{% extends "base.html" %} {% block content %}

About fc00

fc00 is a project that aims to demystify what Hyperboria network is like. Currently the only thing we have here is a map of the network. The full source code is at GitHub.

Network map

The network page has a map of Hyperboria as it is now. The map is not complete since it is hard/impossible to get a full picture of the network. A rough estimate is that at least half of the nodes are pictured here, probably more. The nodes and links that are shown on the page are very likely to exist but this should not be taken as a guarantee.

Node names

For now, node names are assigned manually. You can submit Pull Request to nodedb if you want to have your node named. In future this will be replaced by some reverse DNS system.


fc00 was orginally created by Randati. fc00 is currently run by zielmicha. If you have something to say or you would like to help, contact him via michal@zielinscy.org.pl.

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