Simple bridge between mattermost and IRC. Uses the in/outgoing webhooks.
Relays public channel messages between mattermost and IRC.
Requires mattermost 1.2.0+
There is also [matterbridge-plus] ( which uses the mattermost API and needs a dedicated user (bot). But requires no incoming/outgoing webhook setup.
Binaries can be found [here] (
Go 1.6+ is required. Make sure you have Go properly installed, including setting up your [GOPATH] (
go get
You should now have matterbridge binary in the bin directory:
$ ls bin/
- Copy the matterbridge.conf.sample to matterbridge.conf in the same directory as the matterbridge binary.
- Edit matterbridge.conf with the settings for your environment. See below for more config information.
- Now you can run matterbridge.
Usage of ./matterbridge:
-conf string
config file (default "matterbridge.conf")
enable debug
running using API instead of webhooks
show version
Matterbridge will:
- start a webserver listening on the port specified in the configuration.
- connect to specified irc server and channel.
- send messages from mattermost to irc and vice versa, messages in mattermost will appear with irc-nick
matterbridge looks for matterbridge.conf in current directory. (use -conf to specify another file)
Look at [matterbridge.conf.sample] ( for an example.
You'll have to configure the incoming en outgoing webhooks.
incoming webhooks Go to "account settings" - integrations - "incoming webhooks".
Choose a channel at "Add a new incoming webhook", this will create a webhook URL right below.
This URL should be set in the matterbridge.conf in the [mattermost] section (see above) -
outgoing webhooks Go to "account settings" - integrations - "outgoing webhooks".
Choose a channel (the same as the one from incoming webhooks) and fill in the address and port of the server matterbridge will run on.
e.g. (9999 is the port specified in [mattermost] section of matterbridge.conf)