--- tags: dontlink sitemap: true --- # Services The following services are available on the Yggdrasil network, courtesy of our community users. If you host a service on the Yggdrasil network, please feel free to [open a pull request](https://github.com/yggdrasil-network/yggdrasil-network.github.io/edit/master/services.md) to list it here. ---- ## Hosting ### Linux containers - LXD containers hosted on HP ProLiant DL360 Gen9 hardware (dual Xeon E5-2603v3, 128GB RAM, RAID6) at `201:4541:2f84:1188:59ab:e8dd:48a8:d40c` - Comes with a native routed Yggdrasil IPv6 address, and a specific allocation of resources based on requirements - Containers can reach the Internet on request through a VPN internet provider - Contact [neilalexander](https://matrix.to/#/@neilalexander:matrix.org) if you'd like a container to host interesting services on the Yggdrasil network ---- ### Clearnet Tunnel Service - Automated GRE over Yggdrasil service for clearnet IPv4 access: - Accessible at http://[301:a003:3f0f:1aa0::1001]/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=ygre:howto - Proxy to Internet, Tor and I2P networks: - Web page: `http://[324:9de3:fea4:f6ac::ace]/` ## Websites ### Search - [YaCy](http://[301:4541:2f84:1188:216:3eff:fe38:cefc]:8090/) - an internal search engine. - Accessible via Yggdrasil at `http://[301:4541:2f84:1188:216:3eff:fe38:cefc]:8090/`. ### Wikis - [Internal Yggdrasil wiki](http://[203:e0b0:ec08:4e1f:f004:19a9:577a:90ba]/wiki/) run by Jeff at `http://[203:e0b0:ec08:4e1f:f004:19a9:577a:90ba]/wiki/` - [HowtoYgg](http://[300:529f:150c:eafe::6]/doku.php) - Yggdrasil User Guide run by newbie. Russian language and other. - Accessible via Yggdrasil at `http://[300:529f:150c:eafe::6]/doku.php` ### Forums - [RAMBLE](http://[200:718d:c499:3fce:c5e:65c6:73d6:f46d]/) A reddit-like site bridging services from the clearnet, Yggdrasil, TOR, and I2P. Interact with the community through the network of your choice. Privacy and simplicty focused. - [LoFi Forum](http://[320:bfe2:bf50:3c25::f]/) run by zhoreeq at `http://[320:bfe2:bf50:3c25::f]/`. Russian and English languages. ---- ## IRC ### benisnet - Yggdrasil channel is `#yggdrasil` - cathugger's node via Yggdrasil at `201:4806:21d5:c971:407f:4ea9:4d7d:e491` port `6667` (TCP) - Jeff's node via Yggdrasil at `203:e0b0:ec08:4e1f:f004:19a9:577a:90ba` port `6667` (TCP) ### Umbrellix - Main channel is `#lounge` - Accessible via Yggdrasil at `202:8fb5:1490:594d:7e29:98fd:8d79:953f` ports `194` (TCP), `994` (TCP+SSL), `6667` (TCP), `6697` (TCP+SSL) - Accessible via cjdns at `fcda:c930:1c80:ef8a:4fb:6c65:8506:1dd2` ports `194` (TCP), `994` (TCP+SSL), `6667` (TCP), `6697` (TCP+SSL) - It's preferred that you act like you're just another random clearnetter - Umbrellix is primarily a clearnet IRC network ### BunkerTreff - primarily english/german IRC Network - Main channel is #general - Accessible via Yggdrasil at 202:4768:121:63c1:418f:d523:3826:a0d5 ports 6667 (TCP) ### PirateIRC - `y.irc.pirateirc.net` accessible via Yggdrasil at `201:677d:1809:c5eb:202a:d39:e598:305` port `6697` (TCP+SSL) ### ILITA IRC - Primarily russian IRC network of users and developers of meshnets and overlay networks (like I2P) - English is fine too - Accessible via Yggdrasil at `324:9de3:fea4:f6ac::41` port `6667` (TCP) - Accessible via I2P at `irc.acetone.i2p` port `6667` (TCP) - Accessible via Yggdrasil web interface at `http://[324:9de3:fea4:f6ac::41]/` - Accessible via Tor web interface at `http://ilitafrzzgxymv6umx2ux7kbz3imyeko6cnqkvy4nisjjj4qpqkrptid.onion/` - Join `#en` for english discussions ### ED12 IRC - `y.kaotisk-hund.tk` is accessible via Yggdrasil at `202:68fd:1f72:8505:74d6:b751:29ce:b5bb` port `6667` (TCP) - Main channel is `#general` - Other channels can be listed with description as their topic - Also accessible via cjdns at `fc42:7cfa:b830:e988:f192:717f:6576:ed12` port `6667` (TCP) ### BonoboNET - Main channel is `#general` - Other notable channels are `#networking` and `#programming` - `/list` will list them all - Accessible via the public internet at `` port `9006` - Or on yggdrasil at `200:f8fd:8493:cf13:618b:6684:6964:f00b` port `6667` - Or on CRXN at `` port `6667` - On yggdrasil at `200:c2a4:4104:ce7b:c778:46ef:e914:96bf` port `6667` - Or on CRXN at `` port `6667` - On yggdrasil at `200:c307:591a:fc3e:66e9:a5c1:85b2:edc6` port `6667` - On yggdrasil at `201:cb93:9864:4f8c:d2d7:264b:6fe:ba73` port `6667` - On yggdrasil at `200:a4df:d66c:3f3a:b551:5224:c32f:cf8d` port `6667` - On yggdrasil at `200:74e1:ddb:836b:8d46:6478:be06:8ff7` port `6667` - Or on cjdns at `fcc6:30a9:c8c6:49b4:58e5:b320:b312:58d7` port `6667` - Or on CRXN at `` port `6667` - More information can be found at the [BonoboNET homepage](http://[205:e59c:110d:4c0e:c3af:10df:3d56:41f3]/projects/bonobonet/) - we're using NGIRCD and open to peering ---- ## XMPP ### infradian.icu and ultradian.club - `infradian.icu` and `ultradian.club`, run by [Umbrellix](http://yww.umbrellix.net/contact/) - The SRV record `_xmpp-server._tcp` for all of the relevant subdomains has a domain that points to `202:8fb5:1490:594d:7e29:98fd:8d79:953f` at priority 1, and the clearnet machine which that represents at priority 2 (so that clearnet XMPPers/Snikketers/Jabberers will be able to message you if you are on infradian or ultradian) - The SRV record `_xmpp-client._tcp` for @ only has the domain which points to `202:8fb5:1490:594d:7e29:98fd:8d79:953f`. There is a non-obvious way to connect over clearnet, which will not be disclosed here. - HTTP upload, unlike on the other domain Umbrellix has which is clearnet-based, is disabled. ---- ## API ### Yggdrasil Network Data - [y.yakamo.org API](http://y.yakamo.org:3000/) network research & map view of the network: - [Current Nodes](http://[301:4541:2f84:1188:216:3eff:feb6:65a3]:3000/current) - [Discovered NodeInfo](http://[301:4541:2f84:1188:216:3eff:feb6:65a3]:3000/nodeinfo) ### Network Maps - [Arceliar's Interactive Network Map](http://[21f:dd73:7cdb:773b:a924:7ec0:800b:221e]) - [y.yakamo.org Static World Map](http://[301:4541:2f84:1188:216:3eff:feb6:65a3]:3000/static/map.png) ### IPv6 address information - http://[300:aa35:f9c1:dcce::2]/ ---- ## BitTorrent - [neilalexander](https://matrix.to/#/@neilalexander:matrix.org)'s public tracker available at `http://tracker.y.neilalexander.eu:6969/announce` or `http://[301:4541:2f84:1188:216:3eff:fe34:ec44]:6969/announce` - Jeff's public tracker available at `udp://[203:e0b0:ec08:4e1f:f004:19a9:577a:90ba]:6969` (with a [stats page](http://[203:e0b0:ec08:4e1f:f004:19a9:577a:90ba]:6969/stats)) ---- ## IPFS - [neilalexander](https://matrix.to/#/@neilalexander:matrix.org)'s IPFS gateway is available at `http://ipfs.y.neilalexander.eu/ipfs/` ([test link](http://ipfs.y.neilalexander.eu/ipfs/QmZiSAYkU7gZtqYeZWL21yuwgFtRnJu1JjDzR6Qd2qdDBr/)) ### IPFS Bootstrap Swarm - Irvine, CA Based Server Boostrap Node hosted by @KylerChin `/ip6/202:d0ca:a9d7:b4e8:bd3c:ffde:5c89:a3d7/tcp/4001/ipfs/QmZEiPvrfZHapq4uiyTDEcR2szCUhDnjdS4q3Uv2b1Uh88` ---- ## WebIndexP2P ### General Sherman Tree - `ws://[200:e990:4450:8c75:e842:4159:1266:fb18]:9472` ---- ## Gopher Holes ### Umbrellix Gopher - `gopher-y.umbrellix.net` or `202:8fb5:1490:594d:7e29:98fd:8d79:953f` - Hole not updated with details of Yggdrasil, yet. ---- ## Direct Connect - bepis DC-hub run by *Jeff* `adc://[203:e0b0:ec08:4e1f:f004:19a9:577a:90ba]:1511` ---- ## [iPerf3](https://iperf.fr) - `iperf3 -6 -c y.thingylabs.io` on [ygg.thingylabs.io](https://ygg.thingylabs.io/) - Link: 10 GBit - Location: Nuremberg, Germany --- ### Hidden Murmur Mumble server is accessible from Yggdrasil, Tor and I2P. Run by acetone. - `324:9de3:fea4:f6ac::cafe`, port `64738` - Web page: - Yggdrasil: `http://[324:9de3:fea4:f6ac::cafe]/` - Tor: `http://z2tg7kdh4yuade6ahvgz2hmu2vbey6alkfhbildeqphgola6zm7it7ad.onion/` - I2P: `http://plpu63ftpi5wdr42ew7thndoyaclrjqmcmngu2az4tahfqtfjoxa.b32.i2p/` ----