnet.String() {
return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Route already exists for %s", cidr))
// Decode the public key
if bpk, err := hex.DecodeString(dest); err != nil {
return err
} else if len(bpk) != crypto.BoxPubKeyLen {
return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Incorrect key length for %s", dest))
} else {
// Add the new crypto-key route
var key crypto.BoxPubKey
copy(key[:], bpk)
*routingtable = append(*routingtable, cryptokey_route{
subnet: *ipnet,
destination: key,
// Sort so most specific routes are first
sort.Slice(*routingtable, func(i, j int) bool {
im, _ := (*routingtable)[i].subnet.Mask.Size()
jm, _ := (*routingtable)[j].subnet.Mask.Size()
return im > jm
// Clear the cache as this route might change future routing
// Setting an empty slice keeps the memory whereas nil invokes GC
for k := range *routingcache {
delete(*routingcache, k)
c.tun.log.Infoln("Added CKR destination subnet", cidr)
return nil
// Looks up the most specific route for the given address (with the address
// length specified in bytes) from the crypto-key routing table. An error is
// returned if the address is not suitable or no route was found.
func (c *cryptokey) getPublicKeyForAddress(addr address.Address, addrlen int) (crypto.BoxPubKey, error) {
// Check if the address is a valid Yggdrasil address - if so it
// is exempt from all CKR checking
if addr.IsValid() {
return crypto.BoxPubKey{}, errors.New("Cannot look up CKR for Yggdrasil addresses")
// Build our references to the routing table and cache
var routingtable *[]cryptokey_route
var routingcache *map[address.Address]cryptokey_route
// Check if the prefix is IPv4 or IPv6
if addrlen == net.IPv6len {
routingcache = &c.ipv6cache
} else if addrlen == net.IPv4len {
routingcache = &c.ipv4cache
} else {
return crypto.BoxPubKey{}, errors.New("Unexpected prefix size")
// Check if there's a cache entry for this addr
if route, ok := (*routingcache)[addr]; ok {
return route.destination, nil
defer c.mutexremotes.RUnlock()
// Check if the prefix is IPv4 or IPv6
if addrlen == net.IPv6len {
routingtable = &c.ipv6remotes
} else if addrlen == net.IPv4len {
routingtable = &c.ipv4remotes
} else {
return crypto.BoxPubKey{}, errors.New("Unexpected prefix size")
// No cache was found - start by converting the address into a net.IP
ip := make(net.IP, addrlen)
copy(ip[:addrlen], addr[:])
// Check if we have a route. At this point c.ipv6remotes should be
// pre-sorted so that the most specific routes are first
for _, route := range *routingtable {
// Does this subnet match the given IP?
if route.subnet.Contains(ip) {
defer c.mutexcaches.Unlock()
// Check if the routing cache is above a certain size, if it is evict
// a random entry so we can make room for this one. We take advantage
// of the fact that the iteration order is random here
for k := range *routingcache {
if len(*routingcache) < 1024 {
delete(*routingcache, k)
// Cache the entry for future packets to get a faster lookup
(*routingcache)[addr] = route
// Return the boxPubKey
return route.destination, nil
// No route was found if we got to this point
return crypto.BoxPubKey{}, fmt.Errorf("no route to %s", ip.String())
// Removes a source subnet, which allows traffic with these source addresses to
// be tunnelled using crypto-key routing.
func (c *cryptokey) removeLocalSubnet(cidr string) error {
defer c.mutexlocals.Unlock()
// Is the CIDR we've been given valid?
_, ipnet, err := net.ParseCIDR(cidr)
if err != nil {
return err
// Get the prefix length and size
_, prefixsize := ipnet.Mask.Size()
// Build our references to the routing sources
var routingsources *[]net.IPNet
// Check if the prefix is IPv4 or IPv6
if prefixsize == net.IPv6len*8 {
routingsources = &c.ipv6locals
} else if prefixsize == net.IPv4len*8 {
routingsources = &c.ipv4locals
} else {
return errors.New("Unexpected prefix size")
// Check if we already have this CIDR
for idx, subnet := range *routingsources {
if subnet.String() == ipnet.String() {
*routingsources = append((*routingsources)[:idx], (*routingsources)[idx+1:]...)
c.tun.log.Infoln("Removed CKR source subnet", cidr)
return nil
return errors.New("Source subnet not found")
// Removes a destination route for the given CIDR to be tunnelled to the node
// with the given BoxPubKey.
func (c *cryptokey) removeRemoteSubnet(cidr string, dest string) error {
defer c.mutexremotes.Unlock()
defer c.mutexcaches.Unlock()
// Is the CIDR we've been given valid?
_, ipnet, err := net.ParseCIDR(cidr)
if err != nil {
return err
// Get the prefix length and size
_, prefixsize := ipnet.Mask.Size()
// Build our references to the routing table and cache
var routingtable *[]cryptokey_route
var routingcache *map[address.Address]cryptokey_route
// Check if the prefix is IPv4 or IPv6
if prefixsize == net.IPv6len*8 {
routingtable = &c.ipv6remotes
routingcache = &c.ipv6cache
} else if prefixsize == net.IPv4len*8 {
routingtable = &c.ipv4remotes
routingcache = &c.ipv4cache
} else {
return errors.New("Unexpected prefix size")
// Decode the public key
bpk, err := hex.DecodeString(dest)
if err != nil {
return err
} else if len(bpk) != crypto.BoxPubKeyLen {
return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Incorrect key length for %s", dest))
netStr := ipnet.String()
for idx, route := range *routingtable {
if bytes.Equal(route.destination[:], bpk) && route.subnet.String() == netStr {
*routingtable = append((*routingtable)[:idx], (*routingtable)[idx+1:]...)
for k := range *routingcache {
delete(*routingcache, k)
c.tun.log.Infof("Removed CKR destination subnet %s via %s\n", cidr, dest)
return nil
return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Route does not exists for %s", cidr))