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synced 2025-03-10 07:41:32 +00:00
Merge branch 'improve-saml-support'
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import json
import requests
import hashlib
import ipaddress
import os
from app import app
from distutils.version import StrictVersion
@ -244,10 +245,12 @@ def init_saml_auth(req):
settings['sp']['NameIDFormat'] = idp_data.get('sp', {}).get('NameIDFormat', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:unspecified')
settings['sp']['entityId'] = app.config['SAML_SP_ENTITY_ID']
cert = open(CERT_FILE, "r").readlines()
key = open(KEY_FILE, "r").readlines()
settings['sp']['privateKey'] = "".join(key)
settings['sp']['x509cert'] = "".join(cert)
if os.path.isfile(CERT_FILE):
cert = open(CERT_FILE, "r").readlines()
settings['sp']['x509cert'] = "".join(cert)
if os.path.isfile(KEY_FILE):
key = open(KEY_FILE, "r").readlines()
settings['sp']['privateKey'] = "".join(key)
settings['sp']['assertionConsumerService'] = {}
settings['sp']['assertionConsumerService']['binding'] = 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST'
settings['sp']['assertionConsumerService']['url'] = own_url+'/saml/authorized'
@ -273,7 +276,7 @@ def init_saml_auth(req):
settings['security']['nameIdEncrypted'] = False
settings['security']['signMetadata'] = True
settings['security']['wantAssertionsSigned'] = True
settings['security']['wantMessagesSigned'] = True
settings['security']['wantMessagesSigned'] = app.config.get('SAML_WANT_MESSAGE_SIGNED', True)
settings['security']['wantNameIdEncrypted'] = False
settings['contactPerson'] = {}
settings['contactPerson']['support'] = {}
@ -293,27 +293,42 @@ def saml_authorized():
email_attribute_name = app.config.get('SAML_ATTRIBUTE_EMAIL', 'email')
givenname_attribute_name = app.config.get('SAML_ATTRIBUTE_GIVENNAME', 'givenname')
surname_attribute_name = app.config.get('SAML_ATTRIBUTE_SURNAME', 'surname')
name_attribute_name = app.config.get('SAML_ATTRIBUTE_NAME', None)
account_attribute_name = app.config.get('SAML_ATTRIBUTE_ACCOUNT', None)
admin_attribute_name = app.config.get('SAML_ATTRIBUTE_ADMIN', None)
group_attribute_name = app.config.get('SAML_ATTRIBUTE_GROUP', None)
admin_group_name = app.config.get('SAML_GROUP_ADMIN_NAME', None)
group_to_account_mapping = create_group_to_account_mapping()
if email_attribute_name in session['samlUserdata']:
user.email = session['samlUserdata'][email_attribute_name][0].lower()
if givenname_attribute_name in session['samlUserdata']:
user.firstname = session['samlUserdata'][givenname_attribute_name][0]
if surname_attribute_name in session['samlUserdata']:
user.lastname = session['samlUserdata'][surname_attribute_name][0]
if admin_attribute_name:
if name_attribute_name in session['samlUserdata']:
name = session['samlUserdata'][name_attribute_name][0].split(' ')
user.firstname = name[0]
user.lastname = ' '.join(name[1:])
if group_attribute_name:
user_groups = session['samlUserdata'].get(group_attribute_name, [])
user_groups = []
if admin_attribute_name or group_attribute_name:
user_accounts = set(user.get_account())
saml_accounts = []
for group_mapping in group_to_account_mapping:
mapping = group_mapping.split('=')
group = mapping[0]
account_name = mapping[1]
if group in user_groups:
account = handle_account(account_name)
for account_name in session['samlUserdata'].get(account_attribute_name, []):
clean_name = ''.join(c for c in account_name.lower() if c in "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789")
if len(clean_name) > Account.name.type.length:
logging.error("Account name {0} too long. Truncated.".format(clean_name))
account = Account.query.filter_by(name=clean_name).first()
if not account:
account = Account(name=clean_name.lower(), description='', contact='', mail='')
history = History(msg='Account {0} created'.format(account.name), created_by='SAML Assertion')
account = handle_account(account_name)
saml_accounts = set(saml_accounts)
