--- tags: dontlink sitemap: true --- # Installing on Debian, Ubuntu, elementaryOS, Linux Mint and similar **These instructions apply to any Debian-based distribution with `systemd`.** Yggdrasil is supported on Debian Linux. Debian binary packages exist to simplify the installation of Yggdrasil. These will also work on any Debian-based distribution, e.g. elementaryOS. ## Package install from the S3 repository On some platforms, e.g. Raspberry Pi, you may need to start by installing `dirmngr` if it is not already available: ``` sudo apt-get install dirmngr ``` Then import the repository key to your `gpg` keyring and export it to your `apt` keyring: ``` sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/apt-keys gpg --fetch-keys https://neilalexander.s3.dualstack.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/deb/key.txt gpg --export 569130E8CA20FBC4CB3FDE555898470A764B32C9 | sudo tee /usr/local/apt-keys/yggdrasil-keyring.gpg > /dev/null ``` Add the repository into your `apt` sources: ``` echo 'deb [signed-by=/usr/local/apt-keys/yggdrasil-keyring.gpg] http://neilalexander.s3.dualstack.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/deb/ debian yggdrasil' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yggdrasil.list sudo apt-get update ``` **Note**: The repository also works over HTTPS - you will need to `sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https` and then edit the above URL so that it starts with `https://` instead of `http://` in `/etc/apt/sources.list.d/yggdrasil.list`. Install Yggdrasil: ``` sudo apt-get install yggdrasil ``` Configuration will be generated automatically into `/etc/yggdrasil.conf` when the package is installed, and the Yggdrasil service will automatically be installed into `systemd`. Enable and start the service after install/upgrade: ``` sudo systemctl enable yggdrasil sudo systemctl start yggdrasil ``` ## One-off package install from CircleCI Visit our [Builds](builds.md) page and download the relevant `.deb` file, then install it on your system. If you want to install the latest `.deb` from the `master` branch: ``` curl -so- "https://circleci.com/api/v1.1/project/github/yggdrasil-network/yggdrasil-go/latest/artifacts?branch=master&filter=successful" | \ egrep -o "https.*yggdrasil\-.*$(dpkg --print-architecture).deb" | \ while read line; do curl -O $line && dpkg -i $(basename $line); done ``` Configuration will be generated automatically into `/etc/yggdrasil.conf` when the package is installed, and the Yggdrasil service will automatically be installed into systemd and started. ### Making configuration changes Modify the `/etc/yggdrasil.conf` file and then either reload the config: ``` systemctl reload yggdrasil ``` ... or restart the Yggdrasil daemon altogether: ``` systemctl restart yggdrasil ``` ## After installation Read the [Linux platform page](configuration.md) page for further information about Linux platform support.