Changed HTTP to HTTPS because original GNU GPL v3 license `Copyright © 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <https://fsf.org/>` Original license https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html
Yggdrasil map
Forked from the code for http://www.fc00.org (http://h.fc00.org on Hyperboria).
Sending your view of the network
This code reads a map of known nodes from y.yakamo.org:3000/current
(reachable over yggdrasil). In order to display an accurate map of the network, we need your help. If you run a yggdrasil node, plase send your network view using the send-view.py script.
Web server
git clone https://github.com/Arceliar/yggdrasil-map.git
sudo apt-get install python-flask python-flup python-mysqldb python-pygraphviz python-networkx
cd yggdrasil-map/web
cp web_config.example.cfg web_config.cfg
python web.py
You would need to edit web.py to adjust the address/port the server listens on, and may want to edit the web_config.cfg file. Note that most of the options in web_config.cfg are unused after forking from the fc00.org code, so this is mostly just a workaround until we have time to clean up this code.
Run web/updateGraph.py
periodically to rerender nodes graph. You may want to customize reverse-proxy IP retrieval logic in web.py.