for account in saml_accounts - user_accounts:
@ -324,17 +339,13 @@ def saml_authorized():
history = History(msg='Removing {0} from account {1}'.format(user.username, account.name), created_by='SAML Assertion')
if admin_attribute_name:
if 'true' in session['samlUserdata'].get(admin_attribute_name, []):
admin_role = Role.query.filter_by(name='Administrator').first().id
if user.role_id != admin_role:
user.role_id = admin_role
history = History(msg='Promoting {0} to administrator'.format(user.username), created_by='SAML Assertion')
user_role = Role.query.filter_by(name='User').first().id
if user.role_id != user_role:
user.role_id = user_role
if admin_attribute_name and 'true' in session['samlUserdata'].get(admin_attribute_name, []):
elif admin_group_name in user_groups:
elif admin_attribute_name or group_attribute_name:
if user.role.name != 'User':
user.role_id = Role.query.filter_by(name='User').first().id
history = History(msg='Demoting {0} to user'.format(user.username), created_by='SAML Assertion')
user.plain_text_password = None
@ -343,7 +354,36 @@ def saml_authorized():
login_user(user, remember=False)
return redirect(url_for('index'))
return render_template('errors/SAML.html', errors=errors)
return render_template('errors/SAML.html', errors=errors)
def create_group_to_account_mapping():
group_to_account_mapping_string = app.config.get('SAML_GROUP_TO_ACCOUNT_MAPPING', None)
if group_to_account_mapping_string and len(group_to_account_mapping_string.strip()) > 0:
group_to_account_mapping = group_to_account_mapping_string.split(',')
group_to_account_mapping = []
return group_to_account_mapping
def handle_account(account_name):
clean_name = ''.join(c for c in account_name.lower() if c in "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789")
if len(clean_name) > Account.name.type.length:
logging.error("Account name {0} too long. Truncated.".format(clean_name))
account = Account.query.filter_by(name=clean_name).first()
if not account:
account = Account(name=clean_name.lower(), description='', contact='', mail='')
history = History(msg='Account {0} created'.format(account.name), created_by='SAML Assertion')
return account
def uplift_to_admin(user):
if user.role.name != 'Administrator':
user.role_id = Role.query.filter_by(name='Administrator').first().id
history = History(msg='Promoting {0} to administrator'.format(user.username), created_by='SAML Assertion')
@ -71,6 +71,12 @@ SAML_METADATA_CACHE_LIFETIME = 1
### Example: urn:oid:
## Split into Given name and Surname
## Useful if your IDP only gives a display name
### Default: none
### Example: http://schemas.microsoft.com/identity/claims/displayname
#SAML_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/identity/claims/displayname'
## Attribute to use for username
### Default: Use NameID instead
### Example: urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1
@ -84,6 +90,22 @@ SAML_METADATA_CACHE_LIFETIME = 1
### the user is set as a non-administrator user.
#SAML_ATTRIBUTE_ADMIN = 'https://example.edu/pdns-admin'
## Attribute to get group from
### Default: Don't use groups from SAML attribute
### Example: https://example.edu/pdns-admin-group
#SAML_ATTRIBUTE_GROUP = 'https://example.edu/pdns-admin'
## Group namem to get admin status from
### Default: Don't control admin with SAML group
### Example: https://example.edu/pdns-admin
#SAML_GROUP_ADMIN_NAME = 'powerdns-admin'
## Attribute to get group to account mappings from
### Default: None
### If set, the user will be added and removed from accounts to match
### what's in the login assertion if they are in the required group
#SAML_GROUP_TO_ACCOUNT_MAPPING = 'dev-admins=dev,prod-admins=prod'
## Attribute to get account names from
### Default: Don't control accounts with SAML attribute
### If set, the user will be added and removed from accounts to match
@ -97,6 +119,11 @@ SAML_SP_CONTACT_MAIL = '<contact mail>'
#Configures if SAML tokens should be encrypted.
