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synced 2025-03-29 05:33:48 +00:00

* Fixed some linter issues * Simplified isBetter method * Accept some linter suggestions * Fix typo Co-authored-by: klesomik <klesomiks@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Neil Alexander <neilalexander@users.noreply.github.com>
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package yggdrasil
import (
type link struct {
core *Core
mutex sync.RWMutex // protects interfaces below
interfaces map[linkInfo]*linkInterface
tcp tcp // TCP interface support
stopped chan struct{}
// TODO timeout (to remove from switch), read from config.ReadTimeout
type linkInfo struct {
box crypto.BoxPubKey // Their encryption key
sig crypto.SigPubKey // Their signing key
linkType string // Type of link, e.g. TCP, AWDL
local string // Local name or address
remote string // Remote name or address
type linkInterfaceMsgIO interface {
readMsg() ([]byte, error)
writeMsgs([][]byte) (int, error)
close() error
// These are temporary workarounds to stream semantics
_sendMetaBytes([]byte) error
_recvMetaBytes() ([]byte, error)
type linkInterface struct {
name string
link *link
peer *peer
options linkOptions
msgIO linkInterfaceMsgIO
info linkInfo
incoming bool
force bool
closed chan struct{}
reader linkReader // Reads packets, notifies this linkInterface, passes packets to switch
writer linkWriter // Writes packets, notifies this linkInterface
phony.Inbox // Protects the below
sendTimer *time.Timer // Fires to signal that sending is blocked
keepAliveTimer *time.Timer // Fires to send keep-alive traffic
stallTimer *time.Timer // Fires to signal that no incoming traffic (including keep-alive) has been seen
closeTimer *time.Timer // Fires when the link has been idle so long we need to close it
inSwitch bool // True if the switch is tracking this link
stalled bool // True if we haven't been receiving any response traffic
unstalled bool // False if an idle notification to the switch hasn't been sent because we stalled (or are first starting up)
type linkOptions struct {
pinnedCurve25519Keys map[crypto.BoxPubKey]struct{}
pinnedEd25519Keys map[crypto.SigPubKey]struct{}
func (l *link) init(c *Core) error {
l.core = c
l.interfaces = make(map[linkInfo]*linkInterface)
l.stopped = make(chan struct{})
if err := l.tcp.init(l); err != nil {
c.log.Errorln("Failed to start TCP interface")
return err
return nil
func (l *link) reconfigure() {
func (l *link) call(uri string, sintf string) error {
u, err := url.Parse(uri)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("peer %s is not correctly formatted (%s)", uri, err)
pathtokens := strings.Split(strings.Trim(u.Path, "/"), "/")
tcpOpts := tcpOptions{}
if pubkeys, ok := u.Query()["curve25519"]; ok && len(pubkeys) > 0 {
tcpOpts.pinnedCurve25519Keys = make(map[crypto.BoxPubKey]struct{})
for _, pubkey := range pubkeys {
if boxPub, err := hex.DecodeString(pubkey); err == nil {
var boxPubKey crypto.BoxPubKey
copy(boxPubKey[:], boxPub)
tcpOpts.pinnedCurve25519Keys[boxPubKey] = struct{}{}
if pubkeys, ok := u.Query()["ed25519"]; ok && len(pubkeys) > 0 {
tcpOpts.pinnedEd25519Keys = make(map[crypto.SigPubKey]struct{})
for _, pubkey := range pubkeys {
if sigPub, err := hex.DecodeString(pubkey); err == nil {
var sigPubKey crypto.SigPubKey
copy(sigPubKey[:], sigPub)
tcpOpts.pinnedEd25519Keys[sigPubKey] = struct{}{}
switch u.Scheme {
case "tcp":
l.tcp.call(u.Host, tcpOpts, sintf)
case "socks":
tcpOpts.socksProxyAddr = u.Host
if u.User != nil {
tcpOpts.socksProxyAuth = &proxy.Auth{}
tcpOpts.socksProxyAuth.User = u.User.Username()
tcpOpts.socksProxyAuth.Password, _ = u.User.Password()
l.tcp.call(pathtokens[0], tcpOpts, sintf)
case "tls":
tcpOpts.upgrade = l.tcp.tls.forDialer
l.tcp.call(u.Host, tcpOpts, sintf)
return errors.New("unknown call scheme: " + u.Scheme)
return nil
func (l *link) listen(uri string) error {
u, err := url.Parse(uri)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("listener %s is not correctly formatted (%s)", uri, err)
switch u.Scheme {
case "tcp":
_, err := l.tcp.listen(u.Host, nil)
return err
case "tls":
_, err := l.tcp.listen(u.Host, l.tcp.tls.forListener)
return err
return errors.New("unknown listen scheme: " + u.Scheme)
func (l *link) create(msgIO linkInterfaceMsgIO, name, linkType, local, remote string, incoming, force bool, options linkOptions) (*linkInterface, error) {
// Technically anything unique would work for names, but let's pick something human readable, just for debugging
intf := linkInterface{
name: name,
link: l,
options: options,
msgIO: msgIO,
