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Setup Postgres database for PowerDNS-Admin

We assume you already have a postgres database software installed for your platform.

Create database

$ sudo su - postgres
$ createuser powerdnsadmin
$ createdb powerdnsadmindb
$ psql
postgres=# alter user powerdnsadmin with encrypted password 'powerdnsadmin';
postgres=# grant all privileges on database powerdnsadmindb to powerdnsadmin;


  • Please change the information above (db, user, password) to fit your setup.

Setup Remote access to database:

If your database is on a different server postgres does not allow remote connections by default.

[root@host ~]$  sudo su - postgres
# Edit /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf
# Change the following line:
listen_addresses = 'localhost'
# to:
listen_addresses = '*'
# Edit /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf
# Add the following lines to the end of the 
host    all             all                           md5
host    all             all              ::/0                            md5

[postgres@host ~]$ exit
[root@host ~]$  sudo systemctl restart postgresql

On debian based systems these files are located in:



docker run --name pdnsadmin-test -e BIND_ADDRESS= 
-e SECRET_KEY='a-very-secret-key' 
-e PORT='9191' 
-e SQLA_DB_USER='powerdns_admin_user' 
-e SQLA_DB_PASSWORD='exceptionallysecure' 
-e SQLA_DB_NAME='powerdns_admin_test' 
-v /data/node_modules:/var/www/powerdns-admin/node_modules -d -p 9191:9191 ixpict/powerdns-admin-pgsql:latest