#If enabled a new app certificate will be generated on restart
# Configures if you want to request the IDP to sign the message
# Default is True
#Use SAML standard logout mechanism retrieved from idp metadata
#If configured false don't care about SAML session on logout.
#Logout from PowerDNS-Admin only and keep SAML session authenticated.
@ -62,6 +62,12 @@ SAML_METADATA_CACHE_LIFETIME = 1
### Example: urn:oid:
## Split into Given name and Surname
## Useful if your IDP only gives a display name
### Default: none
### Example: http://schemas.microsoft.com/identity/claims/displayname
#SAML_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/identity/claims/displayname'
## Attribute to use for username
### Default: Use NameID instead
### Example: urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1
@ -75,6 +81,22 @@ SAML_METADATA_CACHE_LIFETIME = 1
### the user is set as a non-administrator user.
#SAML_ATTRIBUTE_ADMIN = 'https://example.edu/pdns-admin'
## Attribute to get group from
### Default: Don't use groups from SAML attribute
### Example: https://example.edu/pdns-admin-group
#SAML_ATTRIBUTE_GROUP = 'https://example.edu/pdns-admin'
## Group namem to get admin status from
### Default: Don't control admin with SAML group
### Example: https://example.edu/pdns-admin
#SAML_GROUP_ADMIN_NAME = 'powerdns-admin'
## Attribute to get group to account mappings from
### Default: None
### If set, the user will be added and removed from accounts to match
### what's in the login assertion if they are in the required group
#SAML_GROUP_TO_ACCOUNT_MAPPING = 'dev-admins=dev,prod-admins=prod'
## Attribute to get account names from
### Default: Don't control accounts with SAML attribute
### If set, the user will be added and removed from accounts to match
@ -88,6 +110,11 @@ SAML_SP_CONTACT_MAIL = '<contact mail>'
#Configures if SAML tokens should be encrypted.
#If enabled a new app certificate will be generated on restart
# Configures if you want to request the IDP to sign the message
# Default is True
#Use SAML standard logout mechanism retrieved from idp metadata
#If configured false don't care about SAML session on logout.
#Logout from PowerDNS-Admin only and keep SAML session authenticated.
@ -69,6 +69,12 @@ SAML_METADATA_CACHE_LIFETIME = 1
### Example: urn:oid:
## Split into Given name and Surname
## Useful if your IDP only gives a display name
### Default: none
### Example: http://schemas.microsoft.com/identity/claims/displayname
#SAML_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/identity/claims/displayname'
## Attribute to use for username
### Default: Use NameID instead
### Example: urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1
@ -82,6 +88,22 @@ SAML_METADATA_CACHE_LIFETIME = 1
### the user is set as a non-administrator user.
#SAML_ATTRIBUTE_ADMIN = 'https://example.edu/pdns-admin'
## Attribute to get group from
### Default: Don't use groups from SAML attribute
### Example: https://example.edu/pdns-admin-group
#SAML_ATTRIBUTE_GROUP = 'https://example.edu/pdns-admin'
## Group namem to get admin status from
### Default: Don't control admin with SAML group
### Example: https://example.edu/pdns-admin
#SAML_GROUP_ADMIN_NAME = 'powerdns-admin'
## Attribute to get group to account mappings from
### Default: None
### If set, the user will be added and removed from accounts to match
### what's in the login assertion if they are in the required group
#SAML_GROUP_TO_ACCOUNT_MAPPING = 'dev-admins=dev,prod-admins=prod'
## Attribute to get account names from
### Default: Don't control accounts with SAML attribute
### If set, the user will be added and removed from accounts to match
@ -95,6 +117,11 @@ SAML_SP_CONTACT_MAIL = '<contact mail>'
#Configures if SAML tokens should be encrypted.
#If enabled a new app certificate will be generated on restart
# Configures if you want to request the IDP to sign the message
# Default is True
#Use SAML standard logout mechanism retrieved from idp metadata
#If configured false don't care about SAML session on logout.
#Logout from PowerDNS-Admin only and keep SAML session authenticated.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user