info: linkInfo{
linkType: linkType,
local: local,
remote: remote,
incoming: incoming,
force: force,
intf.writer.intf = &intf
intf.reader.intf = &intf
intf.reader.err = make(chan error)
return &intf, nil
func (l *link) stop() error {
if err := l.tcp.stop(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (intf *linkInterface) handler() error {
// TODO split some of this into shorter functions, so it's easier to read, and for the FIXME duplicate peer issue mentioned later
myLinkPub, myLinkPriv := crypto.NewBoxKeys()
meta := version_getBaseMetadata()
meta.box = intf.link.core.boxPub
meta.sig = intf.link.core.sigPub
meta.link = *myLinkPub
metaBytes := meta.encode()
// TODO timeouts on send/recv (goroutine for send/recv, channel select w/ timer)
var err error
if !util.FuncTimeout(func() { err = intf.msgIO._sendMetaBytes(metaBytes) }, 30*time.Second) {
return errors.New("timeout on metadata send")
if err != nil {
return err
if !util.FuncTimeout(func() { metaBytes, err = intf.msgIO._recvMetaBytes() }, 30*time.Second) {
return errors.New("timeout on metadata recv")
if err != nil {
return err
meta = version_metadata{}
if !meta.decode(metaBytes) || !meta.check() {
return errors.New("failed to decode metadata")
base := version_getBaseMetadata()
if meta.ver > base.ver || meta.ver == base.ver && meta.minorVer > base.minorVer {
intf.link.core.log.Errorln("Failed to connect to node: " + intf.name + " version: " + fmt.Sprintf("%d.%d", meta.ver, meta.minorVer))
return errors.New("failed to connect: wrong version")
// Check if the remote side matches the keys we expected. This is a bit of a weak
// check - in future versions we really should check a signature or something like that.
if pinned := intf.options.pinnedCurve25519Keys; pinned != nil {
if _, allowed := pinned[meta.box]; !allowed {
intf.link.core.log.Errorf("Failed to connect to node: %q sent curve25519 key that does not match pinned keys", intf.name)
return fmt.Errorf("failed to connect: host sent curve25519 key that does not match pinned keys")
if pinned := intf.options.pinnedEd25519Keys; pinned != nil {
if _, allowed := pinned[meta.sig]; !allowed {
intf.link.core.log.Errorf("Failed to connect to node: %q sent ed25519 key that does not match pinned keys", intf.name)
return fmt.Errorf("failed to connect: host sent ed25519 key that does not match pinned keys")
// Check if we're authorized to connect to this key / IP
if intf.incoming && !intf.force && !intf.link.core.peers.isAllowedEncryptionPublicKey(&meta.box) {
intf.link.core.log.Warnf("%s connection from %s forbidden: AllowedEncryptionPublicKeys does not contain key %s",
strings.ToUpper(intf.info.linkType), intf.info.remote, hex.EncodeToString(meta.box[:]))
return nil
// Check if we already have a link to this node
intf.info.box = meta.box
intf.info.sig = meta.sig
if oldIntf, isIn := intf.link.interfaces[intf.info]; isIn {
// FIXME we should really return an error and let the caller block instead
// That lets them do things like close connections on its own, avoid printing a connection message in the first place, etc.
intf.link.core.log.Debugln("DEBUG: found existing interface for", intf.name)
if !intf.incoming {
// Block outgoing connection attempts until the existing connection closes
return nil
intf.closed = make(chan struct{})
intf.link.interfaces[intf.info] = intf
defer func() {
delete(intf.link.interfaces, intf.info)
intf.link.core.log.Debugln("DEBUG: registered interface for", intf.name)
// Create peer
shared := crypto.GetSharedKey(myLinkPriv, &meta.link)
intf.peer = intf.link.core.peers.newPeer(&meta.box, &meta.sig, shared, intf, func() { intf.msgIO.close() })
if intf.peer == nil {
return errors.New("failed to create peer")
defer func() {
// More cleanup can go here
intf.peer.out = func(msgs [][]byte) {
intf.writer.sendFrom(intf.peer, msgs, false)
intf.peer.linkOut = func(bs []byte) {
intf.writer.sendFrom(intf.peer, [][]byte{bs}, true)
themAddr := address.AddrForNodeID(crypto.GetNodeID(&intf.info.box))
themAddrString := net.IP(themAddr[:]).String()
themString := fmt.Sprintf("%s@%s", themAddrString, intf.info.remote)
intf.link.core.log.Infof("Connected %s: %s, source %s",
strings.ToUpper(intf.info.linkType), themString, intf.info.local)
// Start things
go intf.peer.start()
intf.reader.Act(nil, intf.reader._read)
// Wait for the reader to finish
// TODO find a way to do this without keeping live goroutines around
done := make(chan struct{})
defer close(done)
go func() {
select {
case <-intf.link.stopped:
case <-done:
err = <-intf.reader.err
// TODO don't report an error if it's just a 'use of closed network connection'
