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Active Directory Setup - Tested with Windows Server 2012

  1. Login as an admin to PowerDNS Admin

  2. Go to Settings --> Authentication

  3. Under Authentication, select LDAP

  4. Click the Radio Button for Active Directory

  5. Fill in the required info -

  • LDAP URI - ldap://ip.of.your.domain.controller:389
  • LDAP Base DN - dc=youdomain,dc=com
  • Active Directory domain - yourdomain.com
  • Basic filter - (objectCategory=person)
    • the brackets here are very important
  • Username field - sAMAccountName
  • GROUP SECURITY - Status - On
  • Admin group - CN=Your_AD_Admin_Group,OU=Your_AD_OU,DC=yourdomain,DC=com
  • Operator group - CN=Your_AD_Operator_Group,OU=Your_AD_OU,DC=yourdomain,DC=com
  • User group - CN=Your_AD_User_Group,OU=Your_AD_OU,DC=yourdomain,DC=com
  1. Click Save

  2. Logout and re-login as an LDAP user from each of the above groups.

If you're having problems getting the correct information for your groups, the following tool can be useful -


In our testing, groups with spaces in the name did not work, we had to create groups with underscores to get everything operational.