# Platforms ## Linux - Should work out of the box on most Linux distributions with `iproute2` installed. - systemd service scripts are included in the `contrib/systemd/` folder so that it runs automatically in the background (using `/etc/yggdrasil.conf` for configuration), copy the service files into `/etc/systemd/system`, copy `yggdrasil` into your `$PATH`, i.e. `/usr/bin`, and then enable the service: ``` systemctl enable yggdrasil systemctl start yggdrasil ``` - Once installed as a systemd service, you can read the `yggdrasil` output: ``` systemctl status yggdrasil journalctl -u yggdrasil ``` ## macOS - Tested and working out of the box on macOS 10.13 High Sierra. - May work in theory on any macOS version with `utun` support (which was added in macOS 10.7 Lion), although this is untested at present. - TAP mode is not supported on macOS. ## FreeBSD, NetBSD - Works in TAP mode, but currently doesn't work in TUN mode. - You may need to create the TAP adapter first if it doesn't already exist, i.e. `ifconfig tap0 create`. ## OpenBSD - Works in TAP mode, but currently doesn't work in TUN mode. - You may need to create the TAP adapter first if it doesn't already exist, i.e. `ifconfig tap0 create`. - OpenBSD is not capable of listening on both IPv4 and IPv6 at the same time on the same socket (unlike FreeBSD and NetBSD). This affects the `Listen` and `AdminListen` configuration options. You will need to set `Listen` and `AdminListen` to use either an IPv4 or an IPv6 address. - You may consider using [relayd](https://man.openbsd.org/relayd.8) to allow incoming Yggdrasil connections on both IPv4 and IPv6 simultaneously. ## Windows - Tested and working on Windows 7 and Windows 10, and should work on any recent versions of Windows, but it depends on the [OpenVPN TAP driver](https://openvpn.net/index.php/open-source/downloads.html) being installed first. - Has been proven to work with both the [NDIS 5](https://swupdate.openvpn.org/community/releases/tap-windows-9.9.2_3.exe) (`tap-windows-9.9.2_3`) driver and the [NDIS 6](https://swupdate.openvpn.org/community/releases/tap-windows-9.21.2.exe) (`tap-windows-9.21.2`) driver, however there are substantial performance issues with the NDIS 6 driver therefore it is recommended to use the NDIS 5 driver instead. - Be aware that connectivity issues can occur on Windows if multiple IPv6 addresses from the `fd00::/8` prefix are assigned to the TAP interface. If this happens, then you may need to manually remove the old/unused addresses from the interface (though the code has a workaround in place to do this automatically in some cases). - TUN mode is not supported on Windows. - Yggdrasil can be installed as a Windows service so that it runs automatically in the background. From an Administrator Command Prompt: ``` sc create yggdrasil binpath= "\"C:\path\to\yggdrasil.exe\" -useconffile \"C:\path\to\yggdrasil.conf\"" sc config yggdrasil displayname= "Yggdrasil Service" sc config yggdrasil start= "auto" sc start yggdrasil ``` - Alternatively, if you want the service to autoconfigure instead of using an `yggdrasil.conf`, replace the `sc create` line from above with: ``` sc create yggdrasil binpath= "\"C:\path\to\yggdrasil.exe\" -autoconf" ``` ## EdgeRouter - Tested and working on the EdgeRouter X, using the [vyatta-yggdrasil](https://github.com/neilalexander/vyatta-yggdrasil) wrapper package.