#!/usr/bin/env python from conf_sh import * import sys sys.path.append(cjdns_path + '/contrib/python/cjdnsadmin/') import adminTools as admin from collections import deque import pygraphviz as pgv import json import time import httplib2 class Node: def __init__(self, ip): self.ip = ip self.version = -1 self.label = ip[-4:] def __lt__(self, b): return self.ip < b.ip class Edge: def __init__(self, a, b): self.a, self.b = sorted([a, b]) all_nodes = dict() all_edges = [] these_nodes = dict() these_edges = [] def add_node(node): if not node in all_nodes: all_nodes[node.ip] = node if not node in these_nodes: these_nodes[node.ip] = node def add_edge(e): all_edges.append(e) these_edges.append(e) def has_edge(a, b): a, b = sorted([a, b]) for e in these_edges: if e.a.ip == a and e.b.ip == b: return True return False for port in range(rpc_firstport, rpc_firstport + num_of_nodes): print port, these_nodes = dict() these_edges = [] cjdns = admin.connect(rpc_connect, port, rpc_pw) root = admin.whoami(cjdns) rootIP = root['IP'] print rootIP add_node(Node(rootIP)) nodes = deque() nodes.append(rootIP) while len(nodes) != 0: parentIP = nodes.popleft() resp = cjdns.NodeStore_nodeForAddr(parentIP) numLinks = 0 if 'result' in resp: link = resp['result'] if 'linkCount' in link: numLinks = int(resp['result']['linkCount']) all_nodes[parentIP].version = resp['result']['protocolVersion'] for i in range(0, numLinks): resp = cjdns.NodeStore_getLink(parentIP, i) childLink = resp['result'] if not 'child' in childLink: print 'No child' continue childIP = childLink['child'] # Check to see if its one hop away from parent node if childLink['isOneHop'] != 1: continue # If its a new node then we want to follow it if not childIP in these_nodes: add_node(Node(childIP)) nodes.append(childIP) # If there is not a link between the nodes we should put one there if not has_edge(childIP, parentIP): add_edge(Edge(these_nodes[childIP], these_nodes[parentIP])) # cjdns.disconnect() print (len(these_nodes), len(these_edges)) # print 'Number of nodes:', G.number_of_nodes() # print 'Number of edges:', G.number_of_edges() print "Total", (len(all_nodes), len(all_edges)) G = pgv.AGraph(strict=True, directed=False, size='10!') for n in all_nodes.values(): G.add_node(n.ip, label=n.label, version=n.version) for e in all_edges: G.add_edge(e.a.ip, e.b.ip, len=1.0) G.layout(prog='neato', args='-Gepsilon=0.0001 -Gmaxiter=100000') # neato, fdp, dot max_neighbors = 0 for n in G.iternodes(): neighbors = len(G.neighbors(n)) if neighbors > max_neighbors: max_neighbors = neighbors print 'Max neighbors:', max_neighbors def download_node_names(): print "Downloading names" page = 'http://[fc5d:baa5:61fc:6ffd:9554:67f0:e290:7535]/nodes/list.json' ip_dict = dict() h = httplib2.Http(".cache", timeout=15.0) try: r, content = h.request(page, "GET") nameip = json.loads(content)['nodes'] for node in nameip: ip_dict[node['ip']] = node['name'] print "Names downloaded" except Exception as e: print "Connection to Mikey's nodelist failed, continuing without names", e return ip_dict node_names = download_node_names() def gradient_color(ratio, colors): jump = 1.0 / (len(colors) - 1) gap_num = int(ratio / (jump + 0.0000001)) a = colors[gap_num] b = colors[gap_num + 1] ratio = (ratio - gap_num * jump) * (len(colors) - 1) r = a[0] + (b[0] - a[0]) * ratio g = a[1] + (b[1] - a[1]) * ratio b = a[2] + (b[2] - a[2]) * ratio return '#%02x%02x%02x' % (r, g, b) out_data = { 'created': int(time.time()), 'nodes': [], 'edges': [] } for n in G.iternodes(): neighbor_ratio = len(G.neighbors(n)) / float(max_neighbors) pos = n.attr['pos'].split(',', 1) try: name = node_names[n.name] except: name = n.attr['label'] out_data['nodes'].append({ 'id': n.name, 'label': name, 'version': n.attr['version'], 'x': float(pos[0]), 'y': float(pos[1]), # 'color': gradient_color(neighbor_ratio, [(255,60,20), (23,255,84), (41,187,255)]), 'color': gradient_color(neighbor_ratio, [(100, 100, 100), (0, 0, 0)]), # 'color': gradient_color(neighbor_ratio, [(255, 255, 255), (255, 0 ,255)]), 'size': neighbor_ratio }) # '#29BBFF', '#17FF54', '#FFBD0F', '#FF3C14', '#590409' for e in G.iteredges(): out_data['edges'].append({ 'sourceID': e[0], 'targetID': e[1] }) json_output = json.dumps(out_data) f = open(graph_output, 'w') f.write(json_output) f.close()