if err != nil {
intf.link.core.log.Infof("Disconnected %s: %s, source %s; error: %s",
strings.ToUpper(intf.info.linkType), themString, intf.info.local, err)
} else {
intf.link.core.log.Infof("Disconnected %s: %s, source %s",
strings.ToUpper(intf.info.linkType), themString, intf.info.local)
return err
const (
sendTime = 1 * time.Second // How long to wait before deciding a send is blocked
keepAliveTime = 2 * time.Second // How long to wait before sending a keep-alive response if we have no real traffic to send
stallTime = 6 * time.Second // How long to wait for response traffic before deciding the connection has stalled
closeTime = 2 * switch_timeout // How long to wait before closing the link
// notify the intf that we're currently sending
func (intf *linkInterface) notifySending(size int, isLinkTraffic bool) {
intf.Act(&intf.writer, func() {
if !isLinkTraffic {
intf.inSwitch = false
intf.sendTimer = time.AfterFunc(sendTime, intf.notifyBlockedSend)
// called by an AfterFunc if we seem to be blocked in a send syscall for a long time
func (intf *linkInterface) _notifySyscall() {
intf.link.core.switchTable.Act(intf, func() {
// we just sent something, so cancel any pending timer to send keep-alive traffic
func (intf *linkInterface) _cancelStallTimer() {
if intf.stallTimer != nil {
intf.stallTimer = nil
// This gets called from a time.AfterFunc, and notifies the switch that we appear
// to have gotten blocked on a write, so the switch should start routing traffic
// through other links, if alternatives exist
func (intf *linkInterface) notifyBlockedSend() {
intf.Act(nil, func() {
if intf.sendTimer != nil {
//As far as we know, we're still trying to send, and the timer fired.
// notify the intf that we've finished sending, returning the peer to the switch
func (intf *linkInterface) notifySent(size int, isLinkTraffic bool) {
intf.Act(&intf.writer, func() {
intf.sendTimer = nil
if !isLinkTraffic {
if size > 0 && intf.stallTimer == nil {
intf.stallTimer = time.AfterFunc(stallTime, intf.notifyStalled)
// Notify the switch that we're ready for more traffic, assuming we're not in a stalled state
func (intf *linkInterface) _notifySwitch() {
if !intf.inSwitch {
if intf.stalled {
intf.unstalled = false
} else {
intf.inSwitch = true
intf.link.core.switchTable.Act(intf, func() {
// Set the peer as stalled, to prevent them from returning to the switch until a read succeeds
func (intf *linkInterface) notifyStalled() {
intf.Act(nil, func() { // Sent from a time.AfterFunc
if intf.stallTimer != nil {
intf.stallTimer = nil
intf.stalled = true
// reset the close timer
func (intf *linkInterface) notifyReading() {
intf.Act(&intf.reader, func() {
if intf.closeTimer != nil {
intf.closeTimer = time.AfterFunc(closeTime, func() { intf.msgIO.close() })
// wake up the link if it was stalled, and (if size > 0) prepare to send keep-alive traffic
func (intf *linkInterface) notifyRead(size int) {
intf.Act(&intf.reader, func() {
if intf.stallTimer != nil {
intf.stallTimer = nil
intf.stalled = false
if !intf.unstalled {
intf.unstalled = true
if size > 0 && intf.stallTimer == nil {
intf.stallTimer = time.AfterFunc(keepAliveTime, intf.notifyDoKeepAlive)
// We need to send keep-alive traffic now
func (intf *linkInterface) notifyDoKeepAlive() {
intf.Act(nil, func() { // Sent from a time.AfterFunc
if intf.stallTimer != nil {
intf.stallTimer = nil
intf.writer.sendFrom(nil, [][]byte{nil}, true) // Empty keep-alive traffic
type linkWriter struct {
intf *linkInterface
func (w *linkWriter) sendFrom(from phony.Actor, bss [][]byte, isLinkTraffic bool) {
w.Act(from, func() {
var size int
for _, bs := range bss {
size += len(bs)
w.intf.notifySending(size, isLinkTraffic)
// start a timer that will fire if we get stuck in writeMsgs for an oddly long time
var once sync.Once
timer := time.AfterFunc(time.Millisecond, func() {
// 1 ms is kind of arbitrary
// the rationale is that this should be very long compared to a syscall
// but it's still short compared to end-to-end latency or human perception
once.Do(func() {
w.intf.Act(nil, w.intf._notifySyscall)
// Make sure we either stop the timer from doing anything or wait until it's done
once.Do(func() { timer.Stop() })
w.intf.notifySent(size, isLinkTraffic)
// Cleanup
for _, bs := range bss {
type linkReader struct {
intf *linkInterface
err chan error
func (r *linkReader) _read() {
msg, err := r.intf.msgIO.readMsg()
if len(msg) > 0 {
r.intf.peer.handlePacketFrom(r, msg)
if err != nil {
if err != io.EOF {
r.err <- err
// Now try to read again
r.Act(nil, r._read)